Live Large! I Am Proud Of My Body

September 9, 2023

When I think about my body and how I've maintained it so far, one thing I can say is: pride. Yes, I’m overweight, and I wear that label with a sense of honor. Society often pushes a single narrative of beauty, and here I am, happily defying that mold.

My body positivity started early. As a child, I was always a little more to love. While other kids were playing jump rope or tag, I found solace in books and arts, developing my mind as much as my body. Back then, my size sometimes made me feel isolated, like I didn’t quite fit in. However, growing older, I realized that this uniqueness was a badge of honor.

Live Large! I Am Proud Of My Body

Did You Know?

  • Prevalence of Lookism: A study found that 87% of women and 65% of men report facing some form of appearance-based discrimination.
  • Impact on Employment: Research indicates that attractive individuals can earn up to 20% more than their less attractive counterparts.
  • Beauty Bias in Schools: Studies show that teachers may unknowingly give better grades to more attractive students.
  • Social Media's Role: 70% of teens feel that social media platforms encourage lookism by promoting unrealistic beauty standards.
  • Mental Health Effects: About 60% of people suffering from body dysmorphic disorder report severe emotional distress due to lookism.

What's Beyond the Scale

Weight does not define my worth, abilities, or potential. Instead, each pound, each curve, and each soft spot tells a story. They're memories etched into the very fabric of my being. From family gatherings around a table filled with love and food to the cozy nights spent with a tub of ice cream and a heartwarming movie, my weight narrates a life of indulgence, moments of solitude, and profound relationships.

Each pound is a testament to a life lived fully, enjoying every morsel of joy the world has to offer.


"Yes, Anne. I prefer a woman with more curves. I'm sorry."
"I weigh 200 pounds, Brandon. Are you breaking up with me because I'm not heavy enough?
"No, no, that's not... Well, yes."
"You can't discriminate against someone because of their weight! You could be sued for saying that! I bet you are a big, fat gay!"

The Silhouette in the Mirror

When I stand before my reflection, it’s like facing an old friend. The rolls, the stretch marks, and the plumpness are all familiar sights. But I think all those things in a different way. I see each mark as a testament to growth, obstacles that I've faced, and battles that I've won.

My reflection is not just a visual representation of my appearance but a mosaic of experiences, life lessons, and intimate moments.

Fashion, My Way

Those who say you need to be slim to be stylish are lookism-phobia, I would say. Let those losers deal with their problems. My wardrobe is a vivid expression of my personality. From billowy dresses that sway with my every move to the snug-fit jeans that accentuate my form, my fashion choices celebrate my body in all its glory.

And you know what, every time I step out, I show myself off with pride to challenge stereotypes. The world needs it. It needs a statement that style knows no size.

The Social Aspects

God Bless Mother Nature Shes A Single Woman Too

Interacting with others has been a mixed bag. Yes, there have been unsolicited pieces of advice, judgmental glances, and occasional whispers. But for each negative encounter, there have been countless more filled with support, acceptance, and genuine admiration.

Society's beauty standards are ever-evolving, but the foundation of body pride remains constant. Of course, I've had highs and lows, moments of doubt and celebration. Yet, through it all, the constant has been my unyielding pride in who I am.

I’ve learned to focus on positive interactions, drawing strength from those who appreciate and value me for who I am.

Did You Know?

  • Healthcare Disparities: Overweight patients report 19% more instances of disrespect from medical professionals, impacting their quality of care.
  • Global Differences: In South Korea, an estimated one in three women has undergone cosmetic surgery, highlighting cultural variations in beauty standards.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Efforts: 45% of U.S. companies now have initiatives to reduce lookism and promote a more inclusive workplace.
  • Legal Actions: Only a few places, like San Francisco and Washington, D.C., have laws directly addressing and prohibiting lookism.
  • Gender Disparity: Women are disproportionately affected by lookism, with 85% reporting they've felt pressured to meet certain beauty standards.

The Health Balance

Of course, I take my health seriously as I get older. I don't want to die young. But I don't exercise just to shed weight. I want to feel invigorated and alive.

I dance to music, cycle around the park, or practicing deep breathing, and whatever I do, these activities keep me grounded and connected to my body. Similarly, food is not just sustenance. It’s a sensory delight, a cultural experience, and often, a therapeutic indulgence. While I ensure a balanced diet, I don’t shy away from treating myself occasionally.

Health and well-being are deeply personal. Some might argue that celebrating being overweight disregards the health concerns linked to it. But understanding one’s health is a deeply intricate and individual process. While some might thrive at a smaller size, I’ve learned to listen to my body and provide what it needs, whether it's nourishment, rest, or a hearty laugh.

My weight has never stopped me from dancing in my living room, taking long walks with friends, or trying out that new yoga class. Living a joyful life is a balance, and that balance is unique for every one of us.

Mindful Health Choices

Listening to my body has been an enlightening journey. I don't know if you get those signs? Those subtle signs. Like a slight headache after too much screen time or the energy slump in the afternoon, tell me when I need to adjust my habits.

If you keep paying close attention, you'll discover some patterns that guide your daily decisions. I've discovered mine so I hope. you will too, if you haven't already.

1. Nutrition: More Than Just Eating

Colorful Fruits and Vegetables

Food, for me, is both a pleasure and a responsibility. While I love indulging in my favorite treats, I've found balance by incorporating a rainbow of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into my meals. I avoid excessive sugar and processed foods, not because of popular diets but because of how they make me feel afterward.

2. The Serenity of Sleep

I used to underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. But over time, I've noticed that quality rest is directly linked to my mood, concentration, and overall well-being. I've set up a bedtime routine that includes dimming lights, reading, and ensuring my bedroom is a sanctuary of comfort.

3. Movement: Beyond the Gym

Exercise doesn't always mean lifting weights or clocking miles on a treadmill. I find joy in simple activities: dancing around my living room, gardening, or even a leisurely stroll in the park. These movements keep my body agile, my heart happy, and my mind clear.

Did You Know?

  • Ageism and Lookism: Individuals over 50 face a 40% higher risk of being passed over for jobs due to age-related lookism.
  • Body Positivity Movement: The hashtag #BodyPositivity has been used over 10 million times on Instagram, promoting acceptance and fighting lookism.
  • Impact on LGBTQ+ Community: LGBTQ+ individuals face higher rates of lookism, with 53% reporting discrimination based on appearance.
  • Weight Discrimination: Approximately 40% of overweight adults have experienced discrimination because of their weight.
  • Cultural Influence: In many cultures, lighter skin is associated with higher social status, leading to a global skin-lightening industry worth over $8 billion.

4. Mental Well-being: A Priority

Physical health gets a lot of attention, but mental well-being is equally vital. I've cultivated habits like meditation and journaling to process my emotions. When things get tough, I don’t hesitate to seek professional help or confide in trusted friends. Acknowledging and addressing my mental health needs has made a world of difference.

5. Hydration: The Elixir of Life

Water is often touted as the solution to many health concerns, and in my experience, this isn’t far from the truth. I keep a bottle handy, reminding me to sip throughout the day. Not only does it keep my skin radiant, but it also aids digestion and boosts energy.

6. Limiting Screen Time

The modern world offers countless digital distractions. While I enjoy a good binge-watching session or scrolling through social media, I’ve set boundaries to prevent digital burnout. Regular breaks, screen-free zones, and dedicated offline time help me maintain a healthy relationship with technology.

My health mission is an evolving one, filled with discoveries and adjustments. By prioritizing my well-being and tuning into my body's needs, I've fostered a deep sense of self-awareness and balance. Every choice I make, from the food I eat to the way I rest, is a testament to the love and care I have for myself.

Love and Relationships

Being overweight has given me unique insights into the relationships. It acts as a filter, helping me distinguish between those who value superficial attributes and those who appreciate genuine connection. 

My bonds are deep, authentic, and based on mutual respect. In love, I've found partners who admire my spirit, my mind, and yes, my body. They love me for who I am, in my entirety.

Did You Know?

  • The Cost of Beauty: Americans spend over $60 billion annually on cosmetic procedures to enhance their appearance.
  • Influence on Politics: Studies suggest that more physically attractive candidates are 20% more likely to win elections.
  • Online Dating: On dating apps, individuals with more conventionally attractive photos receive up to 200% more messages.
  • Children and Lookism: By the age of 3, children can already pick up on societal beauty standards, influencing their self-esteem.
  • Self-Acceptance Trends: A growing number of movements and online communities are advocating for self-love, with 72% of adults believing in the importance of pushing back against societal beauty standards.

Strength in Adversity

There are, of course, days when self-doubt creeps in. Days when I see a magazine cover or a movie poster and wonder if I’d feel better, more accepted, if I fit that mold. But then I think of the laughter, the memories, and the love, and those fleeting moments of doubt dissipate.

One of the most transformative aspects of being overweight has been the resilience I've built over time. Facing societal pressures, battling self-doubt, and constantly striving for self-acceptance has equipped me with an inner strength I cherish. I've learned to stand tall, speak up, and carve out my unique space in this diverse world.

Fat Friends To Support Each Other

Over the years, I’ve met others who share my sense of body pride. We form a community, a support system of sorts, cheering each other on, offering advice, and mostly, reminding one another that our worth isn’t determined by the scale. Together, we've laughed, cried, and celebrated our unique bodies, creating a tapestry of diverse experiences that only add richness to our collective story.

Being proud of my weight has allowed me to forge deeper connections with others. There’s a certain level of vulnerability in acknowledging and celebrating our differences. Through my openness, I've found friends and allies, people who see past the surface and value the depth of my character.

Live Large, Be Proud

Life as an overweight person is a rich tapestry of experiences, both sweet and sour. Through the ups and downs, the core of my journey remains unshaken – an unwavering sense of self-pride. I hope to inspire others to see the beauty in their unique stories, irrespective of societal labels.

So, to anyone reading this who might feel out of place or at odds with their body, know this: You are not alone. Your body tells a story, one that’s worthy of pride and celebration. Wear your weight, whatever it might be, as a badge of honor, for it represents a life lived fully, with all its ups and downs. After all, beauty truly is more than skin deep.

Author: Lyla St. James

I'm a passionate and adventurous person who loves to explore the world. I've been writing about my experiences and it's become a passion of mine that I hope to pursue further in the near future.

Growing up in a small village in England gave me a love of people from different backgrounds and cultures, as well as an appreciation for good food. I enjoy creating delicious dishes with ingredients from all over the world. My curiosity coupled with my love for people makes me an ideal candidate for any writing job; one that is ready to dive into the unknown!

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