Nuclear Survival Guide [Infographic]

February 4, 2024

You know, a nuclear threat is not totally a fantasy. Wherever you live, it could happen, and it would happen unexpectedly. In these very uncertain times with many scary things happening here & there, not just missile threats but nuclear plant accidents - what happened in Fukushima in 2011 was quite unexpected. The aftereffect was actually considered to be worse than Chornobyl.

Nuclear survival involves preparing for and responding to the challenges posed by an explosion, including the initial blast, radiation fallout, and long-term recovery. It takes the immediate need for shelter, the significance of time, distance, and shielding in reducing radiation exposure.

And of course, it's smart to have food and water stored away, know how to spot sickness from bad radiation, and keep a radio handy for updates.

Don't forget to plan how to get to safety if needed, pack a bag with essentials, and remember, sticking together and staying calm is super important. This guide's here to help you stay safe and sound if a nuclear event ever happens.

Nuclear Survival Guide Raysurrection Infographic

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  1. Initial Blast and Heat: The immediate effects of a nuclear explosion include intense light and heat, a powerful shockwave, and significant blast damage. Surviving the initial blast depends greatly on distance from the explosion and adequate shelter.
  2. Fallout: After the blast, radioactive fallout becomes a major concern. Fallout particles can be carried by winds for hundreds of miles. Finding shelter to avoid direct exposure is critical in the hours and days following an explosion.
  3. Shelter: The best immediate action following a nuclear explosion is to get indoors, stay away from windows, and head to a basement or the middle of a building. Thick concrete and earth provide the best protection against radiation.
  4. Time: Radiation levels decrease rapidly with time. Experts follow the rule of thumb called the "seven-ten rule": for every sevenfold increase in time after the detonation, there's a tenfold decrease in exposure rate. So, the longer you can stay sheltered, the better.
  5. Distance: The farther away you are from the blast and fallout zones, the better your chances of avoiding significant radiation exposure.
  6. Shielding: Dense materials (lead, concrete, bricks) between you and the radiation source significantly reduce exposure. The more material you can put between yourself and the fallout particles, the better.
  7. Water and Food Safety: After a nuclear event, water and food can be contaminated by radioactive materials. Consuming sealed food and water or that which was stored in a protected area is safer. Avoid consuming food and water exposed to fallout until it's been declared safe.
  8. Radiation Sickness: Symptoms can range from nausea and vomiting to hair loss and burns, depending on exposure level. Minimizing exposure is key to avoiding radiation sickness.
  9. Communication: Keeping a battery-powered or hand-crank radio is advisable to receive emergency information if the power and communication networks are down.
  10. Evacuation Plans: Knowing evacuation routes and having a plan in place can make all the difference. If authorities advise evacuation, it's important to follow their guidance on when and where to go.
  11. Emergency Supplies: Having a kit with essentials such as water, food, a first aid kit, medications, a flashlight, a radio, and personal documents is vital. A supply for at least 72 hours is recommended.
  12. Mental Health: The psychological impact of a nuclear event can be profound. Support from and for family members and community can help manage the stress and anxiety that come with such a crisis.

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About the author 

Ray Flexión

Driven by dreams, grounded by reality, taking revenge on life's challenges. Whatever you say, I stand strong. I'm kind-hearted, though unapologetically true to myself. I stumble but I rise. I am who I am , no excuse.

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  1. I think we all talked about nuclear fallouts back in 1970’s and 1980’s. Then Soviet-US cold war ended and we stopped talking about it. Still a possibility maybe an attack from countries that are unexpected… Syria, Libya, Iran…who knows.

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