Why Do We Forget The Fact That Anyone Can Find Happiness?

by Joe Stammer // in Life

April 20, 2024

We often use the phrase, "It's all in your head." And particularly when it comes to finding happiness, there's truth to that. Sure, external factors can influence our mood, but how we perceive situations matters. Our thoughts shape our reality, and by altering our mindset, we can find contentment in many ways.

Throughout my life, I've come to realize that much of my happiness hinges on my own perspective. Trust me, relationships, societal expectations, and personal identity... I've had my fair share of ups and downs. Let's break it down.

Why Do We Forget The Fact That Anyone Can Find Happiness?

Did You Know?

  • Global Happiness Index: The World Happiness Report (2023) ranks Finland as the happiest country in the world for the fifth year in a row.
  • Income and Happiness: Research suggests that happiness increases with income up to approximately $75,000 per year, after which the effect diminishes.
  • Health and Happiness: A study found that happy individuals tend to live longer, with an estimated increase in lifespan of 7.5 to 10 years.
  • Employment: Unemployed individuals report a 12% dip in happiness compared to employed individuals.
  • Marriage and Happiness: Married individuals report slightly higher levels of happiness compared to those who are single, divorced, or widowed.

Let's Find Out About Yourself


1. How often do you engage in activities that you truly enjoy?

  1. Daily
  2. Weekly
  3. Monthly
  4. Rarely

2. Do you feel connected to a community or social group?

  1. Strongly connected
  2. Somewhat connected
  3. Barely connected
  4. Not connected at all

3. How do you rate your current level of physical health?

  1. Excellent
  2. Good
  3. Fair
  4. Poor

4. How often do you feel overwhelmed by stress?

  1. Never
  2. Sometimes
  3. Often
  4. Always

5. Are you satisfied with your current work or study situation?

  1. Very satisfied
  2. Somewhat satisfied
  3. Not very satisfied
  4. Not satisfied at all

6. How frequently do you experience feelings of gratitude?

  1. Every day
  2. Often
  3. Sometimes
  4. Rarely

7. Do you often spend time in nature or outdoors?

  1. Very often
  2. Occasionally
  3. Rarely
  4. Almost never

8. How much quality time do you spend with family or friends? 

  1. A lot
  2. Enough
  3. Not enough
  4. Very little

9. How would you describe your level of self-esteem?

  1. Very high
  2. Moderately high
  3. Low
  4. Very low

10. Do you regularly set aside time for relaxation or mindfulness practices?

  1. Regularly
  2. Sometimes
  3. Rarely
  4. Never


1. Daily Activities Enjoyment

Make sure to carve out time each day for activities that bring you joy, as consistent engagement in enjoyable activities is directly linked to higher happiness levels.

2. Community Connection

Strengthening your connections can provide a sense of belonging and support. Consider joining groups that align with your interests or volunteering.

3. Physical Health

Good physical health is a cornerstone of happiness. Adopt a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep to improve your well-being.

4. Stress Management

If stress is a constant in your life, finding effective coping strategies, such as mindfulness, exercise, or talking to a professional, can help manage stress levels.

5. Work or Study Satisfaction

If you're not content with your current situation, consider exploring new opportunities or hobbies that align more closely with your passions and interests.

6. Feelings of Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude can significantly improve happiness. Consider keeping a gratitude journal to reflect on and appreciate the positive aspects of your life.

7. Time Spent in Nature

Nature has a calming effect, so try to spend more time outdoors. Even short walks in natural settings can boost your mood.

8. Quality Time with Loved Ones

Prioritizing quality time with those you care about can strengthen relationships and enhance your happiness. Make these interactions a regular part of your schedule.

9. Self-Esteem

Building self-esteem is vital for happiness. Focus on your achievements, practice self-compassion, and challenge negative thoughts about yourself.

10. Relaxation and Mindfulness

Regularly dedicating time to relax and practice mindfulness can reduce stress and increase contentment. Find a method that works for you, such as meditation, yoga, or simply reading a book.

Missed Opportunities

There was this job I was incredibly excited about a few years ago. When I didn't get it, I was crushed. I began questioning my worth and abilities. But then I took a step back and reconsidered. Perhaps it wasn't the right time or the right fit. And guess what? A few months later, I landed a role that felt tailor-made for me. What felt like a setback turned into a stepping stone.

It happens to anyone, right? You don't get what. you wanted, someone else's got it. Your initial reaction may be disappointment, perhaps even jealousy. But if you shift your perspective, another viewpoint emerges. Maybe this wasn't the right time for you, or perhaps there's an even better opportunity around the corner.

Accept that not every opportunity is meant for you. And believe that something better awaits, you can avoid sadness and move forward with optimism.

Relationship Hiccups

Dating is complicated. Heck, sometimes it feels like you need a manual just to understand the basics. I recall my early days of dating—things were new, exciting, and, well, confusing. One time, I misunderstood a joke my partner made. I took offense, thinking it was a sly comment about my choice of career. We didn't talk for days. In hindsight, it was such a minor thing, but back then, it felt monumental. Over time, I learned that:

  • Communication: Instead of stewing over things, talking them out, even if it feels uncomfortable, can clear the air. That joke? A simple conversation would have sorted it all out.

  • Letting Go: Holding onto grudges or tiny grievances? Exhausting. I realized life’s too short for that. Letting go allowed us to focus on the many great moments we shared.

  • It's Okay to Disagree: Differences can actually be a good thing. They bring variety, teach patience, and sometimes, they even bring out some hilarious debates.

Unexpected Changes

Unexpected Changes

Let me take you back to when I had to move to a new city for work. Picture this: Me, surrounded by unopened boxes, in an unfamiliar apartment, feeling lost. Leaving behind friends and the comfort of familiar hangout spots was hard. But over time, the unknown became an adventure:

  • New Faces, New Stories: In the first few weeks, I challenged myself to meet someone new every day. From my next-door neighbor to the barista at the local coffee shop, everyone had a unique story to tell.

  • Adventures Around Every Corner: I made it a point to explore. Whether it was a quiet park for reading or a bustling market street, every new discovery made the city feel more like home.

  • Change Sparks Growth: I won't lie; the change was overwhelming at first. But it pushed me out of my comfort zone. I learned new things, met different people, and most of all, I learned a lot about myself.

Did You Know?

  • Physical Activity: Engaging in physical activity at least three times a week increases happiness levels by about 20%.
  • Social Connections: Strong social connections increase happiness levels, with those having strong social relationships being 50% more likely to report high levels of happiness.
  • Generosity and Happiness: People who regularly engage in acts of generosity report being 20% happier than those who do not.
  • Nature and Happiness: Spending at least 120 minutes in nature per week is associated with higher levels of happiness and well-being.
  • Meditation and Happiness: Regular meditation is linked to higher levels of happiness, with a 30% increase in well-being reported by practitioners.

Training the Brain: It's Like a Workout

Much like hitting the gym, training our brains is all about repetition and consistency. Think of those times when you’ve tried to pick up a new exercise or tried to run that extra mile. At first, it might've seemed impossible. But with time, patience, and regular training, you began to see progress. The same goes for our minds.

Awareness: The First Rep

Imagine you're learning to do squats. You don't just drop down; you become conscious of your posture, your feet placement, and how you're holding your weight. Similarly, with our thoughts, the first step is to become aware.

When a situation arises, taking a brief moment to register your reaction can be enlightening, right? Often, we don't even realize how quick we are to jump to conclusions or how often our first instinct is to think negatively.

Challenge and Reframe: Add Some Weight

Once you're aware of your immediate response, the next step is to question it. Let's say you always believe you're bad at public speaking because once, in school, you forgot your lines during a play. Does that one incident define all future performances? Probably not.

Questioning such deep-seated beliefs and looking for evidence to the contrary can be eye-opening. Maybe you recently gave a toast at your friend’s wedding, and it went well. By consistently challenging these negative beliefs, you can start to reframe your thoughts.

Repetition: Flex Those Mental Muscles

As with any exercise, repetition is where the real magic happens. It's not about changing your mindset overnight. Every time you catch yourself in a negative spiral, stop and reconsider. Ask:

  • Is this thought based on fact or feeling?
  • Have I felt this way before and been proven wrong?
  • Is there a more positive or neutral way to view this?

Keep doing that and things will become second nature, you know that right?

It's like muscle memory but for your brain. You'll start to notice that you're automatically challenging and reframing negative thoughts without even having to consciously think about it.

Did You Know?

  • Education and Happiness: Higher education levels are associated with higher happiness levels, but the correlation weakens beyond undergraduate studies.
  • Sleep and Happiness: Increasing nightly sleep from under 6 hours to between 6.5 and 7.5 hours can significantly boost happiness and health.
  • Gratitude Practices: Individuals who regularly practice gratitude report a 25% higher happiness level.
  • Digital Detox: People who periodically disconnect from digital devices report a 10% higher happiness level than those constantly connected.
  • Volunteering: Volunteering at least once a month is associated with happiness levels up to 7% higher than non-volunteers.

Seek Out Positivity: Your Nutrition

Just as a balanced diet fuels your body during workouts, feeding your mind with positive inputs can be a game-changer. This doesn’t mean you need to avoid all negativity, but try to:

  • Limit exposure to constantly negative news or media.
  • Surround yourself with positive thinkers. Their outlook can be contagious!
  • Engage in activities that boost your mood and confidence.

Track Your Gains

Track Your Gains

Track Your Gains

Okay, so you can’t measure your mental progress in inches or pounds, but you can still recognize growth. Maybe you were calmer during a stressful meeting, or perhaps you didn’t overthink that comment a friend made. These are all little indications that your mental training is paying off. So, give yourself a good thumbs-up from time to time.

Our minds are incredibly adaptable, you know that right? Just as you wouldn't expect to bench press 200 pounds on your first day at the gym, don't expect to have a completely reformed mindset overnight. But you know you can train your brain to be more resilient and positive. And who knows? You might just start enjoying this mental workout as much as your physical one!

  • Stay Curious: When faced with a challenge, get curious. Ask questions like, "What can I learn from this?" or "How can this lead to personal growth?"
  • Limit Negativity: Whether it's news, social media, or even negative people, reduce your exposure. Surrounding yourself with positivity can help maintain a positive outlook.

Law of Attraction Planner

  • Aims to enhance mental, physical, and social aspects using the law of attraction
  • Contains 248 pages with weekly and monthly overviews, journaling, and habit tracking
  • Provides tools like mind maps and vision boards for setting and achieving goals
  • Offers an 8-step system to reduce stress and procrastination.

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Pessimism and Optimism

When we think about happiness, we often hear that optimism is the way to go. After all, looking at the bright side and hoping for the best surely sounds like a recipe for a cheerful life. But is it the only way?

The Upside of Pessimism

Pessimists often get a bad rep, but they have their strengths:

  • They're great at spotting potential problems, which can help avoid future headaches.
  • Their tendency to expect challenges means they're usually well-prepared.
  • Keeping expectations realistic can lead to fewer disappointments.

The Benefits of Optimism

On the other hand, optimists radiate positivity:

  • They recover quickly from setbacks, believing things will get better.
  • Their sunny outlook can lead to better health and less stress.
  • Optimists can brighten up a room and influence others to be more positive.

Blending the Two

Believe it or not, you can find a middle ground:

  • Some people harness their pessimistic tendencies to plan and prepare, then approach challenges with optimism.
  • Balancing optimism with a dose of realism can provide a well-rounded view of life.
  • Having both perspectives can lead to more informed, thoughtful decisions.

Did You Know?

  • Pets and Happiness: Pet owners are about 22% more likely to feel happier than those without pets.
  • Music and Happiness: Listening to music can elevate mood and increase happiness levels by up to 15%.
  • Travel and Happiness: People who travel regularly report being 7% happier on average compared to those who travel rarely or not at all.
  • Work-Life Balance: Individuals who report having a good work-life balance are 21% happier than those who struggle with balancing work demands with personal life.
  • Freedom of Choice: Countries with higher levels of freedom report higher happiness scores, with freedom of choice contributing up to 6% of happiness variation between countries.

Finding Your Path to Happiness

Happiness doesn't depend on being strictly optimistic or pessimistic. It's about understanding yourself:

Recognize if you're more of a "glass half-full" or "glass half-empty" person.

My Experience: Last summer, I planned a beach day with friends. I kept checking the weather, hoping for sun. Despite the forecast showing a 40% chance of rain, I only focused on the 60% chance of sun. I realized then, I'm definitely a "glass half-full" kind of guy.

Even with signs pointing to possible rain, I was optimistic about the sunny possibilities.

If you lean too far one way, try to see situations from the other perspective.

My Experience: A few years back, I was looking to buy a car. My optimistic side zoned in on the sleek sports car. But remembering that I often look too much on the bright side, I forced myself to think of the potential downsides: higher insurance rates, not so great on gas, and not practical for carrying more than one passenger.

Trying to see it from a more cautious perspective made me reconsider, and I eventually opted for a more balanced choice, a reliable sedan.

Surrounding yourself with a mix of optimists and pessimists can provide a richer life experience.

My Experience: In college, my roommate was the yin to my yang. I'd often jump into things without thinking too much, expecting the best outcomes. He, on the other hand, always had a list of pros and cons for everything. When planning our road trip, I was all about spontaneous adventures, while he insisted on a well-planned route with booked accommodations.

There were times I'd roll my eyes at his meticulous planning, but honestly? Thanks to his foresight, we avoided a lot of potential road trip blunders. I came to appreciate our contrasting views. It felt like we had all bases covered, making for some truly memorable adventures.

You Are Your Own Anchor

You Are Your Own Anchor

Throughout our lives, we form bonds - with family, friends, pets, and even with certain cherished belongings. It's only natural. The bonds bring joy, comfort, and meaning to our lives. But there's a delicate balance between cherishing the connections and leaning too heavily on them, did you know this?

Dependence Is Risky

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket." Well, it applies to relationships and connections too because:

  • Change is Inevitable: Life is full of unexpected twists. People come and go, situations change, and we have to be prepared to adapt.
  • External Factors are Unpredictable: We can't control everything. By placing our happiness entirely in the hands of others or things, we expose ourselves to a rollercoaster of emotions, dictated by circumstances beyond our control.
  • It Can Be Draining for Others: Relying heavily on someone can sometimes be a weight on them too. It’s lovely to have people who care about you, but it's also essential to give them space.

Finding Happiness Within

You, yes you, are a powerhouse of joy, resilience, and contentment. Here are some ways to tap into that:

  • Self-reflection: Spend some time with yourself. Understand what makes you tick, what you love, and what you want out of life. This understanding forms the foundation of inner happiness.
  • Pursue Passions: Have a hobby? Keep doing it and nail it. Whether it's painting, hiking, writing, or dancing, let it fill your heart and soul.
  • Practice Gratitude: Every day, list down three things you're thankful for. It could be something as simple as a sunny day or a good meal. This habit can gradually shift your focus from external sources of happiness to appreciating what you already have.

Building Healthy Connections

Now, this isn't to say you should push everyone away. It's about forming connections that complement, not define, your happiness:

  • Set Boundaries: It's okay to say no or ask for space. Define what's comfortable for you and communicate it to those around you.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Instead of seeking validation or happiness from numerous sources, focus on deepening a few meaningful connections.
  • Be There for Others: Just as you are learning to find happiness within, support those around you in their quest too. Mutual growth strengthens bonds.

Some people find it so easy to seek comfort and happiness from external sources. Yes, they play a vital role, no doubt.

But the most consistent, reliable source of happiness? That's you. By cultivating a sense of joy, purpose, and contentment within yourself, you become more resilient to life's unpredictable nature. When you are brimming with this self-derived happiness, it overflows, enriching your connections and experiences even further. So you'd better find the incredible world within you. You might be surprised to discover how happy your life has been, and it will always be.

How I "Finally" Make Over $6,000 Monthly Income

"The most valuable thing I've ever done!"

About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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