How to Quit Electric Cigarettes and Rid Your Body of Nicotine

January 19, 2024

So, you're thinking about kicking the electric cigarette habit? That's awesome. Just like you, I once found the allure of vaping hard to resist. The modern designs, flavors, and the promise of a “safer” option pulled me in.

But then, there's the sneaky thing about e-cigarettes: they still have nicotine. And trust me, parting ways with nicotine is a bit like ending a roller-coaster relationship. But guess what? With the right mindset, you can totally do this.

How to Quit Electric Cigarettes and Rid Your Body of Nicotine

The First Step: My Commitment

I remember staring at my vape pen one evening, thinking about how often it accompanied me. Morning coffee? Vape. Quick break? Vape. And those were just two of countless instances throughout the day. I thought about my health, the money I could save, and how free I'd feel without always reaching for it.

That night, I jotted down my personal reasons for wanting to quit and promised myself I’d revisit that list anytime I felt a hint of doubt. For me, that commitment, born from personal reflection, was the real game changer.

Did You Know?

  • Success Rates: Approximately 60% of e-cigarette users want to quit, but only around 15% are successful in the first year.
  • Youth Quitting Rates: Among young adults (18-24 years), about 20% have successfully quit e-cigarettes.
  • Gender Differences: Women are 10% more likely than men to attempt quitting e-cigarettes.
  • Relapse Rates: About 80% of individuals who quit e-cigarettes experience a relapse within the first month.
  • Usage Reduction: 30% of e-cigarette users report reducing their usage as a step towards quitting.

Phasing Out Nicotine: A Gradual Approach

Going cold turkey? It's not everyone's cup of tea, especially when it comes to nicotine. There’s an inherent challenge when parting with something your body has grown so fond of.

Vaping sneaks into various moments of your day and becomes more than just an activity; it morphs into a routine, a friend even.

If you've been on the e-cigarette train for some time, you'll know exactly what I mean. So, how do you break up with this "friend"?

The Tapering Technique: Gradually Reducing Strength

When I first decided to quit, the idea of going without nicotine seemed daunting. The sudden absence? Terrifying. So, I opted for a gentle approach: tapering down the nicotine levels in my e-liquid. I found this method more palatable and less intimidating.

Initially, I was on a high nicotine strength – a robust kick that my body eagerly waited for. But I decided to challenge this routine. I switched to a medium strength. The first few days were a tad uncomfortable, not going to lie.

But soon, my body started adjusting. The cravings didn’t scream as loud, and I found solace in the fact that I was making progress.

A few weeks later, I transitioned to a low-nicotine e-liquid. By this time, I felt empowered. The grip nicotine had on me was loosening. And after some more time, I dared to switch to a zero-nicotine liquid. The satisfaction of vaping without the chains of nicotine? Immensely gratifying.

Did You Know?

  • Health Improvement: 50% of individuals who quit e-cigarettes report noticeable improvements in respiratory health within 3 months.
  • Counseling Effectiveness: Those who seek counseling have a 25% higher success rate in quitting e-cigarettes.
  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT): The use of NRT increases the success rate of quitting by 40%.
  • Influence of Peers: Peer support increases the likelihood of quitting e-cigarettes by 20%.
  • Mental Health Impact: Post-quitting, 45% of ex-users report an improvement in mental health and mood.

Frequency: Less is More

Another strategy I employed was cutting down on the number of times I reached for my vape. I used to be the every-hour vaper. Morning? Check. After meals? Check. While watching TV? Double-check. But I decided to challenge this frequency.

For every day of the first week, I pushed my vaping session an hour later than usual. It was hard, especially during those idle moments when the hand automatically sought the e-cigarette.

But with each passing day, the wait got easier. Over time, the gaps between vaping sessions grew, and I began to rediscover the joys of moments without the haze of vapor.

Finding a New Focus: Replacing the Habit

Of all the strategies, this one was the most fun and experimental. Every time I felt the itch to vape, I redirected my energy elsewhere. The e-cigarette had been like a crutch, something I leaned on in moments of boredom, stress, or just habit. But now? I needed new methods.

  • Drinking water - Drinking water became my immediate go-to. Not only was it a great detox, but it also gave my hands and mouth something to do. 
  • Chewing gum - The burst of flavor distracted my taste buds, often sidelining the urge to vape. And,
  • Walks -  They became therapeutic. Anytime I felt cornered by cravings, I'd lace up and head out, even if it was just a quick stroll around the block. Fresh air, the rhythm of my steps, and the world around me – they all worked in tandem to push the thought of vaping to the background.

Over time, these replacements did more than just serve as distractions. They became new, healthier habits. The world outside my vaping bubble was diverse, engaging, and invigorating.

Detoxifying Your Body

Stepping away from nicotine is like closing an old chapter and being eager to pen a new, rejuvenated one. But this transformation isn't just about resisting the urge to vape. It's also about purging those lingering toxins from your system and treating your body with the kindness it deserves.

The Power of Hydration

The Power of Hydration

Of the many choices I made during my detox journey, prioritizing hydration was one of the top ones. The simplicity of water, so often taken for granted, became a cornerstone of my healing process. Each sip felt like a cleanse, helping rid my body of the residual nicotine and other toxins.

While I knew that water was vital for overall health, its role in the detox process was an eye-opener. Each day, I set a goal to drink at least eight glasses, ensuring that my body had ample support to flush out impurities.

Over time, not only did my cravings reduce, but my skin started to show a radiant, hydrated glow, a testament to the internal cleansing.

Did You Know?

  • Withdrawal Symptoms: 70% of people trying to quit e-cigarettes experience withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and irritability.
  • Impact of Education: Individuals with higher education levels have a 15% higher success rate in quitting e-cigarettes.
  • Age Factor: Older e-cigarette users (above 45 years) have a 10% lower success rate in quitting compared to younger users.
  • Influence of Social Media: Exposure to anti-vaping content on social media increases quitting attempts by 30%.
  • Economic Factors: Rising costs of e-cigarettes have prompted 20% of users to consider quitting.

A Plate Full of Vibrancy


Food, beyond its fundamental role of sustenance, can be a healer. During my nicotine-free journey, I chose foods that were not only delicious but also packed with detoxifying properties. Vitamin C became a favorite ally. This powerful antioxidant is known to speed up the body’s natural detox mechanisms, and I was all for it.

Oranges became a staple snack, offering that juicy burst of freshness and aiding in my detox journey. Strawberries made their way into my morning cereals and evening desserts. Their sweet-tartness was a delightful distraction from any lingering vape cravings.

Bell peppers, with their crisp texture and vibrant colors, jazzed up my salads and stir-fries. Not only were they visually appealing, but with each bite, I felt like I was gifting my body the tools it needed to cleanse.

Colorful Fruits and Vegetables

Did You Know?

  • Flavor Ban Impact: Bans on flavored e-cigarettes have led to a 5% increase in quitting attempts.
  • Family Influence: Having a non-smoking family increases the quitting success rate by 25%.
  • Duration of Use: People who have used e-cigarettes for over 5 years are 15% less likely to quit successfully.
  • Awareness Programs: Participation in awareness programs increases the likelihood of quitting by 35%.
  • COVID-19 Impact: The COVID-19 pandemic led to a 10% increase in quitting attempts among e-cigarette users, primarily due to health concerns.

Moving and Grooving: The Role of Exercise

Before my detox journey, exercise was, well, sporadic at best. But with my commitment to cleanse my body, I sought activities that made me sweat, knowing that with each droplet, I was expelling toxins.

Starting slow, I initiated daily brisk walks. The rhythmic pattern of my feet hitting the pavement, my heart rate slightly elevated, and the world blurring by provided a sense of purpose and direction. Soon, these walks morphed into short jogs. The initial huffing and puffing were real, but so was the exhilaration.

As weeks passed, I introduced yoga and light strength training. Beyond the detox benefits, exercise became a mood booster, a stress-reliever. On days when the pull of old habits felt strong, a quick workout session shifted my focus and reaffirmed my commitment.

What's more, regular physical activity amplified my energy levels. With a clearer system, devoid of nicotine's influence, my body and mind felt more aligned, more vibrant.

My Detox Diary

Transitioning to a cleaner, nicotine-free lifestyle is more than just resisting cravings. It's an all-encompassing journey where every sip of water, every nutritious meal, and every active minute counts.

My path was filled with discoveries, challenges, and rewarding moments. Through hydration, thoughtful eating, and movement, I felt like I was sculpting a new version of myself, one that was more attuned to wellness and harmony.

To anyone looking to embark on this detox journey, trust that each small, positive choice compounds, leading you to a revitalized state of being. Your body has an incredible ability to heal and rejuvenate. All it asks for is a little support and a lot of love.

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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