What Does Creativity Really Mean To You?

by Joe Stammer // in Life

October 14, 2024

Have you ever wondered why, even when we recognize the importance of creativity, we so often fail to make time for it? Not just as a personal oversight but as a societal trend, you've been surrounded by art, music, and literature, so you naturally appreciate them as sources of joy, innovation, and personal growth. Then what is your creativity?

In my opinion, the modern dilemma is rather, a conflict with our culture's hyper-productivity mindset. There's a lot of opportunity in balancing our work lives with creative endeavors, yet we frequently fall into the trap of measuring success in terms of output and monetary gain, leaving little room for the muses of creativity.

What Does Creativity Really Mean To You

Society often undervalues creative pursuits, considering them as hobbies rather than integral parts of our lives. This can lead to a de-prioritization of activities like painting, writing, or playing an instrument.

With all that said, creativity enhances problem-solving, emotionally enriches us, and allows us to express complex thoughts and emotions that might be stifled otherwise.

Don't we all have too many 'urgent' tasks that demand our immediate attention? Often, these day-to-day demands shove creative projects to the bottom of our to-do lists. It's not that we don't want to create; it's that we're caught up in what feels necessary at the expense of what's truly important.

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The Urgency Over the Importance

Sometimes, we get so caught up in what needs to be done right now that we forget about what truly matters. This is like always putting out fires but never stopping to prevent them. Here's why it's a problem:

  • Distraction Central: The urgent stuff keeps you busy, so much that the big dreams and creative projects get pushed to the back burner.
  • Stress Monster: Constantly focusing on urgent tasks can crank up stress levels, making it hard to think creatively.
  • Lost Priorities: When everything feels urgent, it's tough to figure out what's actually important, like spending time on creative hobbies or long-term goals.

You've probably felt the pressure of a to-do list that never seems to end, with tasks that demand your immediate attention. These are what we call urgent tasks - the ones that shout the loudest for our attention.

It's the constant battle between what's urgent and what's important - and yes, your guess is right. Creativity often falls into the latter category.

There's a 'busy culture' that prides itself on packed schedules and back-to-back meetings. It might give you a sense of accomplishment, but it often leaves little room for the important things that require more thoughtful, deeper engagement, like creative endeavors.

But the good news is there are ways to identify what truly matters. Use techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix and you can start to carve out mental space for creativity, pushing beyond the veil of constant urgency.

Psychological Barriers to Creativity

Fear of failure looms large here. It can paralyze you into inaction, making you shy away from even starting. The thought of not meeting expectations, whether your own or others, can create a mental block where your creative initiative is stifled before it even begins.


In my opinion, perfectionism can trap you in an endless loop of procrastination. The desire to deliver flawlessly can result in constant delays as you wait for the 'perfect' moment or skills that never quite arrive. This quest for perfection is often the enemy of progress, convincing you to put off projects indefinitely.


Self-doubt whispers in your ear that you aren't good enough, skilled enough, or original enough to create something of value. Battling these inner critics is crucial for engaging in creative work. Don't worry too much about these negative voices; recognizing and challenging them is the first step towards overcoming psychological barriers.

So, how do we move past these mental roadblocks and be creative?

You can;

  • Adopt a “Good Enough” Attitude: Remind yourself that "done is better than perfect." Aiming for progress, not perfection, can help you move forward.
  • Limit Revision Rounds: Give yourself a set number of revisions for any task, or set a deadline to stop tweaking and start sharing your work.
  • Focus on the Process, Not Just the Outcome: Enjoy the act of creating itself, without worrying too much about the final product being flawless.

Structural and Environmental Impediments

Structural and Environmental Impediments

The space where you try to be creative can either be a launchpad for your imagination or an anchor dragging it down. Dull lighting, a cluttered desk, or just an uninspiring environment—these can all be creativity killers.

  • Create a Dedicated Creative Zone: Even if you don't have a lot of space, designate a small area as your creative spot. It could be a corner of a room with a desk or a portable box that contains your creative tools.
  • Use Headphones: Noise-canceling headphones can create a bubble of personal space, even in shared environments, allowing you to focus and get into the flow.

And needless to say, if you're surrounded by those who don't value creativity the same way you do, you might find it hard to make time for it. You need not just moral support but also need the exchange of ideas which is so crucial for creative growth.

Juggling life's other responsibilities can be another tough cookie. You've got bills to pay, maybe kids to take care of, or a job that drains your energy. All these can leave you with little mental space to nurture your creative side.

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Creative Lifestyle

So, what does it take to weave creativity into the fabric of your daily life? 

  • Prioritize Creative Time: Treat your creative activities as important appointments. Block off time in your calendar and stick to it as you would any other important meeting.
  • Integrate Creativity into Daily Routines: Find ways to weave creative activities into your everyday life. For instance, sketch while on a lunch break or brainstorm ideas during a commute.
  • Leverage Digital Tools: Many free or affordable digital tools can substitute for physical resources. Use apps for drawing, writing, or music composition.
  • Repurpose and Recycle: Get creative with materials you already have at home. You’d be surprised what you can make out of everyday items.
  • Community Resources: Look for community centers, libraries, or makerspaces that offer access to tools and materials.
  • Schedule Regular Play Time: Make it a habit to set aside time for unstructured exploration. This could be weekly brainstorming sessions with no specific goal other than to think freely.
  • Inspire Your Environment: Fill your living or working space with items that inspire you. Personalize your environment with artwork, inspiring quotes, or anything that sparks your imagination.
  • Stay Active: Regular physical activity can boost creativity by improving mood and increasing blood flow to the brain. Incorporate walks, stretches, or other exercises into your daily routine.
  • Build a Creative Network: Connect with others who share your creative interests. Join online forums, local clubs, or workshops where you can share ideas and get inspired.

Integrating creative activities isn't about overhauling your entire schedule. It's about finding those little pockets of time where you can explore and create. During the lunch hour, right before bed, or that quiet time after everyone else has settled for the night.

In my opinion, to enrich every aspect of your life, you really need to nurture creativity. I'm not talking about skills in art or music. But to improve skills that all human beings should improve; problem-solving, emotional well-being, and personal fulfillment.

I really hope that you'll start carving out that time for your creative endeavors because you deserve that joy and discovery in your life.

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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