Fit at 50 and Beyond: 20 Ways To Tone Your Body in 60 Days

September 23, 2023

So you’ve reached that age where the mirror reflects a little extra around the edges and your favorite pair of jeans have become too snug for comfort. I’ve concocted a 60-day challenge chock-full of practical tips to help you morph from a dough boy to a go-boy. Here are 20 fun and doable ways to tone up your physique and reignite that youthful verve.

Fit at 50 and Beyond: 20 Ways To Tone Your Body in 60 Days

1. The Early Bird Gets The Worm

Jumpstarting your day with a brisk morning jog or a 30-minute workout can do wonders. Not a fan of the sweat-dripping workouts? No worries! A light stretching or yoga session can be equally invigorating. Morning exercise is said to boost metabolism.

Plus, it's a serene time when you can gather your thoughts before the daily hustle. A practical tip is to lay out your workout gear the night before. This simple act nudges you a step closer to rising with the sun and hitting the pavement.

2. Hydration Nation

The essence of a well-oiled machine is, well, staying well-oiled. Think of water as your body’s lubricant. Drinking ample water keeps your skin glowing, helps with digestion, and can even keep those pesky hunger pangs at bay. An easy tactic is to carry a refillable water bottle wherever you go. Feeling a little playful?

Get a water tracking app or mark deadlines on your bottle to guzzle down certain amounts by designated times. Hydration doesn’t have to be bland either; infuse your water with mint, berries, or a citrus slice for a splash of flavor!

3. Food Is Fuel, Not Therapy

Food Is Fuel

This one's a game changer. It's easy to reach for comfort foods when stress swoops in, but substituting with healthier options is a smarter move.

For instance, swap the creamy ice cream for a bowl of Greek yogurt topped with honey and nuts, or the chips for crunchy carrot and cucumber sticks with hummus. And hey, if you’re feeling a tad adventurous, why not try out new healthy recipes?

The idea is to develop a nourishing relationship with food. Planning your meals and snacks ahead also helps in making healthier food choices, even on the busiest days.

4. Workout Buddy System

Having a workout buddy is like having a cheerleader who’s sweating right beside you. It’s about shared goals, friendly competition, and mutual encouragement.

For instance, if you’re someone who dreads the gym, having a friend to workout with can make the experience enjoyable and less daunting. Y

ou can set common fitness goals, keep each other on track, and maybe even share a few laughs amidst the grueling workouts. The camaraderie can morph exercising from a chore to a fun, social activity.

5. Mix It Up

Monotony is the nemesis of motivation. So, diversify your workout routine to keep things exciting. One day could be dedicated to strength training, another to cardio, and maybe toss in a day for flexibility exercises like yoga or Pilates.

For cardio, for instance, alternate between jogging, swimming, or even a dance class. Mixing things up not only keeps boredom at bay, but also ensures you’re toning your body from head to toe.

Moreover, exploring different workout regimens might help you discover a new passion. Who knows, kickboxing or salsa dancing might just become your new favorite workout!

6. Climb Every Mountain

Alright, climbing every mountain might be a bit ambitious, but seizing opportunities for extra physical activity throughout your day isn’t. Opt for the stairs instead of the elevator, or if you have a tall order, maybe tackle half the flights and take the elevator the rest of the way.

Little changes like these can really add up over time. Plus, stair climbing is a great way to get your heart pumping and tone those legs.

7. Walk and Talk

Walk and Talk

A great hack to infuse some movement into your routine is to convert stationary meetings or catch-ups into walking ones. If you have a phone call, why not pace around instead of sitting?

Or suggest a walk in the park with friends rather than a sit-down coffee catch-up. Not only do you get to enjoy a good chat, but you also earn yourself some extra steps and fresh air.

8. Take a Hike

The weekend arrives and it’s the perfect opportunity to explore the great outdoors. Hiking is a fantastic way to get a full-body workout without feeling like you're working out. You're too immersed in the beautiful scenery, the crisp air, and the joy of discovery.

It’s a fun and practical way to get your exercise in, and you can adjust the difficulty by choosing trails that match your fitness level.

9. Make Your TV Time Count

We all have our favorite shows, and giving them up might feel like a tall order. But who says you can’t stay active while binging? During the show, you can perform simple exercises like jumping jacks, squats, lunges, or even some yoga poses.

And when the dreaded commercial break comes around, amp up the intensity. Turn it into a mini workout session. Your TV time suddenly becomes a guilt-free indulgence.

10. Pack Your Lunch With Love

Pack Your Lunch With Love

Preparing your own meals is a game-changer. Not only does it save you a few bucks, but it also puts you in control of what you eat. Pack your lunch with a mix of lean proteins, healthy fats, and a rainbow of vegetables.

Let's say a nice grilled chicken salad with a variety of veggies and a side of avocado. It’s about making choices that fuel your body while tickling your taste buds. Prepping meals ahead can also be a fun Sunday routine to set you up for success during the bustling week ahead.

Plus, exploring new recipes and flavors can turn into a delightful hobby.

Oh, and don’t forget to throw in a little treat for yourself; you’re working hard and a little dark chocolate never hurt anyone!

11. Cut the Booze, Lose the Caboose

Trimming down the alcohol can be a fantastic start to trimming down your waistline. It’s astonishing how quickly the calories from a couple of beers or that glass of wine can add up. Instead, why not try swapping out the alcohol for some tasty, low-calorie beverages?

Sparkling water with a splash of lemon, herbal teas, or even a mocktail can be enjoyable alternatives. If cutting out alcohol entirely feels too drastic, perhaps consider limiting it to social occasions or the weekend.

12. Skip the Sugar, Sweetie

Sugar can be quite the sneaky saboteur on your toning expedition. Those innocent-looking sweet treats often result in unwanted pounds. Swapping out sugary snacks and beverages for healthier options can make a significant difference.

For a sweet fix, try fruit or a handful of berries. And when your sweet tooth kicks in, how about a square of dark chocolate? It's lower in sugar and has some health benefits too!

13. Belly Dancing, Why Not?

Belly Dancing

When was the last time you tried something totally out of the ordinary? Belly dancing is not only fun but it's a killer workout too! It can help tone your core muscles like no other. Plus, it’s a hoot! Search for local classes or find a tutorial online.

You might discover a new hobby and make a few friends along the way. So shimmy those hips and let the rhythm take control!

14. Desk-ercise

If you’re chained to a desk most of the day, fear not. There are plenty of exercises you can do right from your chair. Seated leg lifts, chair squats, and seated tap dance are just a few.

Or how about a discreet under-the-desk mini cycle? It’s all about making the most of what you have. Plus, these mini workouts can be great for breaking up the monotony of the day and getting your blood flowing again.

15. Park Far, Walk Far

Parking spots close to the entrance are overrated, plus they're always taken. Why not park a little farther away and enjoy the stroll? Those extra steps add up over time and can contribute to your fitness goals. Make it a daily challenge.

You might find you enjoy the extra minutes of fresh air and quiet before and after your errands or work. And hey, it's also a stress-free way to avoid the fierce competition for the prime parking spots.

So the next time you head to the mall, the grocery store, or the office, snag a spot in the back and strut your stuff to the front door. It’s a small adjustment with a dash of added exercise.

16. Shake a Leg

Dance is a fantastic, exhilarating way to shed some pounds and tone that body. You don’t have to be Fred Astaire to reap the benefits. Just put on your favorite tunes and let loose in your living room. It’s about moving your body, having a blast, and maybe laughing at some of your own quirky moves.

Consider joining a local Zumba or hip-hop class. Dancing not only elevates your heart rate but also nurtures your soul.

17. Resistance is Not Futile

Resistance Training

Incorporating resistance training into your routine is a smart move. This could mean lifting weights or using resistance bands. Don’t fret if you don’t have a gym membership. Home workouts with your own body weight or everyday items like water bottles can be quite effective.

Think push-ups, squats, and tricep dips. Resistance training helps in building lean muscle mass which in turn revs up your metabolism. Plus, there’s a sort of Spartan joy in feeling your strength build over time.

18. Let’s Get Functional

Functional training exercises are those that help you perform daily activities more easily and without injuries. They focus on balance, coordination, and strength. Exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups fall into this category.

For instance, mastering the squat not only tones your legs and butt but also makes picking up that dropped pen or ascending your throne (aka, your office chair) much easier. Engage in functional training to make everyday movements a breeze.

19. Buddy Up For Accountability

Social commitments can be a powerful motivator. Make a pact with a friend to keep each other accountable. Schedule regular workouts, share your food logs, or even compete in a friendly step or calorie-burn challenge.

Having someone to share the highs and lows with can be extremely encouraging. Plus, a tad of friendly competition could spark that extra bit of motivation needed to stay on track.

20. Have More Sex

Have More Sex

Sex is not only a wonderful way to connect with your partner but also a fun way to get some exercise. It's true! Engaging in sexual activity can burn calories and help tone your muscles. For example, different positions can engage different muscle groups, giving a playful dimension to your fitness routine.

Consider exploring new positions or activities that might increase physical exertion like a playful chase around the house leading to the bedroom.

Also, the release of endorphins during sex promotes a better mood and can help reduce stress, which in turn, supports your overall fitness and well-being. So, nurturing your intimate relationship can have delightful benefits for your physique and your spirits!

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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