Why Do We Get Angrier as We Grow Older?

February 20, 2024

As people age, many notice a tendency to feel angrier or more irritable. This phenomenon may seem counterintuitive given the common belief that with age comes wisdom and a more measured response to life's challenges.

But a closer look at the neuroscience of aging reveals underlying biological changes that can influence emotions, including anger. This article will explore these changes from a purely neuroscientific perspective.

The Aging Anger Why We Tend to Get Angrier as We Grow Older

The Aging Brain: Basic Overview

As people age, their brain undergoes several structural and functional changes. Gray matter, crucial for information processing, shrinks, while white matter, essential for communication between neurons, shows degradation. These changes influence emotional regulation, among other functions.

Neurotransmitter Shifts

One huge factor is the change in neurotransmitter levels. Neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine play roles in mood regulation. Reduced levels of these neurotransmitters are linked with irritability and mood swings. Older adults often experience this reduction, leading to heightened susceptibility to negative emotional states like anger.

Cognitive Decline and Frustration

The prefrontal cortex, responsible for executive functions like decision-making and emotional regulation, also experiences atrophy with age. This decline may lead to frustration, impulsive behavior, and poorly regulated emotional responses, thereby heightening anger.

Changes in Amygdala Activity

Research shows that the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain, becomes more reactive as one ages. This heightened reactivity often corresponds to an increased anger response when confronted with emotionally charged situations.

Loss of Neural Plasticity

Neural plasticity allows the brain to adapt and learn. With age, this adaptability decreases, making it challenging to cope with new emotional stimuli or to change established patterns of emotional response. This rigidity can manifest as persistent anger or irritability.

Hormonal Changes

While not neurotransmitters, hormones like cortisol and adrenaline impact emotional states. Older adults frequently experience disrupted hormonal balances, affecting their emotional well-being. Elevated cortisol levels, for instance, are linked to increased stress and anger.

Interaction Between Regions

Aging doesn't impact brain regions in isolation; there's a complex interaction. For example, a declining prefrontal cortex might not adequately regulate an overly reactive amygdala, leading to heightened emotional responses.

Aging brings about numerous changes in the brain structure, and the complete picture remains under ongoing scientific investigation.

Social Isolation: The Unwanted Companion

Socially Isolated

Socially Isolated

Growing older often comes with a side of social isolation that no one ordered. Retirement, though eagerly awaited by many, means less daily interaction with colleagues and the rhythm of a structured day. Meanwhile, the inevitable circle of life means witnessing the passing of friends and family, leaving a void that’s hard to fill. Add physical limitations into the mix, like mobility issues or health concerns that make it difficult to leave the house, and you've got the perfect recipe for social isolation.

As humans, we are wired for connection. Our brains release feel-good hormones like oxytocin when we interact with others, so it’s no surprise that being isolated can lead to a cocktail of negative emotions. Initially, loneliness sets in, followed by a tinge of sadness. Over time, these emotions can ferment into a bitter brew of anger. It’s a natural progression; loneliness can make us feel rejected or abandoned, which can morph into sadness and then anger as a way to regain a sense of control or to protect ourselves from the pain of those feelings.

Moreover, social interactions often provide a sense of purpose and validation. Being part of a community, whether it’s a workgroup, a circle of friends, or a neighborhood, gives us a sense of belonging. When that is taken away, it can lead to a loss of identity and self-worth, which can also fuel feelings of anger.

For example, a person who was once active in their community or had a busy social life may find themselves spending most of their time alone at home due to mobility issues or health concerns. This drastic change in lifestyle can lead to feelings of frustration and anger, as the person may feel that their independence and quality of life have been compromised.

In summary, social isolation in older age is like an unwanted companion that brings along a suitcase full of negative emotions. The loneliness and sadness that come with being isolated can eventually morph into anger as a way to regain a sense of control or to protect oneself from the pain of those feelings. Moreover, the loss of community and sense of purpose that often comes with social isolation can also fuel feelings of anger as one grapples with a changed sense of identity and self-worth.

Loss of Independence: The Unwelcome Trade-off

Loss of Independence

Aging is a bit of a trade-off. We gain wisdom and experience, but often at the cost of our physical abilities. Simple tasks that were once done without a second thought, like carrying groceries, climbing stairs, or opening a stubborn jar lid, suddenly become daunting challenges. This decline in physical abilities can lead to a loss of independence, and with it, a surge of frustration and anger.

Independence is a valued trait in many cultures. It's associated with self-reliance, competence, and freedom. So, when that independence is chipped away by the natural aging process, it can feel like a direct assault on one’s self-worth and autonomy. This, in turn, can lead to feelings of frustration as simple tasks become difficult, and a once capable and independent person finds themselves needing assistance.

For example, someone who was once an avid gardener may find it increasingly difficult to bend down, kneel, or carry heavy bags of soil. This physical decline can lead to a sense of loss as beloved hobbies become too challenging to pursue. Furthermore, the reliance on others for help, whether it’s for transportation, household chores, or personal care, can evoke feelings of vulnerability and anger. No one likes to feel like a burden, and this shift in dynamics can be particularly tough to swallow.

Additionally, the loss of independence often comes with a side of societal stigma. Aging adults may feel undervalued or dismissed by a society that often equates youth with value. This can exacerbate feelings of frustration and anger as one grapples with a changed sense of self in a world that seems to have moved on without them.

In essence, the loss of independence that often accompanies aging is a multifaceted beast. It’s not just the physical decline that stokes the flames of anger, but also the associated feelings of vulnerability, the shift in dynamics with loved ones, the societal stigma, and the altered sense of self-worth and identity.

Sensory Impairments: The Frustration Magnifiers

As we age, our senses often decide to take a bit of a vacation, leading to common sensory impairments like hearing loss or vision decline. Unfortunately, these impairments don't just make it harder to hear the birds chirping or read the fine print on a label; they can significantly impact our ability to communicate and perform daily tasks, which can lead to a heaping helping of frustration and anger.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is, as we all know, incredibly common in older adults, and it can make conversations feel like a game of guesswork. Misunderstandings become more frequent, and it may feel like everyone is mumbling or speaking too softly. This can lead to feelings of isolation, as it becomes more difficult to participate in social interactions or even simple conversations with loved ones. Additionally, the constant effort required to decipher what others are saying can be mentally exhausting, leading to increased irritability and anger.

Vision Decline

Vision decline, on the other hand, can make the world seem blurry or distorted. Tasks that were once simple, like reading, writing, or navigating unfamiliar places, become challenging obstacles. This can lead to a loss of independence, as one may need assistance with tasks that were previously manageable alone. Moreover, the inability to see clearly can lead to feelings of vulnerability and insecurity, which can manifest as anger.

For example, someone with vision decline may struggle to read labels at the grocery store, leading to feelings of frustration and embarrassment. They may become angry at themselves for their perceived inadequacy or at others for not understanding their struggle.

Both hearing loss and vision decline can also lead to a decreased sense of control over one's environment. This can be particularly unsettling and can lead to increased anxiety and anger as one grapples with their changing capabilities.

Sensory impairments act as frustration magnifiers. They make communication and daily tasks more challenging, leading to feelings of isolation, vulnerability, and a decreased sense of control. These emotions can brew a potent cocktail of frustration and anger, making it difficult to navigate the already complex journey of aging.

Financial Strain: The Stress Generator

Financial strain is like that annoying party guest who shows up uninvited, eats all the food, and then sticks around long after everyone else has gone home. For many older adults, financial challenges are an unwelcome reality. Whether it's due to a fixed income, skyrocketing healthcare costs, or unexpected expenses, financial strain can be a source of stress and, consequently, anger.

Fixed Income

A fixed income often means having to carefully budget and plan for expenses, leaving little room for surprises or indulgences. This can lead to feelings of restriction and deprivation, as one may have to forgo things they once enjoyed or cut back on non-essential expenses. Moreover, the fear of outliving one’s savings is a common concern among older adults, leading to anxiety and anger as one grapples with the uncertainty of the future.

Rising Healthcare Costs

Medical expenses can quickly add up, and even with insurance, out-of-pocket costs can be substantial. This can lead to feelings of resentment and anger, as one may feel that they are being unfairly burdened by a system that is supposed to support them.

Unexpected expenses, such as home repairs or family emergencies, can also lead to financial strain. These expenses can throw a carefully planned budget into disarray, leading to stress and anger as one scrambles to make ends meet.

For example, an older adult on a fixed income may have carefully budgeted for their monthly expenses, only to be hit with an unexpected medical bill or home repair cost. This can lead to feelings of frustration and anger as they struggle to figure out how to cover the expense without jeopardizing their financial stability.

Changes in Living Environment: The Emotional Roller Coaster

Changes in Living Situations

Changes in Living Situations

Changing one's living environment is never a walk in the park, and for older adults, it can feel more like a roller coaster ride full of emotional ups and downs. Whether it’s moving from a long-term home, downsizing to a smaller space, or adjusting to life in a nursing facility, these changes can bring about feelings of loss, grief, and, you guessed it, anger.

Moving Away

Leaving a long-term home, for instance, is not just about packing boxes and hiring movers. It’s about saying goodbye to a place full of memories, a familiar environment, and a sense of comfort and belonging. This can lead to feelings of grief and loss, as one mourns the passing of a different chapter in their life. Moreover, the process of sorting through belongings, deciding what to keep and what to let go of, can be emotionally draining and can evoke feelings of anger as one confronts the reality of their changing circumstances.


Downsizing to a smaller space can also bring about feelings of anger. The necessity to part with cherished possessions due to lack of space can feel like a loss of control and an erosion of one’s identity. Additionally, the adjustment to a smaller living space can lead to feelings of restriction and confinement, which can fuel feelings of frustration and anger.

Nursing Home

Adjusting to life in a nursing facility presents its own set of challenges. The loss of independence, the unfamiliar environment, and the change in daily routine can all be incredibly stressful. Moreover, there may be feelings of resentment and anger towards family members who made the decision, even if it was in the best interest of the older adult.

For example, an older adult who has been moved to a nursing facility may feel angry and resentful towards their family for making the decision, even if they understand that it was necessary for their well-being. They may also feel angry at themselves for needing the help in the first place.

In essence, changes in living situations are an emotional roller coaster that can lead to feelings of anger. The sense of loss and grief associated with leaving a long-term home, the feelings of restriction and erosion of identity associated with downsizing, and the stress and resentment associated with adjusting to life in a nursing facility can all contribute to feelings of anger as one navigates these scary life changes.

Chronic Pain and Health Issues: The Uninvited Companions

Chronic Pain and Health Issues

Chronic Pain and Health Issues

Chronic pain and health issues are like the uninvited companions that insist on tagging along as we age. From aching joints to chronic diseases, these health challenges are prevalent in older adults and can impact their quality of life, leading to feelings of frustration, helplessness, and, inevitably, anger.

Chronic Pain

Pain from arthritis, back pain, or any other source, can be incredibly debilitating. It can limit one's ability to engage in physical activities, perform daily tasks, or even get a good night's sleep. The constant discomfort and restriction can lead to feelings of frustration and helplessness as one grapples with the limitations imposed by their body. This, in turn, can manifest as anger, either directed inwardly or outwardly towards others.

Health Issues

Issues such as chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or respiratory problems, can also contribute to feelings of anger. The need to manage these conditions meticulously, with medication, diet, and lifestyle changes, can feel burdensome and restrictive. Moreover, the anxiety associated with potential complications or the progression of the disease can lead to feelings of helplessness and anger.

For example, an older adult with diabetes may feel frustrated and angry about the need to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels and adhere to a strict diet. They may feel restricted by their condition and angry at themselves or others for any perceived inadequacies in managing it.

Side Effects

Additionally, the side effects of medications, which are often a necessary evil for managing chronic health issues, can also contribute to feelings of anger. Side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, or mood swings can be incredibly disruptive and can lead to increased irritability and anger.

Grieving Losses: The Emotional Maelstrom

Grieving Losses

The loss of loved ones is an unfortunate inevitability of life, and for many, this experience becomes more common as they age. Friends, siblings, spouses, and even, tragically, children may pass away, leaving a void that is incredibly difficult to fill. Grieving is a complex process that involves a range of emotions, and yes, anger is often one of them.

The grieving process is often described as having several stages, and while these stages are not experienced by everyone in the same way or order, anger is commonly known as one of them. This anger can manifest in various ways, such as feeling angry at oneself, at the person who has passed away, at the world, or even at a higher power.

Angry At Yourself

Feeling angry at yourself may be because of perceived failings or regrets associated with the relationship with your loved one who has passed away. 

For example, you might feel angry for not having spent enough time with them, for not having expressed your feelings, or for not being able to prevent the death.

Angry At Your Loved One

Feeling angry at the person who has passed away is also common, even though it might seem irrational. This anger might stem from feelings of abandonment, especially if they were the reason of support or companionship. It might also be because of unresolved issues or conflicts with them.

Angry At A Higher Power

Anger at the world or a higher power is also common during the grieving process. You might feel that the world is unfair or that a higher power has let you down. This anger might also be directed towards others who are perceived as not understanding the depth of the loss or not offering the support that is needed.

For example, someone grieving the loss of a spouse might feel angry at the world for taking away their companion. They might feel that others do not understand the depth of their loss and might be angry at them for their perceived insensitivity.

Anger is a normal and natural part of the grieving process. It is one of the many emotions that one may experience while navigating the painful journey of loss. The key is to recognize this anger without judgment, and to seek support if needed, whether from friends, family, or a professional.

Grieving losses involves an emotional maelstrom, and anger is often one of the swirling emotions in the mix. Whether directed inwardly, towards the person who has passed away, towards the world, or towards others, it is a natural and common reaction to the pain of loss. Recognizing and acknowledging this anger is an essential part of navigating the grieving process.

Perception of Time: The Ticking Clock

As we age, our perception of time often changes. For many older adults, time starts to feel more finite, creating a sense of urgency and, consequently, impatience in everyday situations. This speed change can lead to increased irritability and anger.

When we are young, time often feels limitless, and the future seems vast and full of possibilities. However, as we age, the horizon of our future starts to shrink, and the realization that time is limited can be a good psychological shift. This awareness of the ticking clock can create a desire to make the most of the time that is left, leading to a sense of urgency in accomplishing goals, spending time with loved ones, and engaging in meaningful activities.

This sense of urgency can, unfortunately, lead to impatience and irritability in everyday situations. For example, an older adult who is acutely aware of the finite nature of time may become impatient with long waits, slow service, or delays. They may also become more irritable with others who are perceived as wasting their time or not appreciating its value.

Additionally, the awareness of time as finite can also lead to a sense of regret or frustration about past decisions or missed opportunities. This can manifest as anger directed towards oneself or others who are perceived as having contributed to these regrets.

For example, an older adult who feels that they did not achieve everything they wanted to in their career may feel frustrated and angry at themselves for not having worked harder or made different choices. They may also feel angry at others who they perceive as having held them back or not supported their goals.

This is a psychological pressure cooker, leading to increased irritability and anger in everyday situations. The sense of urgency to make the most of the remaining time, coupled with regret or frustration about the past, can lead to heightened emotions and a shorter fuse as one navigates the challenges of aging.

How To Deal With Age-Related Anger

Growing older has its fair share of both joys and challenges, and feeling a little more irritable or angry can sometimes be part of the journey. Let's explore some science-backed ways to manage these feelings and keep your cool.

Recognizing the Triggers

Understanding what sets off your anger is the first step in managing it. It could be physical discomfort, feelings of isolation, or frustration with new limitations. For example, you might notice that you feel particularly irritable when you’re experiencing pain or when you’ve been alone for an extended period.

Developing Coping Strategies

Once you’ve identified your triggers, you can work on strategies to address them. For instance, research shows that social connections can have a profound impact on our mental health. If isolation is a trigger for you, making an effort to stay connected with others, even virtually, can make a big difference. Similarly, if physical discomfort is a trigger, working with a healthcare provider to manage your pain can be helpful.

Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of mindfulness and relaxation techniques in managing anger. Mindfulness involves staying present and fully engaging in the present moment, which can help you become more aware of your emotions as they arise. For instance, if you find yourself getting frustrated while trying to complete a task, taking a moment to practice mindfulness can help you approach the situation with a clearer mind.


Mindfulness is all about being present—feeling the weight of your body on the chair, listening to the sounds around you, and really tasting your food. This might sound basic, but how often do we actually do it? The science is clear: mindfulness helps you react to stress and anger in a more balanced way.

Example: Imagine you're stuck in traffic, and you feel your blood starting to boil. Instead of honking your horn or muttering under your breath, try taking deep breaths and focusing on the sensation of the air entering and leaving your lungs. You might be surprised at how it cools your jets!

Relaxation Techniques

These include things like deep breathing, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation. Each method has its own charm, but the goal is the same: to dial down the body's stress response. When you're less physically tense, it's easier to handle those emotional speed bumps like anger.

Example: Feeling overwhelmed? Try the "4-7-8" deep breathing technique. Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 7 seconds, and exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds. Doing this just a few times can work wonders for your state of mind!

Combining Mindfulness and Relaxation

Why choose one when you can have both? For instance, combine deep breathing with mindfulness by paying close attention to each breath as you inhale and exhale. The more you practice, the better you get at it—just like baking or gardening!

Example: Say you’re worried about a doctor's appointment. While you're in the waiting room, close your eyes and imagine the scent of your favorite flower or the feeling of a soft breeze. Take deep, mindful breaths as you focus on these sensations. Trust me, it's like a mini-vacation for your mind!

So, the next time life’s little irritations start to pile up, remember: mindfulness and relaxation techniques are your pals. Not only are they good friends to have, but they also come with a stamp of scientific approval. How awesome is that?

Physical Activity

Engaging in regular physical activity is another science-backed way to manage anger. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural stress relievers. Even light exercise, such as walking or stretching, can have a positive impact. For example, if you find yourself feeling restless and irritable, taking a short walk outside can help release some of that pent-up energy.

Seeking Support

Sometimes, talking to someone who understands what you’re going through can provide a fresh perspective and make you feel supported. If you’re finding it challenging to manage your anger on your own, consider seeking help from a mental health professional.


Navigating anger as you age involves recognizing your triggers, developing coping strategies, practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques, staying physically active, and seeking support when needed. Remember, it’s okay to have off days, and it’s okay to seek help. Here’s to more peaceful and enjoyable days ahead!

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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