Selfless Acts Start Today

by Joe Stammer // in Life

February 18, 2024

How can we really make a difference in someone else's life? Being selfless - It doesn't require grand gestures; small, everyday actions can have a big impact. Let's explore how you can start helping others today with simple steps.

Selfless Acts Start Today

Start with Listening

Your friend is having a rough day and decides to share their feelings with you. Instead of jumping in with advice or scrolling through your phone, you give them your full attention. You nod, make eye contact, and maybe throw in a "I get where you're coming from" to show you're really with them.

This makes your friend feel heard and supported, which is a huge deal. By simply listening, you've provided comfort and a safe space for them to express themselves. It's a basic yet powerful way to show you care, right?


I'm so selfless, I told my plants they could have my carbon dioxide. They haven't thanked me yet. #Rude

I was so selfless today, I let the WiFi use me. Spent the day buffering my own thoughts. #DigitalDetox

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Lend a Hand

Helping out can take many forms and doesn't have to be a big ordeal. For example, say you notice your neighbor struggling to carry groceries inside. Offering to help with the bags is a small gesture that can make their day a lot better.

Or perhaps a family member is stressed about a big dinner they're hosting. Stepping in to set the table or wash the dishes can be a huge relief for them. These acts of kindness show that you're there for others, willing to put in a bit of effort to make their lives easier.

You see, it's these little moments of assistance that can strengthen bonds and spread positivity.

Helping hands are never empty.

Helping hands are never empty.

Share Your Knowledge

Sharing what you know is incredibly rewarding. Let's say you're a whiz at baking cookies. Why not spend an afternoon teaching your younger cousin the art of making the perfect chocolate chip cookie? It's fun, and you get to eat the results, right?

Or maybe you're good with computers. Offering to show a friend how to set up their new laptop can save them a lot of time and frustration. Sharing your skills doesn't just help others; it also gives you a sense of purpose and connection.

You pass on what you know, making someone's life a bit easier, and having a good time while you're at it.

Give What You Can

Give What You Can

Giving doesn't always mean writing a big check. It's about sharing what you have, no matter how small. For instance, going through your closet and finding clothes you no longer wear but are still in good shape.

Donating these to a local shelter can hugely impact someone who needs them. Or consider books gathering dust on your shelf. Passing them on to a community center or library can spread knowledge and joy to others.

Even sharing your dinner with someone who doesn't have anything to eat is a form of giving. These actions might seem small, but they mean a lot to the person on the receiving end, you see?

Offer Compliments

A genuine compliment can light up someone's day. Imagine telling a coworker, "Hey, I really admired how you handled that meeting. Great job!" It boosts their confidence and encourages them to keep up the good work, right?

Or noticing a friend's new haircut and telling them how good it looks can make them feel great about themselves.

Compliments are free to give but priceless to someone who needs a little lift. It's about noticing the good in others and taking a moment to acknowledge it. This simple act can create a ripple of positivity, isn't it?

Volunteer Your Time

Volunteer Your Time

Volunteering is one of the most direct ways to make a difference. It could be as simple as spending a couple of hours a week at a local food bank, sorting donations and helping them reach those in need.

Or joining a community cleanup to help make your neighborhood a cleaner, safer place. For those who love animals, spending time at an animal shelter, walking dogs, or cuddling cats can hugely impact their well-being (and yours!).

Volunteering allows you to connect with your community, meet new people, and contribute to a cause you care about. It shows that you're willing to invest your most valuable asset—your time—to help out, which is pretty awesome, you see?


Being selfless, I let my cat decide my bedtime. It's been 3am every day. I'm living in her world now.

Tried being selfless by giving my friend control of the TV remote. Watched 5 hours of fishing shows. #SendHelp

Be Kind to Yourself

Being kind to yourself is where it all starts, right? It's like being your own best friend. Say you're working on a tough project and things aren't going as planned. Instead of being hard on yourself, take a step back and acknowledge the effort you're putting in.

Treat yourself to a break, maybe a walk outside or your favorite snack. Remember, it's okay to have off days. Giving yourself permission to rest and recharge isn't a luxury; it's necessary. Self-kindness means recognizing when you're doing your best, even if everything isn't perfect. After all, you deserve compassion and patience, just like anyone else.

Make Someone Smile

Making someone smile is easier than you think and can brighten both your days. A simple "good morning" with a smile to your neighbor, a funny meme sent to a friend, or a compliment to a stranger about their cool shirt can go a long way.

These actions don't cost a thing but can mean a lot. Imagine holding the door open for someone juggling bags of groceries, or letting a car merge in front of you during rush hour. Small acts of kindness can bring a big smile to someone's face, proving that happiness can be shared in the simplest ways.

Make Someone Smile

Stay Positive

Staying positive, especially when things get tough, what everyone needs. You are not ignoring problems but choosing to focus on what can be done rather than what can't.

When faced with an obstacle, try to see it as an opportunity to learn something new. Surround yourself with positive vibes—music, people, books, anything that uplifts you.

Positivity is contagious; by staying upbeat, you not only help yourself but also inspire those around you to look on the bright side. You see, maintaining a positive outlook is hugely impactful.

What Can You Do Today To Start Selfless Acts?

  • Listen Actively: Put away your phone and give your full attention to someone who wants to share their thoughts or feelings with you.
  • Help a Neighbor: Offer to run an errand for an elderly neighbor or someone who can't easily get out on their own.
  • Share a Skill: Teach someone a simple skill you have, like fixing a leaky tap, through a video call or in person if safe.
  • Donate Unused Items: Go through your belongings and set aside clothes, books, or toys in good condition to donate to a local charity.
  • Compliment Someone: Give a genuine compliment to at least three people today. It can be as simple as praising a coworker's work or a friend's new profile picture.
  • Volunteer Virtually: Sign up for online volunteering opportunities, such as tutoring students or offering professional advice to nonprofits.
  • Cook a Meal: Cook a meal or bake something for a friend, family member, or neighbor, especially if they are going through a tough time.
  • Pay It Forward: If you're in a drive-thru or coffee shop, consider paying for the order of the person behind you.
  • Encourage Positivity: Share an uplifting story or a motivational quote on your social media to brighten others' day.
  • Check-In on Someone: Send a message or call someone you know who might be feeling lonely or isolated to check how they're doing.
  • Offer Your Time: Dedicate some time to listen or help out a friend with a project or something they're struggling with.
  • Plant Something: Plant a tree or some flowers in a community space (with permission, of course) to contribute to the environment and local beauty.
Keep It Going

Keep It Going

Encouraging others to spread kindness and positivity keeps the momentum going. If someone does something nice for you, pay it forward. Bought coffee for the person behind you in line? Maybe they'll do the same for someone else. Share stories of kindness on social media to inspire others.

Offer support when you see someone trying to make a positive change in their life or in the lives of others. You can create a chain reaction of goodwill. You never know how far a little encouragement can go. By keeping the spirit of kindness alive, we can all contribute to a more compassionate world. Isn't it amazing how one small act can ignite so many more?

Each of these steps shows that making a difference doesn't have to be complicated. From being kind to yourself, making someone smile, staying positive, to keeping it going, each action creates ripples. So, let's not wait. Small acts of kindness and positivity are within everyone's reach, and they make a world of difference.

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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