The 12 Laws of Karma Will Get You

January 7, 2024

What goes around comes around. Good actions lead to positive results, and not-so-good actions... well, you already know that, don't you? So let's see how karma is playing out in our lives. The 12 Laws of Karma. Shall we?

1. The Great Law: What Goes Around Comes Around

The 12 Laws of Karma

I've always believed in the Great Law, the idea that what you put out in the world comes back to you. It's like getting back the echoes of your own actions, you know? Here's how I've seen it in action:

  • Helping a Friend: Once, I lent a hand to a friend who was moving. It was a hectic day, but I was there for him. A few months later, when I needed help with a project, he was the first to offer assistance. It felt like the universe was giving me back the kindness I had shared.
  • Workplace Attitude: At work, I try to stay positive, even on tough days. This attitude has come back to me through colleagues who often support me when I'm overwhelmed. It's like spreading positivity creates a safety net for when you need it, right?

Did You Know?

  • Global Belief in Karma: Surveys indicate that in countries with strong Buddhist and Hindu traditions, such as India and Thailand, belief in karma is nearly universal, potentially exceeding 80%.
  • Karma in the United States: A Pew Research Center survey found that approximately 29% of Americans believe in karma, despite the predominantly Christian faith.
  • Youth Belief in the U.S.: Among younger Americans, belief in concepts like karma is higher, with studies suggesting around 36% of teenagers believe in karma.
  • Karma Among Non-religious: About 25% of Americans who identify as spiritual but not religious believe in karma, according to Gallup polls.
  • European Perspectives: In the UK, about 30% of people are reported to believe in karma, indicating a significant presence of this belief in a largely secular region.

In practicing the Great Law, or 'what you sow, you reap', I try to be mindful of the energy and actions I put out into the world. For instance, when interacting with friends or colleagues, I make an effort to be kind and understanding. This mindfulness is not just about expecting good in return, but it's about creating a positive environment around me. It's like being aware that every smile, kind word, or helping hand I offer can set off a chain of positivity.


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2. The Law of Creation: Making Life Happen

The Law of Creation is all about taking an active role in shaping your life. Sitting back and waiting for things to happen just isn't my style. Here are some examples:

  • Pursuing a Hobby: I've always been interested in gardening. Instead of just thinking about it, I started a small garden. That effort turned into a space of tranquility and beauty in my home. It's a reminder that I need to take the first step to make things happen.
  • Career Moves: When I wanted a promotion, I didn't just wish for it; I worked for it. I took extra courses and volunteered for challenging projects. It paid off, and I got the promotion. It shows that you need to create the opportunities you desire, isn't it?

Rather than waiting for things to happen, I take steps to make them happen. This could be as simple as initiating plans with friends or setting personal goals and working towards them. I've found that when I take charge and create the moments I want, life feels more fulfilling and less like something that's just happening to me. It's about making life happen, not just letting it happen, right?

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Did You Know?

  • Australia's Belief: Around 24% of Australians believe in karma, showcasing the diversity of spiritual beliefs in western countries.
  • Canadian Views on Karma: In Canada, approximately 33% of people express belief in karma, reflecting a multicultural and diverse spiritual landscape.
  • Brazilian Belief: In Brazil, 31% of the population believes in karma, highlighting the blend of spiritual beliefs in Latin America.
  • Asian Perspectives: In Japan, around 34% believe in karma, which aligns with the country's Buddhist traditions.
  • African Insights: A survey in South Africa showed that 40% believe in karma, indicating its presence in African spiritualities.

3. The Law of Humility: Acceptance Leads to Change

The Law of Humility has taught me a lot about acceptance. When you accept things, especially the tough parts, you open the door to real change. Here are a couple of personal instances:

  • Acknowledging Mistakes: I used to be quite stubborn, finding it hard to admit my mistakes. But once I started accepting my flaws, I could work on them. This led to better relationships both at work and in my personal life. It's a bit like fixing a leak in a boat; you can't fix what you don't acknowledge, right?
  • Dealing with Criticism: In the past, I struggled with criticism. Embracing it instead of getting defensive has helped me grow. I've learned to sift through feedback, taking what's useful and discarding what's not. This approach has made me more adaptable and resilient.

The Law of Humility reminds me to accept things as they are, especially when it comes to self-improvement. By acknowledging my flaws, like sometimes being impatient or jumping to conclusions, I can work on them. Accepting these traits doesn't mean resigning to them; rather, it's the first step in growing and evolving. This acceptance leads to genuine change.

4. The Law of Growth: Change Begins Within

The Impact on Spiritual Growth

The Law of Growth is all about the idea that personal change is the key to external change. Here's how I've seen this law in action in my life:

  • Personal Development: I used to struggle with public speaking. I realized that to get better, I had to work on my confidence. So, I joined a speaking club and practiced regularly. This effort didn't just improve my speaking skills; it boosted my overall confidence.
  • Relationships: I've learned that if I want my relationships to be healthier, I need to work on being a better listener and communicator. Focusing on these areas has led to deeper and more meaningful connections with others. It's like tending to a plant; it grows better with proper care, right?

In line with the Law of Growth, I focus on my personal development. Whether it's through reading, meditation, or just self-reflection, I believe growth starts within. When I'm faced with challenges, I try to look inward and see how my attitudes or actions can change for the better. It's like nurturing the garden of my mind to positively affect my external world, isn't it?

5. The Law of Responsibility: Owning Your Life


The Law of Responsibility has taught me that I'm the primary creator of my life's experiences. Here's how I've applied this law:

  • Work-Life Balance: I used to blame my job for my lack of personal time. Then, I took responsibility and started managing my time better. This shift allowed me to enjoy my hobbies and spend more time with loved ones.
  • Health and Wellness: When I faced health challenges, I realized I had to take responsibility for my well-being. By changing my diet and incorporating exercise into my routine, I saw significant improvements. It's about taking charge of your life, isn't it?

Practicing the Law of Responsibility, I take ownership of what happens in my life. If something goes wrong, instead of playing the blame game, I look at how my actions might have contributed to the situation. This approach has helped me take more control of my life and reduce feelings of helplessness or frustration.

Did You Know?

  • Russian Belief: In Russia, about 16% of people believe in karma, despite the predominant Orthodox Christian faith.
  • China's Belief: Around 19% of Chinese people believe in karma, influenced by Buddhist and traditional beliefs.
  • Swedish Belief: In Sweden, a country known for its secularism, 18% still believe in karma.
  • Polish Perspective: Around 21% of people in Poland believe in karma, amidst a predominantly Catholic population.
  • Norwegian Views: In Norway, about 20% of the population believes in karma, reflecting diverse spiritual beliefs in a secular society.

6. The Law of Connection: Every Step Matters

The Law of Connection speaks to the importance of every action, no matter how small, in the grand scheme of life. Here are some examples from my life:

  • Daily Habits: I've learned that small daily habits contribute to long-term success. Whether it's a short morning meditation or reading a few pages of a book each night, these small actions have enriched my life significantly.
  • Career Path: Every job I've had, no matter how insignificant it seemed at the time, taught me valuable lessons and skills that I use in my current role. It's like every step was a piece of the puzzle that is my career.

With the Law of Connection, I recognize that every step in life, no matter how small, is significant. This includes acknowledging the small daily habits that contribute to larger goals. It's understanding that each moment, action, and decision is interconnected and plays a role in the bigger picture of my life.

7. The Law of Focus: Concentrating on One Thing

The Law of Focus

The Law of Focus has been a game changer for me. It's all about the power of concentrating on one thing at a time. Here's how I've experienced it:

  • Work Projects: I used to juggle multiple tasks at once, and it never worked out well. Now, I focus on one project at a time, giving it my full attention. The quality of my work has improved, and I feel less stressed.
  • Personal Goals: Whether it's fitness or learning a new skill, I've found that focusing on one goal at a time leads to better results. It's easier to track progress and stay motivated, right?

I practice the Law of Focus by single-tasking. Instead of scattering my attention across multiple tasks, I concentrate on one thing at a time. This could be as simple as fully engaging in a conversation without checking my phone, or dedicating a block of time to a work project without distractions. This focus not only improves the quality of my work but also my overall satisfaction with what I'm doing.

Did You Know?

  • Indonesian Belief: In Indonesia, where Islam is the major religion, around 78% acknowledge a form of karma in their belief system, reflecting the syncretic nature of Indonesian spirituality.
  • Karma in the Netherlands: About 23% of Dutch people believe in karma, showing the belief's reach in secular Europe.
  • Karma and Christianity in the U.S.: Despite Christianity's different doctrinal basis, 27% of American Christians express belief in reincarnation and, indirectly, in the concept of karma.
  • French Belief: In France, 22% of the population believes in karma, indicating its presence in Western European spirituality.
  • Global Diversity in Belief: These statistics underscore the global diversity in belief systems, with karma being a concept that crosses religious and cultural boundaries, reflecting a wide range of beliefs and interpretations.

8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality: Acts of Kindness

The Law of Giving and Hospitality reminds me that my actions should reflect my beliefs. Here are some ways I've seen this law in my life:

  • Community Involvement: I believe in giving back, so I volunteer at a local shelter. This act of service not only helps those in need but also brings me a sense of fulfillment and connection.
  • Supporting Friends: Whenever a friend is in need, I try to be there for them. Whether it's a listening ear or a helping hand, these actions reflect my belief in the power of kindness, you know?

In my daily life, I try to reflect the Law of Giving and Hospitality by ensuring my actions mirror my beliefs. If I value kindness, I make an effort to be kind in my interactions. This includes volunteering, lending an ear to a friend in need, or simply offering a smile to a stranger. It's about making my actions an authentic reflection of my inner values.

9. The Law of Here and Now: Living in the Moment

The Law of Here and Now

The Law of Here and Now has taught me the importance of living in the present. Here are some personal experiences:

  • Appreciating the Present: I used to worry a lot about the future, which took away from enjoying the present. Now, I try to savor each moment, whether it's a peaceful walk or a coffee with a friend.
  • Letting Go of the Past: Holding onto past regrets can be draining. I've learned to let go and focus on the now, which has led to a happier and more fulfilling life. It's about being present in your own story.

Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about the future, I try to savor the current moment. Whether it's enjoying a meal, listening to music, or taking a walk, I immerse myself fully in the experience. This mindfulness in the present has brought a deeper appreciation and joy in everyday life.


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10. The Law of Change: Learning from Repetition

The Law of Change is all about learning lessons from repeating patterns in life. Here's how I've seen this law play out:

  • Relationship Dynamics: I noticed a pattern in my relationships where similar issues kept cropping up. It wasn't until I took a step back to reflect and change my approach to communication that these patterns started to shift.
  • Career Choices: Early in my career, I often felt unfulfilled in my jobs. It took several changes to realize that what I needed was a career that aligned more with my passions and values. Once I made this change, my job satisfaction greatly improved. You see, it's about breaking the cycle, right?

Whenever I find myself facing similar issues, whether in relationships or personal challenges, I take a step back to see what lessons I can learn. This involves breaking old patterns and reacting differently to change the course of my life.

11. The Law of Patience and Reward: The Value of Persistence

Patience and persistence have been crucial in my life, as taught by the Law of Patience and Reward. Here are some examples:

  • Achieving Personal Goals: Whether it was learning a new language or getting in shape, the most rewarding achievements took time and consistent effort. The sense of accomplishment that comes after putting in the work is unmatched.
  • Building Relationships: Good relationships don't just happen overnight. They require time, understanding, and patience. The strong bonds I have now are the result of this persistent nurturing. It's a slow but rewarding process, isn't it?

In line with the Law of Patience and Reward, I practice perseverance, especially when it comes to achieving long-term goals. Whether it's a fitness goal or a professional aspiration, I understand that the best rewards come from consistent effort over time. Patience, coupled with persistent efforts, has been key in achieving some of my most valued accomplishments.

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Create joy, reap happiness.

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12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration: Making a Difference

The Law of Significance and Inspiration highlights the importance of each action, no matter how small. Here's how this law resonates with me:

  • Volunteering: I regularly volunteer in my community. Every small action I take contributes to a larger cause and makes a difference in someone's life.
  • Mentoring Others: Sharing my experiences and guiding others in their personal or professional lives has not only helped them but also given me a sense of fulfillment. It's about the ripple effect of positive actions.

The Law of Significance and Inspiration guides me to ensure that my actions, however small, are meaningful and inspire others. This could be through mentoring, community service, or simply spreading positivity in my daily interactions. I believe that every action has a ripple effect and the potential to inspire and uplift others.

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About the author 

Max Lee

Max Lee is a fitness enthusiast who loves pushing his limits and challenging himself. Despite his dedication to physical fitness, he still retains a laid-back attitude that makes him approachable and easy to talk to. He is passionate about helping others take control of their mental health and reach positive states of mind.

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  1. Thank you for the insightful article. I heard about 12 laws but I never understood the clear difference between some of them like connection and creativity. They can be interchangeable. But now you explained I understand it clearly. I use this page as a bible for me and keep the 12 laws in mind every day. Every time I feel down I can take myself higher. Thank you.
    Jason Hoggard

    1. Thanks a lot Jason for your comment. It means a lot. Any question, don’t hesitate to leave another comment. I’ll come back to you as soon as I can.

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