Spatial Abilities: A Practical Guide To Improving Visuospatial Skills

July 8, 2024

Do we really need to interact with our surroundings? No, this is not a zen question. If you suck at reading maps, parking car, and solve a little complicated problems at work, you'd like to improve these skills, wouldn't you? But if you can''s not the end of the world.

Improving spatial abilities is to make life easier and a little more enjoyable. That's all it is, really. And here's how you can boost your spatial abilities with practical steps.

A Practical Guide To Improving Spatial Abilities

What Are Spatial Abilities?

Spatial abilities involve the capacity to visualize and manipulate objects in our minds. These skills are necessary for many everyday activities, from packing a suitcase to navigating through a city. People with strong spatial abilities can often see patterns, solve puzzles quickly, and understand how objects fit together. The skills are mainly broken down into 3 following categories;

1. Spatial Visualization

Spatial visualization is the ability to imagine how objects look when they are moved or rearranged. This skill is used when we assemble furniture or organize items in a tight space. Improving this skill can help in planning and organizing tasks more efficiently.

2. Mental Rotation

Mental rotation refers to the ability to rotate objects in your mind to see them from different angles. This skill is often tested with puzzles where you have to match rotated shapes. It is useful in various fields, from architecture to medicine.

3. Spatial Orientation

Spatial orientation is the ability to understand your location in relation to your surroundings. It is what helps you navigate a city or find your way in a new place. This skill is particularly useful for activities that require precise movements, such as driving or sports.

Steps to Improve Spatial Abilities

Play Puzzles

Improving spatial abilities can be achieved through practice and certain activities. Here are some practical steps to help you enhance these skills.

Play Puzzles

Puzzle games like Tetris, jigsaw puzzles, and Rubik's Cube require you to think about shapes and how they fit together. These games challenge your brain to visualize and manipulate objects, which strengthens your spatial skills.

Example: In case you don't know Tetris - it's a game where different shaped blocks fall, and you need to fit them together to clear lines. Playing Tetris regularly can improve your ability to visualize shapes and predict how they will fit into spaces.

Use Building Toys

Building toys like LEGO or model kits can help improve spatial visualization and mental rotation skills. These toys require you to think about how pieces fit together and what the final structure will look like. Assembling these toys encourages you to visualize the steps needed to complete a project.

Example: Building a LEGO set involves following instructions and visualizing how pieces connect. This activity helps develop your ability to see the final product and understand the relationship between individual pieces.

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Practice Drawing

Drawing/sketching will enhance your spatial abilities by improving your ability to visualize and replicate objects on paper. This activity requires you to pay attention to proportions, perspectives, and angles. It also helps in developing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Example: Start by sketching simple objects like a cup or a chair. Focus on capturing the shape, size, and perspective accurately. As you improve, try sketching more complex scenes or objects from different angles.

Engage in Physical Activities

Certain physical activities can help improve spatial orientation and coordination. Activities like dancing, martial arts, or playing sports require you to be aware of your body’s position in space and how it moves in relation to other objects.

Example: Learning dance routines involves understanding spatial relationships and moving your body through different patterns. You'll be able to judge distances and directions more accurately.

Use Maps

Anyone uses sat nav on smartphone, but the maps actually strengthen your spatial orientation skills. Planning routes, and checking up unfamiliar areas, you get the spatial relationships on a larger scale.

Example: Orienteering is an outdoor activity where you use a map and compass to navigate through checkpoints. This exercise challenges your ability to read maps, plan routes, and understand the terrain.

Try Virtual Reality (VR) Games

VR games often involve navigating 3D environments, solving puzzles, and interacting with virtual objects. VR can simulate real-world scenarios, providing a unique way to practice spatial skills.

Example: Playing VR adventure games requires you to move through virtual spaces, solve puzzles, and interact with objects. Naturally over time, you'll be able to see spatial relationships in a 3D environment.

Solve Spatial Reasoning Problems

Spatial reasoning problems, often found in IQ tests or brain-training apps, can help improve your ability to visualize and manipulate objects. These problems typically involve finding patterns, rotating shapes, and understanding spatial relationships.

Example: Brain training apps like Lumosity or Peak offer a variety of spatial reasoning games and exercises. Regularly using these apps give a structured way to practice and enhance your spatial skills.

Use 3D Modeling Software

3D modeling software, such as Blender or SketchUp, can be an excellent tool for improving spatial visualization and mental rotation. These programs allow you to create and manipulate 3D objects, helping you understand how shapes fit together in a virtual space.

Example: Create 3D models. Start with simple projects, like modeling a chair or a table. As you become more comfortable, try creating more complex models. This activity helps develop your ability to visualize and manipulate objects in three dimensions.

Everyday Activities to Boost Spatial Skills

Everyday Activities to Boost Spatial Skills

Certain daily activities are actually improving your spatial skills, so you can try them more often, more proactively. They are simple and practical, such as the following.

Organize Your Space

Organizing your living or working space can enhance your spatial skills. Rearrange furniture, declutter, and find efficient ways to store items. This activity helps you think about how objects fit together and the best way to use space.

Example: Try rearranging the furniture in your living room. Think about how different layouts will affect the flow of the room and how the pieces fit together. This exercise can help improve your spatial visualization skills.


Cooking and baking often require precise measurements, following recipes, and organizing ingredients. These activities can help develop your ability to plan, visualize, and execute tasks in a structured way.

Example: Bake cakes. Baking require you to follow quite a strict recipe, measure ingredients, use different utensils and all. You'll be expected to think about the order of steps and how ingredients combine, enhancing your spatial planning skills.

Use DIY Projects

Engaging in DIY projects, like home repairs or crafting, can boost your spatial abilities. These projects often require you to measure, cut, and assemble materials, which helps develop spatial visualization and coordination.

Example: Try building a shelf. It involves measuring the space, cutting the wood, and assembling the pieces. This activity helps you think about dimensions and how different parts fit together, improving your spatial skills.

Benefits of Improved Spatial Abilities

Better spatial abilities have a positive impact on various aspects of your life. It can make everyday tasks easier, improve your problem-solving skills, and even boost your performance in certain professions.

Benefits of Improved Spatial Abilities

Everyday Tasks

Improved spatial skills will make everyday tasks like packing a suitcase, organizing a room, or navigating a city much easier. You’ll be able to visualize and plan more efficiently, saving time and effort.

Example: Packing a Suitcase. When packing a suitcase, improved spatial skills help you visualize how to fit all your items neatly. You can maximize space and ensure everything fits comfortably.

Professional Skills

Many professions, such as architecture, engineering, and medicine, require strong spatial abilities. You'll have better performances and the skills will keep opening up new opportunities in these fields.

Example: Architecture. Architects need to visualize and plan buildings and spaces. Strong spatial skills help them create detailed designs and understand how different elements fit together.


Enhanced spatial abilities can improve your problem-solving skills. You’ll be better at recognizing patterns, understanding relationships, and finding solutions to complex problems.

Example: Take free IQ tests online. When trying to solve a little complex puzzle, it's your strong spatial skills that see patterns and visualize solutions. So you'll be quicker and more accurate in problem-solving.

Spatial Abilities: A Guide To Improving Visuospatial Skills

Now you know that having good spatial abilities are rewarding. Playing puzzle games, building toys, drawing, physical activities, and DIY projects, and you'll be able to strengthen the visuospatial skills and make your life easier. It may just be for personal enjoyment or it may be for your professional advancement. But you want to make everyday tasks more manageable, so keep trying them all whenever you can.

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About the author 

Ray Flexión

Driven by dreams, grounded by reality, taking revenge on life's challenges. Whatever you say, I stand strong. I'm kind-hearted, though unapologetically true to myself. I stumble but I rise. I am who I am , no excuse.

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