Live Your Life as a Free Spirit

May 18, 2024

Living as a free spirit, to me, it's a self-discovery. If you don't know what you love and what truly makes you happy, you cannot find out anything beyond, can you? Many people are so busy with their daily lives that they can't access the free spirit they all have within them. That's what I believe.

Live Your Life as a Free Spirit


Here's how I'm doing it:

  • Trying New Things: Whether it's learning a new language or picking up a new hobby, each new activity helps me uncover parts of myself I didn't know existed.
  • Journaling: Writing down my thoughts and feelings has been a powerful tool for self-reflection.
  • Meditation: Taking time to meditate helps me connect with my inner self on a deeper level.

This approach to life encourages love for oneself and others by fostering an understanding and appreciation of our unique qualities.


Changes are inevitable in life. So you'd better welcome every change instead of resisting, I've been able to grow and evolve in ways I never imagined. It's hugely liberating to adapt to new circumstances with an open heart and mind. This has proven to be a cornerstone of living a free-spirited life because:

  • Flexibility: It teaches me to be more flexible and resilient.
  • New Experiences: Each change brings new experiences and opportunities to learn and spread love.

Travel Often

Traveling opens up the world in ways nothing else can. It's not just about seeing new places but about the experiences and the people you meet along the way. But I wouldn't travel for the sake of it. Especially the countries I'm not particularly keen on visiting, I don't visit them. You know some people are obsessed by traveling around the world - which is a great thing. I really admire them, but that's not for me. But at least, there are a lot of different cultures that I'd still love to learn.

Traveling has helped me:

  • Gain New Perspectives: Understanding different viewpoints through different lifestyles.
  • Meet Diverse People: Connecting with others on my travels has expanded my capacity for love and compassion.

This embodies the free-spirited lifestyle by promoting openness and curiosity.

Express Yourself "Creatively"


Making a creative expression isn't easy for me as I tend to take things pragmatically. So creative expressions are always my idea of free-spirited life. It's a way to share my inner world with others, spreading love and inspiration. Whether through painting, music, or writing, creativity has allowed me to:

  • Communicate Emotions: Art is a universal language that transcends words.
  • Inspire Others: Sharing my creations can inspire others to explore their own creativity.

Creativity doesn't have to be art or music, as far as I'm concerned. It's the way you compose your thoughts. It's how you arrive your decision without being pragmatic. Your gut feeling is creativity, you see what I mean?

Practice The Presence

Mindfulness keeps me rooted in the present, enhancing my appreciation for the beauty of the moment. It's a reminder to cherish the here and now, fostering a deeper connection with myself and the world around me. Practicing mindfulness has taught me:

  • Gratitude: To be thankful for the present moment and all its gifts.
  • Connection: Feeling a deeper bond with nature, people, and the universe.

This practice is a testament to the free-spirited way of life, emphasizing love, presence, and a profound appreciation for life's simple joys. Through these experiences, I've learned that living as a free spirit isn't just about seeking personal freedom but about spreading love and positivity in the world.

Letting Go of Materialism

In my quest for a life that truly reflects being a free spirit, I've learned the importance of letting go of materialism. It's a journey toward valuing experiences over possessions—a concept that's become a cornerstone of my pursuit of happiness and love. Here's how I'm trying to live it out:

  • Purging the Excess: I started by decluttering, giving away or selling things I don't need. It's liberating.
  • Mindful Purchasing: Before buying anything new, I ask myself if it's a need or a want. This helps reduce impulse buys.
  • Experiences Over Things: I invest in experiences that enrich my soul, like concerts, workshops, or travel, instead of accumulating more stuff.
  • One In, One Out Rule: Whenever I bring a new item into my home, I make sure to let go of another to avoid accumulating stuff.

This approach has not only simplified my life but also made it richer and more meaningful. I find love in connections and experiences, proving the free-spirited belief that happiness doesn't come from what we own.

Spending Time in Nature

Nature has a way of opening my heart and reminding me of the essence of being a free spirit. It's where I feel most connected to the world and myself. To do that, I've made a few commitments:

  • Regular Outdoor Activities: Whether it's hiking, swimming, or just a walk, I make time for it.
  • Disconnect to Reconnect: Spending time in nature without digital distractions allows me to fully immerse in the experience.
  • Learning from the Earth: I often reflect on nature's cycles and how they mirror aspects of our own lives, teaching me resilience and renewal.

Embracing the outdoors has deepened my love for the planet and reinforced my free-spirited lifestyle by reminding me of the beauty in simplicity and the natural world.


Spending Time In Nature
"I thought we'd be spending time in nature, not exercising naturism in public..."
"Same thing, dude. Let's do it!"
"No way man, you do it and see what happens."

Being True to Yourself

Living as a free spirit means being true to myself, especially when I'm feeling down, angry, or feel defeated by something. Because I believe I should be able to honor my values and express my uniqueness without fear. Here's how I embrace this principle:

  • Self-reflection: Regularly checking in with myself helps ensure I'm aligned with my true desires and beliefs.
  • Honest Expression: I strive to communicate my thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, both with others and through creative outlets.
  • Embracing Uniqueness: Celebrating my quirks and accepting myself fully fosters genuine self-love and encourages others to do the same.

This commitment to my deep honesty has been crucial in living freely and spreading love, as it invites genuine connections and mutual respect.


Adopting a flexible mindset is key to embodying the free spirit ethos. Life is unpredictable, and learning to flow with changes rather than resist them has been enlightening:

  • Embracing Uncertainty: I've learned to see unexpected changes as opportunities for growth and adventure.
  • Adapting Plans: Instead of rigidly sticking to plans, I remain open to altering my course based on new information or opportunities.
  • Staying Open-Minded: Keeping an open mind to different perspectives and ideas has enriched my life in unexpected ways.

Flexibility has taught me that letting go of control opens the door to a world of possibilities, enabling me to live more freely and spread love through understanding and adaptability.

Seeking Spiritual Connections With People

Living as a free spirit also involves seeking out spiritual connections with others. It's about finding those rare bonds that transcend the superficial, grounded in mutual respect, understanding, and love. Here's my approach:

  • Quality Over Quantity: I focus on deepening a few close relationships rather than maintaining many surface-level ones.
  • Active Listening: Being fully present in conversations allows me to connect more genuinely with others.
  • Vulnerability: Sharing my true self, including my fears and dreams, invites deeper connections and fosters a loving community.

These efforts have proven to me the power of authentic relationships in living a free-spirited life, enriching my existence with love and mutual support.

Spiritual Connection with People
"What's this? Why are you so close to me?"
"Spiritual connection, baby. Can you feel it?
"Seriously, I can smell it."

Spiritual Learning

In my pursuit of living as a free spirit, I've discovered the joy and fulfillment that comes from being a lifelong learner. There's something incredibly freeing about constantly seeking out new knowledge and experiences. It's like the world is an endless ocean, and I'm on a voyage to explore its vastness. Here's how I'm diving into this adventure:

  • Exploring Varied Interests: From learning a new language to picking up a musical instrument, I'm giving myself the freedom to explore all areas of curiosity.
  • Reading Widely: Books have become my portals to other worlds, ideas, and philosophies, broadening my horizons.
  • Engaging with Diverse Communities: Participating in different cultural and social groups has been enlightening, helping me understand myriad perspectives.

This approach has not only expanded my knowledge but has also deepened my love for the richness of life. It embodies the essence of a free spirit, constantly growing and evolving.

Practicing Gratitude

I've found that gratitude is a powerful practice for living a free-spirited life. It's about recognizing and appreciating the beauty in the simple things and the people around me. This mindset shift has transformed my outlook on life:

  • Daily Gratitude Journaling: Writing down things I'm thankful for each day has made a significant impact on my well-being.
  • Expressing Appreciation to Others: Making it a point to tell people in my life how much I appreciate them strengthens our bonds.
  • Finding Beauty in the Ordinary: I've learned to find joy and beauty in everyday moments, from a sunny day to a conversation with a friend.

These practices of gratitude foster a sense of peace and contentment, fueling my spirit's desire to love and connect more deeply with the world.

Letting Go of Grudges

Holding onto past hurts can weigh heavily on one's spirit. In my quest to live freely and spread love, I've realized the importance of forgiveness. It's about letting go of the bitterness that holds me back from experiencing true freedom:

  • Self-Reflection and Forgiveness: I'm learning to forgive myself for past mistakes, understanding that I'm human and it's okay to falter.
  • Releasing Resentment: Actively working to let go of resentment towards others has been liberating, opening my heart to more love and joy.
  • Seeking Peace: Prioritizing peace over being right has led to more harmonious relationships and a lighter spirit.

Forgiveness has proven to be a cornerstone of living a life true to a free spirit, facilitating healing and allowing me to love more freely.

Taking Risks

To me, being a free spirit means not being afraid to step out of my comfort zone. Taking risks, even small ones, has been a thrilling part of my journey towards self-discovery and living fully:

  • Trying New Things: Whether it's a new hobby or a solo trip, I'm open to experiencing the unknown.
  • Facing Fears: Confronting my fears, instead of running from them, has brought unexpected growth and resilience.
  • Making Bold Decisions: Sometimes, I make choices that seem unconventional to others but feel right to me, trusting my intuition.

This willingness to take risks has infused my life with excitement and adventures, reinforcing my belief in the free-spirited way of spreading love and living with authenticity.

Following The Intuition

Listening to my intuition has been a guiding light in my journey as a free spirit. It's that inner voice that often knows what's best for me, even when it's not the easiest path:

  • Trusting My Gut Feelings: Learning to trust my instincts, especially in decision-making, has led me to more fulfilling experiences.
  • Meditation and Mindfulness: Practices like meditation help me tune into my intuition more clearly, guiding my steps with a sense of inner knowing.
  • Embracing Uncertainty: Instead of seeking constant reassurance from external sources, I'm learning to find comfort in the guidance my intuition offers.

This deep trust in my intuition has empowered me to live a life aligned with my true self, spreading love and embodying the essence of a free spirit with every step I take.

Seeking Adventures

Adventures, big or small, energize my spirit and encourage me to explore the vast experiences life offers.

  • Finding New Experiences Daily: I look for small ways to introduce novelty into my day, like trying out a new dish or taking a different path during my walk.
  • Embracing Learning: Signing up for something I've never done before—be it a new class or hobby—pushes me out of my comfort zone and leads to personal growth.
  • Connecting with the Natural World: Time spent in natural surroundings, such as hiking or swimming, reminds me of the beauty and vastness of the world.

These actions not only broaden my horizons but also deepen my appreciation for the variety and richness of life.

Cultivating a Positive Mindset

A hopeful outlook is essential for navigating life's ups and downs. Here's how I maintain mine:

  • Acknowledging Good Moments: I make a point to recognize and appreciate the good in each day, even on tougher days. This could be as simple as enjoying a quiet cup of coffee in the morning.
  • Choosing Uplifting Company: I surround myself with people who bring light and positivity into my life, which in turn helps me to do the same for others.
  • Acts of Kindness: Small, kind actions towards others not only bring them joy but also reinforce my own sense of well-being.

These habits help me to maintain an optimistic view and spread warmth and positivity to those around me.

Finding Contentment in Quiet Moments

Valuing quiet time has become a crucial part of my life, offering a chance for introspection and peace.

  • Dedicated Me Time: I set aside moments for activities that I enjoy doing alone, such as reading, journaling, or simply sitting quietly. This helps me to recharge and reflect.
  • Seeking Tranquility Outdoors: Spending time in a quiet outdoor setting allows me to connect with nature and find peace away from the hustle and bustle.
  • Practicing Mindfulness: Incorporating mindfulness and meditation into my daily routine helps me to appreciate the present moment and find inner calm.

These practices enrich my inner life, providing a solid foundation that allows me to share a more centered and peaceful self with the world.

Living freely, for me, means weaving together these practices to create a life filled with personal growth, adventure, positivity, and peace. Each step taken on this path enriches my experience and allows me to spread love and joy in a natural, authentic way.

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"The most valuable thing I've ever done!"

About the author 

Ray Flexión

Driven by dreams, grounded by reality, taking revenge on life's challenges. Whatever you say, I stand strong. I'm kind-hearted, though unapologetically true to myself. I stumble but I rise. I am who I am , no excuse.

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