Are You Gonna Kiss Me?

August 21, 2024

We’ve been circling each other for a while now, haven’t we? You can feel it too, the way the air changes when it’s just the two of us. It’s in the way our conversations slow down, in those long, silent moments that hang in the air just waiting to be broken by something more than words. You’re waiting for me, and maybe I’m waiting for you. But why are we holding back?

I’ve been watching the way you move, the way you glance over and then pretend you didn’t just check me out. I’m done playing coy. You want to kiss me. I can see it. I can feel it. And if you won’t make the first move, well, I’m more than ready to stop this back-and-forth game.

Are You Gonna Kiss Me?

The Point We Both Knew We’d Get To

Let’s stop pretending like we don’t know what’s going on here. You feel the same tension I do, and it’s not going anywhere until one of us breaks it. We’re not kids, tiptoeing around some schoolyard crush—we’re grown men who know exactly what we want. The only question left is who’s gonna be bold enough to go for it.

Think about all the moments we’ve shared that built up to this. All those lingering glances, the "accidental" touches, the way our conversations start off casual and then drift into something heavier, something charged. You’ve been giving me those subtle signals, and I’m not blind—I’ve been sending them right back. So what’s holding you back?

  • You keep leaning in when you talk to me: Every time we’re close, you make sure to get just that little bit closer, almost like you’re testing the waters. I notice it. And I don’t pull away.
  • You laugh at my stupid jokes more than you need to: That chuckle that lingers a second too long, the one that says you’re thinking about more than just what I said.
  • We keep finding excuses to hang out alone: It’s not a coincidence. We’re both steering things this way, whether we admit it out loud or not.

So, what are we doing here, really? Are you gonna take that step, or are we gonna keep circling the inevitable?

Sometimes, You Just Gotta Go for It

Here’s the thing: if you’re feeling the moment, you should just go for it. No need to overthink it. You might be wondering, “What if it’s too soon?” or “What if I’m reading this wrong?” Trust me—you’re not. I wouldn’t be sitting here with you, letting things simmer like this, if I wasn’t into it too.

If you’re unsure how to make the move, let me give you a hand:

  • Get a little closer, slow but confident: Don’t rush it, but don’t drag it out either. Make it clear that you’re closing the distance with purpose.
  • Hold eye contact and let the silence build: You don’t need words at this point. If we’re both just looking at each other, you already know what’s next. Just lean in.
  • If I lean back in response, that’s your green light: I’m not backing away—I’m letting you know it’s cool to take it from here.

You’re not gonna freak me out or throw me off by making a move. If anything, I’ve been waiting for it just as much as you have. Maybe more.

Go For It, Man

You’re Hesitating, Why?

If you’re still holding back, what’s the reason? You’ve got the vibe, you’ve got the signals—so what’s the holdup? Maybe you’re worried about screwing up the friendship, or maybe you’re overthinking what happens next. Honestly, you don’t need to. We’re both here, in this moment, because we’re into each other. Whatever happens afterward, we’ll figure that out. Right now, it’s about what we both clearly want.

I’ve been on the other side of this before, waiting and wondering if I should make the first move. But I can see you’re feeling it too. Sometimes it’s easier if someone just takes the leap. If you’re hesitating, that’s fine—I get it. But it doesn’t have to be that complicated.

Here’s how you can ease into it if you’re still not sure:

  • Throw out a playful challenge: Something like, “You’ve been thinking about kissing me all night, haven’t you?” Make it flirty but not too serious. It gives me a chance to say, “Yeah, I have. What about you?”
  • Break the tension with a joke, then go for it: If things feel too heavy, a quick joke can reset the vibe. Follow it up by moving in closer while we’re both laughing.
  • Start with a touch before the kiss: Rest your hand on my leg, or brush your fingers against mine. It’s subtle, but it shifts the energy without needing words.

It’s okay to be nervous. But nerves usually mean you’re excited, and that’s not a bad thing. That’s the good kind of tension—the kind that leads to exactly what we’re both thinking about.

If You’re Not Gonna Do It, Then I Will

Let’s be real—if you keep holding back, I’m not gonna wait forever. I’m right here, feeling the same pull you are, and at some point, someone’s gotta take control. If it’s not gonna be you, then I’ve got no problem being the one who steps up. Maybe you’re the kind of guy who likes being pursued, who enjoys letting someone else make the first move. If that’s the case, I’m all in.

Here’s what’s gonna go down:

  • I’m gonna get close enough that you can’t miss it: I’ll lean in, slow and deliberate, until we’re inches apart. If you still don’t move, I’m taking that as an invitation.
  • I’ll give you one last look, just to be sure: That final eye contact is your moment to pull me in or give me the go-ahead. If you don’t do it, I will.
  • And then I’m closing that distance myself: Once I make up my mind, there’s no stopping. You’ll know exactly where this is heading.

After that, it’s done. No more wondering or second-guessing. We’ll see where it takes us, but right now, I’m focused on getting past this waiting game.

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The Ball’s in Your Court Next Time

So, let’s say I do it—I make the move, we finally kiss, and all that tension evaporates. Then what? It’s simple: next time, don’t make me do all the work. Now that we both know what’s up, it doesn’t have to be a guessing game anymore. You can take the lead just as easily as I can.

When it happens again (and it will), here’s what I expect:

  • Don’t hesitate next time: You know I’m into it, so go ahead and take what you want.
  • If you want me to make the first move again, give me a sign: Whether it’s a look, a touch, or just standing close enough that I can feel your presence, let me know you’re waiting for it.
  • Let’s skip the back-and-forth and get straight to it: We’ve already crossed that line. We don’t need to pretend like we’re unsure anymore.

We’ve been circling each other long enough. I’m done with the waiting. You know I want it. I know you do too. So either you’re gonna kiss me, or I’ll do it for you. No more holding back—let’s make it happen.

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About the author 

Max Lee

Max Lee is a fitness enthusiast who loves pushing his limits and challenging himself. Despite his dedication to physical fitness, he still retains a laid-back attitude that makes him approachable and easy to talk to. He is passionate about helping others take control of their mental health and reach positive states of mind.

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