The 10 Things To Throw Away

by Max Lee // in Life

November 7, 2018

Are you feeling overwhelmed with clutter in your living space? Are you tired of digging through piles of unused items just to find what you’re looking for? It’s time to simplify and declutter your life! One of the best ways to start is by getting rid of things that are taking up unnecessary space. Here are the top 10 things you should throw away to make your home a more organized and stress-free environment. So grab some trash bags and let’s get started!

The 10 Things To Throw Away

1. Clothes you don’t wear

We all have those clothes in our closets that we haven’t worn in ages. Maybe they don’t fit anymore, or maybe they’re just not your style. Regardless of the reason, keeping these items around only adds to the clutter in your home.

When it comes to decluttering your wardrobe, a good rule of thumb is to get rid of anything you haven’t worn in the past year. This includes pieces that are damaged beyond repair or stained with no hope for removal.

If you’re having trouble letting go of sentimental clothing items like old t-shirts or concert tees, consider repurposing them into something new and useful. You could turn them into a quilt or even a reusable grocery bag!

Donating gently used clothing is also a great option if the items are still wearable. Not only does this help someone else out who may be less fortunate, but it also helps reduce textile waste and promotes sustainability.

By clearing out clothes you no longer wear, you’ll create more space in your closet and simplify your daily routine by making getting dressed quicker and easier!

2. Expired makeup

As much as we all love our makeup collections, it’s important to keep them fresh and clean. Expired makeup can cause skin irritation, breakouts, and even infections. Here are some tips on what to throw away:

Firstly, check the expiration dates on your products. Most cosmetics have a small symbol indicating how many months they’re good for after opening. Mascara usually lasts about three months while foundation can last up to a year.

If you haven’t used a product in over six months or if the texture has changed significantly, toss it out. Old lipstick may become dry and clumpy while eyeshadow may lose its pigmentation.

It’s also important to properly store your makeup in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. This will help prolong their shelf life.

Remember that using expired makeup isn’t worth risking your health for the sake of keeping an old favorite around just a little longer. When in doubt, always throw it out!

3. Old phone

We all have that old phone lying around in a drawer somewhere. It might be the first smartphone you ever owned or maybe just an outdated model that was replaced by a newer version. Whatever the case may be, it’s time to throw it away.

Not only is an old phone taking up space and cluttering your home, but it’s also potentially harmful to the environment. Electronics should never be thrown in the trash as they can release toxic chemicals into landfills.

Instead, consider recycling your old phone or donating it to a local charity. Many organizations accept electronics donations and will either refurbish them for reuse or dispose of them properly.

If you’re hesitant about parting with your old phone because of sentimental value or fear of losing important data, take some time to transfer any necessary information onto your current device or computer before disposing of it properly.

Remember, holding on to unnecessary items only creates more clutter and stress in our lives. Letting go can be liberating and even beneficial for both ourselves and the environment. So let go of that old phone and embrace a simpler lifestyle!

4. Pictures you don’t need

Pictures are a great way to capture memories, but not all pictures hold equal value. Over time, we tend to accumulate more than we need and end up with piles of unnecessary photos cluttering our space. It’s time to go through your photo albums or digital folders and throw away the ones you don’t need.

Start by getting rid of blurry or duplicated images. There’s no point in keeping multiple shots of the same thing if they’re all identical or out of focus. Next, consider if there are any pictures that hold no sentimental value for you anymore. Maybe it’s a picture from an event you barely remember attending or a snapshot of someone you’ve fallen out of touch with.

Another category to sort through is bad pictures – those where everyone has red eyes, unflattering poses or poor lighting conditions make them look terrible. These types can immediately be thrown away without hesitation.

Consider how many physical copies you really need versus how much space they’re taking up in your home. If possible, keep only one copy and digitize the rest so that they take up less space while still being preserved for posterity.

By taking some time now to declutter your photo collection, you’ll be left with only the most meaningful memories that bring joy every time you revisit them!

Pictures you don't need

5. Papers and magazines

Papers and magazines can really pile up over time, taking up space in your home. It’s important to go through them regularly and get rid of what you no longer need.

Start by going through all the papers that have accumulated on your desk or in your drawers. Sort them into categories such as bills, receipts, and important documents. Shred any sensitive information before throwing it away.

Next, take a look at any magazines you may have lying around. Are they ones you still enjoy reading? Or have they been collecting dust for months? If it’s the latter, recycle them or donate to a local library or hospital waiting room.

If you’re someone who likes to hold onto old newspapers for sentimental reasons, consider scanning articles or photos digitally so that you can keep them without taking up physical space.

Remember, getting rid of papers and magazines not only declutters your home but also helps with organization and mental clarity. So grab a recycling bin and start sorting!

6. Anything broken

We all have those items in our homes that we swear we will fix “someday.” However, that day never seems to come and the broken item continues to take up space. It’s time to face reality and throw away anything broken.

Firstly, keeping a broken item around can be dangerous. If it’s an electrical appliance or tool, there could be exposed wires or sharp edges that pose a risk of injury. Don’t put yourself or your family at risk by holding onto something that is beyond repair.

Secondly, even if you do eventually get around to fixing the item, it may not work as well as it once did. The longer something sits broken, the more likely other parts of it will deteriorate or become damaged beyond repair.

Thirdly, clutter can cause stress and anxiety for some people. Seeing piles of things waiting to be fixed can start to feel overwhelming and contribute to feelings of chaos in your home environment.

In conclusion (just kidding!), don’t hold onto anything broken just because you think you might fix it someday. By throwing away these items now, you’ll create more space in your home and reduce potential hazards while also avoiding unnecessary stress caused by cluttered living spaces.

7. Extra silverware

Have you ever opened your utensil drawer to find it overflowing with silverware? It’s easy to accumulate too much, especially if you’ve inherited sets from relatives or received them as gifts. However, having excess silverware can lead to a cluttered and disorganized kitchen.

One solution is to donate the extra pieces. Many charities accept gently used household items, including silverware. You could also sell them online or at a garage sale.

Another option is to repurpose the silverware creatively. For example, bend forks into hooks for hanging towels or aprons in the kitchen. Or use spoons as plant markers in your garden.

If you’re attached to your full set of silverware but still need some decluttering, consider storing the extra pieces in a separate container elsewhere in your home. That way they won’t take up valuable space in your kitchen drawers but will still be accessible when needed.

Decluttering excess silverware not only frees up physical space but can also alleviate mental stress by creating a more streamlined and organized environment in which to cook and dine.

8. Extra Tupperware

Do you have a drawer or cabinet filled with extra Tupperware containers? It’s time to declutter and get rid of the excess. Here are some reasons why:

First, having too much Tupperware can take up valuable space in your kitchen. This makes it harder to find items when you need them, causing unnecessary stress.

Second, extra Tupperware is often not used and just takes up space. It’s better to keep only what you use regularly and donate the rest so someone else can benefit from it.

Third, if you have too many containers, they become difficult to store properly which may lead to damage or breakage over time.

Keeping unwanted Tupperware around is wasteful as we should strive for more sustainable consumption habits by minimizing our possessions and reducing waste.

Remember that quality is always better than quantity when it comes to storage solutions like Tupperware. So let go of the extras and enjoy a clutter-free kitchen!

9. Out of season clothes

As the seasons change, so does our wardrobe. It’s important to rotate and declutter your clothes every few months to make room for new pieces and get rid of anything that is no longer serving you. Out of season clothes can take up valuable space in your closet and drawers, making it harder to find what you need.

When it comes to out of season clothes, ask yourself if you really need them or if they are just taking up space. If you live in a climate with distinct seasons, it’s likely that some items don’t get worn for several months at a time.

Consider storing these items in vacuum-sealed bags or containers under your bed or in a storage unit until next season rolls around. This will free up space in your everyday closet and keep everything organized.

Another option is to donate any gently used clothing that no longer fits or suits your style to charity organizations such as Goodwill or The Salvation Army.

By regularly assessing your wardrobe and getting rid of out of season clothes, you’ll have more space for the things that matter most – the pieces that make you feel confident and stylish all year round!

10. Holiday decorations

Decluttering can be a tough task but ultimately it’s worth the effort. By throwing away these 10 things, you’ll free up space in your home and make room for more important things in your life. Remember that minimalism is not just about having less stuff, it’s also about creating a peaceful and stress-free environment around yourself.

So take some time to go through each item on this list and evaluate whether or not you really need it. If it’s something that doesn’t bring value to your life anymore, don’t hesitate to toss it out. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel once you’ve cleared out the clutter!

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About the author 

Max Lee

Max Lee is a fitness enthusiast who loves pushing his limits and challenging himself. Despite his dedication to physical fitness, he still retains a laid-back attitude that makes him approachable and easy to talk to. He is passionate about helping others take control of their mental health and reach positive states of mind.

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