Law of Attraction for Beginners: Quick 1-Month Starter

June 30, 2024

I swear by it. I think this is a fairly quick way to get on to the law of attraction for beginners because it worked for me. It's not exactly easy to learn the daily affirmation "in the proper way", and get a positive energy to turn everything around you into happiness... What I did may not be totally easy either, but it's certainly straightforward and it changed my whole mindset within just over a month. 

What I did... I decluttered the hell out of my house.

Law of Attraction for Beginners
The King Of The World? Good try. Better pretending than doing nothing and sulking.

Clear the clutter, throw away things you don't need. Donate any clothes and shoes that you haven't worn for the past 2 years to a charity...

No, it's not about the minimalism of a living space.

What I mean by that is to take the minimum amount of information, and minimize my thoughts.

Did You Know?

  • Popularity Surge: Interest in the Law of Attraction spiked significantly after the release of "The Secret" in 2006.
  • Books Sold: "The Secret" book has sold over 30 million copies worldwide.
  • Visualization Techniques: 82% of athletes use visualization techniques, a key component of the Law of Attraction, to improve performance.
  • Positive Thinking: Studies show that positive thinking can improve physical health, with 78% of participants reporting fewer cold symptoms.
  • Goal Setting: People who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them.
  • Meditation Growth: The number of people practicing meditation, a technique often recommended for attracting desires, has tripled since 2012.
  • Self-Help Industry: The self-help industry, including Law of Attraction resources, is worth over $10 billion in the U.S. alone.


Zen Ridicurrection
“No furniture, clear mind. Can you feel the minimalism? Can you feel zen? Like all that good energy flowing freely.”
“The cold draught is flowing freely, man. Where's the heater? Oh, you got rid of it. Burn the place down, we'll be true minimalists AND be warm.”

Ignore Media

I stopped watching negative news. In fact, I stopped watching the news completely because the majority of it is negative. No more horror movies, avoid suspense, historical dramas, action, and military operations because they're all about hard life, hard work, violence, and revenge killings. Although a scene where an evil villain gets killed in the most horrific way has some sort of feel-good factor, I just avoided it anyways.

Social media, blogs, and YouTube - I deliberately turned a blind eye to everything that was negative. Blocked my mind completely from anything that was not happy.

"Terrorism? Earthquakes? Well, they don't exist, do they? Make America Great Again? It's always been great and it still is. Somebody died? Wow, it's awesome, he/she must be in a good place right now."

I'm sorry, I know this sounds selfish, ignorant, and stupid. Making myself sound like a horrible, horrible person. But I intentionally did it for the sake of it for just over one month. And I just knew from the start that only good things would be happening to me during that month, and beyond. Not just to myself but all my surroundings; friends, family and anyone close to me.

So that's one thing I did - being oblivious to what's going on in the world.

Did You Know?

  • Digital Presence: There are over 5 million Instagram posts tagged #LawOfAttraction.
  • Success Rate: 34% of entrepreneurs credit visualization and the Law of Attraction for part of their success.
  • Happiness Index: People who practice gratitude, a principle of the Law of Attraction, are 25% happier.
  • Daily Practice: 69% of people who practice the Law of Attraction report doing so on a daily basis.
  • Manifestation Success: 23% of people practicing the Law of Attraction claim they have manifested their biggest desire within one year.
  • Community Size: Online forums and communities dedicated to the Law of Attraction have memberships in the hundreds of thousands.
  • Increased Confidence: 55% of practitioners report increased confidence as a result of their Law of Attraction practices.

Simplify Your Mind

It's fairly easy to shut out from media, but you cannot shut yourself out from people. And it's people who bring every kind of information to you, with every kind of emotion attached to it.

You know, whether they are nice, funny, argumentative, rude, deal with them. We all learn to deal with different kinds of people throughout our lives. That's what communications are all about, right? You can avoid arguments by staying calm and simply listening to them, that's one way of dealing. 

Well, I stopped that too. 

I tried to have a minimalist mind. A "happiness-only" minimalist mind. I only joined the conversation when people were having fun. I simply walked away or ignored, them when they started a discussion. I tried to think less.

I've always tended to be over-analytical, so stopped thinking about 'what if' situations. Stopped thinking "I should have, you could have, they would have done that", and stopped thinking ahead of different scenarios. 

Instead, I was repeating to myself, "I just don't know why. Never mind. Anyway, I'm so happy! My husband's happy, our dog's happy, we are so lucky!" By the way, my husband and I get on so well, that we never argue with each other, so doing this at home was very easy for me.

I guess it would have been difficult if I was working in an office, but I work for myself from home. The only social activity during that month was to occasionally meet up with my friends for fun. I explained my "simple mind" approach to them and still, every time they started talking about some problem topics or complicated issues, all I did was nod as if that kind of thing never existed in my life.

Did You Know?

  • Improved Relationships: 40% of people practicing the Law of Attraction report significant improvements in personal relationships.
  • Financial Outcomes: 33% of Law of Attraction practitioners attribute financial gains to their practices.
  • Stress Reduction: 72% of meditation practitioners, a common Law of Attraction practice, report it helps reduce their stress levels.
  • Educational Workshops: Over 4,000 workshops related to the Law of Attraction are conducted annually worldwide.
  • Celebrity Practitioners: Numerous celebrities openly credit the Law of Attraction for their success, influencing millions of their followers.
  • Psychological Benefits: 65% of practitioners report experiencing significant psychological benefits, including reduced anxiety and depression symptoms.


Heart Hand Ridicurrection
"We're spreading love, everyone!"
"If only your heart hand and Instagram grin could bring us good karma..."

Law of Attraction - A Positive Result

After pretending as a happy fool for just over a month, all of a sudden I could see my mindset clearly change in many ways. Most notably;

  • When I watch sad news on TV, it feels really weird ( hard to explain). No anger, just weird. And I just wish nothing but the best, most positive outcome for whoever the victims are.
  • It may sound corny, but I genuinely feel that I am living in such a happy world and enjoy my everyday life... 
  • ...and I feel so blessed that I'm surrounded by lovely, kind people who help each other! ("I can't believe this... Has everyone always been so nice to me?")
  • I generally feel much more relaxed. When I'm extremely busy (with clients, etc), I no longer panic. I just know that I can handle it all.

It all makes sense to me. The law of attraction is all about vibes. Anger, sadness, sense of conflict... These vibes will come to you because you still have these feelings left in you. If you make things complicated, all kinds of complex options will appear to you as possible outcomes. If you only have peace & happiness in you, more of them will come to you because you're on that vibe.

Work, relationships, money... If you think you're somehow in a bad place, step back and stop trying to improve your specific problem - just for a while. Simplify your mind because the world is really, a simple place.

Law of Attraction Planner

  • Aims to enhance mental, physical, and social aspects using the law of attraction
  • Contains 248 pages with weekly and monthly overviews, journaling, and habit tracking
  • Provides tools like mind maps and vision boards for setting and achieving goals
  • Offers an 8-step system to reduce stress and procrastination.

We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

10 Things You Can Do Every Day, Starting Today

1. Morning Gratitude Meditation (5-10 minutes)

  • What you need: A quiet space, comfortable seating.
  • What to do: Begin each day by meditating on what you are grateful for. Focus on your blessings and the positive aspects of your life to set a positive tone for the day.

2. Visualization (10-15 minutes)

  • What you need: Quiet space, visualization board or journal.
  • What to do: Visualize your goals as already achieved. Use a visualization board or journal to help cement these images in your mind. Feel the emotions associated with your achievements.

3. Affirmations (5 minutes)

  • What you need: List of positive affirmations.
  • What to do: Repeat positive affirmations that align with your goals and desired state of being. Do this confidently and feel the words as you say them.

4. Mindful Movement (30 minutes)

  • What you need: Comfortable clothing, space to move or a gym membership.
  • What to do: Get some exercise that you enjoy, such as walking, yoga, or gym workouts. Focus on the movement and the sensations in your body to stay present.

5. Healthy Eating (Varies)

  • What you need: Nutritious foods, meal plan.
  • What to do: Choose foods that nourish your body and provide energy. Being mindful of your eating habits supports physical well-being, which is crucial for maintaining positive energy.

6. Journaling (10-15 minutes)

  • What you need: Journal, pen.
  • What to do: Reflect on your day, the progress towards your goals, and how you've managed your thoughts and emotions. Use this time to reassess and adjust your approach if needed.

7. Learning and Reading (30 minutes)

  • What you need: Books, articles, podcasts, or courses related to your goals or personal growth.
  • What to do: Dedicate time to learning something new every day to expand your mind and inspire new ideas.

8. Acts of Kindness (Time varies)

  • What you need: An open heart, opportunities to help or be kind.
  • What to do: Perform at least one act of kindness daily. This could be as simple as a compliment, helping someone in need, or volunteering.

9. Positive Social Interaction (At least 10 minutes)

  • What you need: Friends, family, or a community.
  • What to do: Initiate positive conversations, spend quality time with loved ones, or connect with people who uplift you.

10. Evening Reflection and Planning (10-15 minutes)

  • What you need: Journal or planner.
  • What to do: Reflect on the day, focusing on the positives and what you've learned. Plan for the next day, setting intentions that align with your goals.

How I "Finally" Make Over $6,000 Monthly Income

"The most valuable thing I've ever done!"

About the author 

Ray Flexión

Driven by dreams, grounded by reality, taking revenge on life's challenges. Whatever you say, I stand strong. I'm kind-hearted, though unapologetically true to myself. I stumble but I rise. I am who I am , no excuse.

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  1. Thank you for such an eye-opening advice, Ray. I don’t normally watch TV but I read newspaper. Perhaps I will too try to shut myself out from bad news for a month or two and see if I can attract good vibes.

  2. I have this planner and find it very useful. The fact that I look at it every single day reminds me where I am right now where I should be in the future in a very positive sense.

    Ignoring media information sounds like a very good idea. All we hear every day is bad incidents, disasters and crimes from all over the world. We don’t need to know all of them. I try to turn a blind eye and it works for me.

    Thank you for such an inspirational post.

    1. Hi Sonia, thanks for your comment. I’m glad to hear that you find the planner useful to you. You’re right, there are too many bad news you hear on media. Never let it ruin your life!

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