Kegel Exercises For Men

February 24, 2024

Okay, I'm going to kick things off by brushing up on Kegel exercises. Why can they be a fabulous experience for you? Because they’re a lot more than improving bedroom performance, which certainly grabs headlines, but there's much more to the story.

Kegel exercises target the pelvic floor muscles - I don’t know if you know - those that hold up your bladder and help control your urine flow. Beyond that, they'll enhance your sexual functions — something you'll definitely appreciate.

Kegel Exercises For Men

So why bother? Stronger pelvic muscles can lead to better bladder control, improved sexual prowess, and even play a part in stabilizing your core. These exercises are discreet, low-impact, and pretty much risk-free.

If you're wondering how all this ties into the male anatomy, let’s find out about it all. This fantastic role the pelvic floor plays, for your overall wellbeing.

Did You Know?

  • Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence in Men: About 3-11% of men suffer from urinary incontinence, which Kegel exercises can help manage (Urology Care Foundation).
  • Effectiveness for Post-Prostate Surgery: Up to 95% of men undergoing radical prostatectomy may experience urinary incontinence, with Kegel exercises significantly aiding in recovery (Prostate Cancer UK).
  • Improvement in Urinary Control: Studies show that pelvic floor muscle training, including Kegels, can improve urinary incontinence in men by 50-75% without surgical intervention (Journal of Urology).
  • Pelvic Floor Training for Erectile Dysfunction: 40% of men over 40 experience erectile dysfunction, with Kegel exercises shown to improve outcomes in 75% of participants in a controlled study (BJU International).
  • Impact on Premature Ejaculation: Regular pelvic floor exercises have helped 82% of men with premature ejaculation improve their time to ejaculation (The Journal of Sexual Medicine).

The Male Pelvic Floor Anatomy

The male pelvic floor is a complex network of muscles, ligaments, and tissues that support the bladder and bowel and play a key role in sexual performance.

These muscles stretch like a hammock from the tailbone at the back to the pubic bone in front. They're responsible for controlling the release of urine and feces, aid in sexual performance by maintaining erectile function, and even control the angle of the erect penis.

Weakness in these muscles can lead to problems you'd rather avoid, like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and urinary incontinence. These issues can not only be embarrassing but can also have a significant impact on your quality of life.

Your sexual prowess is important in life, right? Needless to say, you want to maintain control and improve bladder and bowel function too. Now that you understand why they're important, you're going to find out how to pinpoint these muscles correctly.


When you complete your Kegel exercise routine without anyone noticing.
When you complete your Kegel exercise routine without anyone noticing

Where Are The Muscles for Kegel Exercises?

So how do you locate your pelvic floor muscles? You can quite easily find it out when you pee. Stop for a moment and try to stop the flow of urine midstream. The muscles you use to do this are the ones you'll target during Kegels.

Also when you feel like farting,  try and tighten the muscles that prevent passing gas. It might sound odd, but it works because it targets the same group of muscles.

Once you've got a handle on finding the right muscles, you can always adjust your approach down the road as you get more comfortable with the exercises.

Did You Know?

  • Duration for Effectiveness: Men may begin to notice improvements in urinary incontinence and sexual performance after 4-6 weeks of consistent Kegel exercises (Mayo Clinic).
  • Daily Exercise Recommendations: Performing Kegel exercises 2-3 times daily can optimize men's pelvic floor strength and urinary control (Harvard Health Publishing).
  • Success Rate in Reducing Urinary Leakage: In men with stress urinary incontinence post-prostatectomy, Kegel exercises have been reported to reduce leakage episodes by up to 90% (European Urology).
  • Long-term Commitment: Consistency over 6 months of Kegel training can lead to significant and sustained improvements in pelvic floor muscle strength and endurance (International Journal of Urology).
  • Kegel Exercise Awareness: Only about 23% of men are familiar with Kegel exercises and their benefits for pelvic health (American Journal of Men's Health).

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Kegel Exercises

Okay, let’s get started. Don't worry too much about perfection. Here's how to do it:

  • Step 1: Go to the bathroom and empty your bladder.

  • Step 2: Choose a comfortable position. You can do Kegel exercises lying down, sitting, or standing.

  • Step 3: Engage the correct muscles - Imagine you're trying to halt the flow of urine or prevent passing gas. The muscles you'd use are the ones you want to contract.

  • Step 4: Contract these muscles for three seconds, then relax for three seconds. 

  • Step 5: Aim for 10 repetitions per session.

  • Step 6: Aim to do these exercises 3 times a day. 

Keep doing it over and over again everyday. You might not feel the muscles get stronger immediately, but give it time. A change will occur if you're persistent.

Gradually increase the duration of muscle contractions as you get more comfortable, working up to ten-second holds with a ten-second rest in between.

As you progress, try doing the exercises in different positions and during various activities, like walking or when you're at the office.

Now what's next? You're going to find out about keeping up with your new routine. you're not starting; You are making it a natural part of your day. Let's jump into some tips to help you stay consistent with your Kegel exercises.


in the middle of an intense workout
"...So the net profit for this financial year will be..."
"Don't bother me. I'm in the middle of an intense workout."

My Pro Tips

You can always adjust your approach down the road, but here's the strategy I like to leverage: mix it up to keep it interesting. Variety is the spice of life, right? Alternate between long holds and rapid pulses or try Kegels in different positions – sitting, standing, or lying down. Experimenting not only promotes engagement but it might also stimulate different parts of the pelvic floor.

A lot is happening very quickly when you're dealing with life's demands, so tracking progress can slip through the cracks. But here's why it's crucial: monitoring your Kegel routine helps you stay on course and visibly measure improvement. you're not staying accountable; You are celebrating those small victories that add up over time. And when you see progress, it's motivation fuel.

Now, as we look ahead to the next section, I'm here to help you with setting the right expectations for tracking your Kegel journey. We'll talk about the tools and tactics for setting goals and monitoring your gains, ensuring that every squeeze counts towards a stronger pelvic floor.

Did You Know?

  • Prevalence of Overactive Bladder: Overactive bladder affects approximately 16% of the adult population, with Kegel exercises improving symptoms in men when combined with bladder training (Urology Health).
  • Reduction in Prostatitis Symptoms: Chronic prostatitis affects 8-10% of men, and pelvic floor exercises have been effective in reducing pain and urinary symptoms in affected individuals (NIH).
  • Incorporation in Physical Therapy: 70% of physical therapists incorporate pelvic floor exercises, including Kegels, into treatment plans for men with pelvic floor dysfunction (Journal of Physical Therapy Science).
  • Improvement in Bowel Control: Kegel exercises can also improve anal incontinence in men by strengthening the muscles around the anal canal (World Journal of Gastroenterology).
  • Use in Sexual Health Clinics: 60% of sexual health practitioners recommend Kegel exercises for men experiencing erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation (Sexual Medicine Reviews).

When Will You Start To See Results?

The outcome depends on your age and level of muscularity. Also people with less muscle mass may experience fatigue and pelvic pain after starting a new exercise routine, especially in the first few days. So you’d better take it easy. In my experience, I started to notice improvements within days. But it may take you a few weeks or longer. 

What kind of results? You’ll have orgasms that you could die for. They will become immense. And that’s what you really want to finish your sexual performance each time, right?

Let’s now bridge into the next section, where we’ll explore the broader impacts of Kegel exercises. Besides tracking personal progress, understanding the overall health benefits you're working towards can be incredibly motivating.


Multi Tasking Kegel Exercise
"Are you doing what I'm doing right now"
"Yep. Who said men can't multi-task?"

The Impact of Kegel Exercises on Men's Health

You're going to find out about the broader implications of Kegel exercises on men's health - you're improving control, which means you’re  enhancing your overall quality of life.

One major benefit affects the issue of urinary incontinence. Many men experience improvements after incorporating Kegels, leading to increased confidence and fewer awkward moments.

Kegels are there to combat erectile dysfunction (ED) and seek better sexual function. They’ll help stronger erections and contribute to increased sexual satisfaction for both the individual and their partner.

They support the bladder and bowel, help manage pain in the prostate area, and can even aid recovery post-prostate surgery.

In my opinion, the beauty of Kegel exercises lies in their simplicity and their non-invasive approach to tackling sensitive men's health issues. The effort you put into regular practice will definitely pay off.

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Did You Know?

  • Patient Satisfaction: Men practicing Kegel exercises for pelvic floor issues report up to an 80% satisfaction rate with the improvements in their symptoms (Urologic Nursing).
  • Accessibility and Cost-Effectiveness: Kegel exercises are accessible and cost-effective, requiring no special equipment and minimal training for effective practice.
  • Kegels in Sports Medicine: Athletes, especially those in sports requiring core stability, increasingly use Kegel exercises to enhance performance and prevent injuries.
  • Online Resources and Apps: There's a growing availability of online resources and apps designed to guide men through Kegel exercises, indicating increasing awareness and utilization.
  • Holistic Approach to Men’s Health: Kegel exercises are part of a holistic approach to men's health, addressing both physical and psychological aspects of well-being.
What Health Professionals Say About Kegels

Expert Insights: What Health Professionals Say About Kegels

Urologists often recommend Kegels as part of a comprehensive approach to tackle issues like urinary incontinence or post-prostate surgery recovery. You are regaining control and improving quality of life.

Physical therapists also chime in on the praise for Kegels, especially when it comes to rehabilitation post injury or surgery. They stress the importance of proper technique and gradual progression, which ensures maximum benefits without risking injury.

You might be asking yourself about the data. I've checked out several clinical studies, and guess what? They are quite persuasive. Studies highlight that men who consistently perform Kegel exercises see notable improvements in pelvic floor muscle strength and endurance. This often translates to better bladder control and enhanced sexual performance.

Health professionals all agree that while Kegel exercises are effective, they're part of a bigger picture. They should be combined with healthy lifestyle choices, like regular exercise and a balanced diet, for the best results.

Now, shifting from expert insights to practical advice, let's look at some frequently asked questions about Kegel exercises for men in the next section. This includes queries from beginners to seasoned practitioners and addresses issues like how to fit Kegels into a busy lifestyle or how they can benefit men of all ages.

Frequently Asked Questions About Kegel Exercises for Men

Lastly to wrap things up, I'm going to tackle some of the most common queries people have.

Are Kegel exercises really beneficial for men of all ages? 

Absolutely. Whether you're in your 20s or your 70s, strengthening your pelvic floor can have a positive impact on your urinary control and sexual function.

How long does it take to see results from Kegel exercises?

Be patient - because most men start to notice improvements after a few weeks of consistent practice. However, it's important to keep at it for long-term benefits.

Can Kegels help with conditions like prostate surgery recovery or erectile dysfunction?

Yes, there's evidence to suggest that Kegels can aid in recovery post-prostate surgery and improve erectile quality. It's always worth discussing with your healthcare provider, though.

Is it possible to overdo it with Kegel exercises?

Just like any workout, there's a balance. Overexerting those pelvic floor muscles can lead to fatigue and even worsen symptoms. Always listen to your body and consult with a specialist if you're unsure.

The Commitment To Your Overall Health

You're investing in a stronger future, and I really hope that the information here will help your efforts and guides you along the way. It will fit into your life, and definitely make you feel better - after all, your sexual experience is uniquely yours. Don't worry too much about getting it perfect on the first try. You can always adjust your approach down the road.

If you have other questions or need personalized advice, I'd love to hear from you. Leave your comments below, and let's continue this conversation. Remember, the goal is to maintain and build upon these healthy habits for a stronger, happier you.

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About the author 

Max Lee

Max Lee is a fitness enthusiast who loves pushing his limits and challenging himself. Despite his dedication to physical fitness, he still retains a laid-back attitude that makes him approachable and easy to talk to. He is passionate about helping others take control of their mental health and reach positive states of mind.

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  1. Thanks for the great post. I’ve been doing Kegel exercises for about a month now, and I’ve noticed a real improvement in my bladder control and even my sex life. It took a while to get the hang of it, but once you understand how to engage the muscles, it becomes second nature.

    1. Good to know, thanks for your comment. How have the things improved? You can share more about it with us if you want.

  2. Interesting…. Kegel exercises for men sounded a bit strange to me at first, but after giving them a try, I see why they’re recommended. It’s helped me improve my control, and I feel more confident, especially in the bedroom. They’re simple, but the effects are noticeable if you stick with them.

  3. Good guidance because I tried Kegel exercises and was not sure I was doing them correctly. After a few weeks I really couldn’t notice any major improvements. It could just be me, or maybe I need to give it more time, but I’m not convinced yet. I’ll try the steps here…eventually hopefully I want to feel good.

    1. Thanks for your comment Martin, yep, you might need a little more getting used to doing, but if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

  4. Kegel exercises are really beneficial for men. After a few weeks of doing them consistently, I’ve noticed an increase in strength and control. It’s something easy you can do anywhere, so there’s no reason not to give it a shot.

  5. This is a great guide. I’ve been doing Kegels regularly, and I’m surprised more men don’t talk about it. There’s a real improvement in overall pelvic strength, and it’s not hard to add to my routine. Do you need a coach? I can give you a face to face coaching or Zoom. Contact me if you want to find out the ‘right way’

  6. Great post but…. I didn’t think Kegel exercises would make much of a difference, but I gave them a shot anyway. I’ve noticed some subtle improvements, but nothing drastic. I’m going to keep doing them and see if things improve over time.

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