Sanctify Yourself

by Joe Stammer // in Life

July 24, 2024

I define self-sanctification as a personal journey toward becoming the best version of oneself, aligning with deep-seated values and ethics. It's not just a momentary lift in spirit or a fleeting sense of moral superiority. Instead, it's about a consistent, intentional move toward inner purity and goodness that shapes character and life choices.

In our fast-paced, always-connected world, finding time to focus on one's spiritual and moral development can seem like a luxury. But the need for self-sanctification is more relevant now than ever. Daily life subjects us to a barrage of influences, and the journey to sanctity serves as a counterbalance, empowering us to navigate through life with grounded principles.

There's no one-size-fits-all method to achieve self-sanctification, as it's deeply personal. However, common practices range from disciplined self-reflection to the application of philosophical or religious teachings in daily life. Finding the right combination that resonates with you is crucial.

Recognize that all this is a blend of aspiring for betterment while also admitting who you are at core. It's about aiming for growth without harsh self-criticism, acknowledging imperfections alongside potential for change.

Sanctify Yourself

Self-Reflection: The Cornerstone of Sanctification

You might not realize how pivotal self-reflection is to the process of making meaningful changes in your life. It’s the mirror that doesn’t lie, the inner voice that guides you toward your better self. To set out on a path of self-sanctification, you need to first find out about yourself to your core. This self-awareness can be attained through various forms of self-reflection.

Techniques for self-reflection are plentiful and can be tailored to fit individual preferences. Journaling, for instance, offers a private space to spill out thoughts and emotions, thereby untangling complex feelings. Meditation, on the other hand, encourages a quiet mind and helps in gaining clarity and peace. Engaging in these practices regularly opens the door to personal insights and digging deeper into your beliefs.

Do you know why real-life transformations through self-reflection can be quite astonishing?

That's because people from all walks of life make massive life changes just by taking the time to look at their inner-selves. Change in career, improved relationships, or a more positive outlook on life... the stories of transformation underscore the power of this process.

Nonetheless, self-reflection isn't without its challenges. Facing one's own shortcomings and areas for improvement can be difficult, and at times, discomfort can discourage continuation. It's crucial to navigate these moments with patience and to see them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.

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Steps Towards Inner Purity

Spiritual well-being may not always be straightforward, but you can - and anyone can - start working on it right there, right now.

It's a sequence of intentional, daily choices that propel you towards a more sanctified self. Think of them as the nutrients for the soul; without them, inner growth stagnates.

  1. Meditate to appreciate life - your gratitudes and disciplines you’ve experienced since you were a child. All may have added complexity to your personality, but they may also have earned your inner peace. The meditation will give your mind all the positives, just as physical exercise strengthens the body.
  2. Be as kind as you can to the people who share your commitment to sanctification. They always motivate you and let you find the accountability. Surround yourself with positive influences and engage in communities that uplift rather than detract from your pursuit.
  3. Your actions must reflect your values and beliefs to achieve true sanctification. This alignment is key to feeling authentic and integral. Regularly revisit your beliefs to ensure your habits are in synchrony with what you hold dear.

Progress isn't always evident. It's hard to gauge spiritual growth. But setting personal benchmarks, like spending a certain amount of time in contemplation each week or extending kindness indiscriminately, can help. Also, use self-assessment tools to reflect on how well your actions align with your goals.

Maintaining Sanctity in Daily Life

Sanctity in Daily Life

Establishing a foundational practice of self-sanctification is only the beginning. The real challenge often comes from integrating these practices into daily routines, especially when life gets hectic. I've found the key is to view self-sanctification as a continuous journey rather than a destination.

Modern life bombards us with constant distractions, expecting you to react quickly to everything, making it tough to stay focused on personal growth. Yet, with intentionality, I maintain that one can use these very tools to reinforce their sanctification practices, like following uplifting accounts that inspire or using apps for meditation and habit-tracking.

Investing time and energy into this lifelong endeavor pays dividends. The physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of living in alignment with one's values are immeasurable. But, the greatest payoff might just be the sense of peace and fulfillment that accompanies the unshakeable knowledge of walking your path authentically.

Where can one find inspiration when the commitment to sanctity wavers? For starters, it's in the people who've walked this road too, in the literature that speaks to the core of our being, and in the quiet moments when we realize how far we've come.

In conclusion, spiritual maintenance is an ACTIVE CHOICE. It requires dedication, creativity, and a good dose of patience. When viewed as a way of living, rather than a set of tasks, it weaves seamlessly into the fabric of everyday life, offering a reliable compass through the challenges and successes that define the human experience.

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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