How Much Sweat Can You Lick Off?

November 24, 2023

Okay, this is an odd title, I know. If you're not into sweat-licking, don't read. But a lot of gay guys like to lick off another man's sweat in casual sex, and this post is all about the health aspects of it.

Oui, some say "Ewwwwgh", and some say "Heaven!" And while guys may have a preference for licking various parts of the body, the armpit, with its manly odor, is perhaps the most frequently licked area.

Now, sweat is salty, and we all know taking too much salt isn't good for our health. Then would licking someone's sweat impact your health?

How Much Sweat Can You Lick

Licking Sweat - Nutritional Content? Not Much!

So, you've just finished a workout and are curious about the nutritional content of your sweat. Well, it's not exactly a smoothie! Sweat mainly consists of water, with small amounts of minerals, lactate, and urea. It's not a significant source of nutrients, really.


Sweat may be salty, but the actual sodium content is surprisingly low, about 0.9 grams per liter.

So how much sweat do you actually produce? On average, we sweat around 0.8 to 1.4 liters (3.5 - 6 cups) per hour during exercise.

So if you were to, hypothetically, lick all that sweat off, you'd be consuming around 0.025 to 0.044 oz (0.72 to 1.26 grams) of sodium. Sure, you can say that's quite a bit, considering the recommended daily limit for sodium is about 0.081 oz (2.3 grams).

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The Sweatiest Part?


The head, especially the forehead, can get really sweaty, especially during exercise or in hot weather. But the sweat here is mostly water and doesn't smell too much. It's because the sweat glands on the head are mostly the eccrine type, which produce a lighter, more watery sweat.

You've seen people with a sweaty forehead, but not really complaining about the smell, right?


Armpits are notorious for both sweat and smell. They have a lot of apocrine sweat glands, which produce a thicker, fattier kind of sweat. This is the sweat that bacteria love to break down, creating that classic strong body odor.

We're forever after masculine smell, that's why armpits are definitely at the top. And that's why deodorants are a big deal, aren't they? Although we avoid using them before the session for the maximum effects. 

Feet and Palms: Slippery but Subtle

Feet and palms also have a lot of sweat glands, and they can get quite sweaty. Like the head, they mostly have eccrine sweat glands.

So while your palms and feet might get really wet, they don’t usually smell as strong as armpits. The exception is feet when they're stuck in shoes all day – the lack of air can make them a bit smelly.


Sweaty Chest

The chest has sweat glands, of course, so it definitely sweats, but it's not as smelly as armpit sweat because the sweat glands on the chest are more like those on the head and palms, lighter and watery.

You probably notice after a good workout that your chest can get quite sweaty, but it's not the area you'd usually smell first, right?

Groin Area

The penis and testicles have a high concentration of both eccrine and apocrine glands. And groin sweat can be smelly because the area is similar to armpits: the sweat here is more likely to be broken down by bacteria, leading to a stronger odor.

It's also because the groin area is usually covered and less ventilated. So this increases sweat and odor. Makes sense, doesn't it?

Licking the Most Sweat?

If you're talking about licking off as much sweat as possible, the forehead or the back might be your best bet. These areas can get really sweaty and are easier to access.

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Licking Sweat: Yours or Someone Else's

While licking your own sweat isn't usually harmful, it's not exactly recommended from a hygiene or health perspective. And licking someone else's sweat carries more risks due to potential pathogen transmission.

Licking Your Own Sweat

  • Generally Safe: If you're in good health, licking your own sweat is usually safe. Your body produced it, after all.
  • Hygiene Concerns: If your skin isn't clean, you might ingest dirt or bacteria from your skin's surface.
  • Not Nutritious: As mentioned earlier, it's not a source of significant nutrition.

Licking Someone Else's Sweat

  • Higher Risk: This ramps up the risk factor. You're exposed to whatever bacteria or viruses are on their skin.
  • Possible Disease Transmission: Skin conditions, fungal infections, and even some viruses or bacteria can potentially be transmitted this way.

Hygiene and Health Risks

  • Skin Infections: If the sweat-covered skin has a fungal or bacterial infection, there's a risk of transmission.
  • Oral Health: Introducing foreign bacteria to your mouth can disrupt the oral microbiome.
  • Immune System Response: If your immune system is compromised, even your own sweat might pose a risk due to the bacteria on the skin.

Making Sweat Less Salty: Hydration and Diet Tips

Making Sweat Less Salty

So sweat-licking may be a sensual thing to do, but the saltiness is unpleasant. How can guys enjoy their licking session longer? Drink more water!

Drink More Water

  • Hydration: Regular and sufficient water intake can dilute the concentration of sodium in your sweat. It's about keeping your body well-hydrated.
  • Balance: Be mindful not to overhydrate, as this can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes.

Dietary Adjustments

  • Reduce Salt Intake: Cutting back on dietary salt can decrease the sodium concentration in your sweat.
  • Balanced Diet: Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. This can help regulate your body's electrolyte balance.

Exercise and Acclimatization

  • Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity can train your body to become more efficient at sweating, potentially reducing the saltiness over time.
  • Heat Acclimatization: Gradually getting used to exercising in warmer environments can also make your body more efficient at regulating salt in sweat.

Overall Health

  • Health Check: If you're concerned about the saltiness of your sweat, it might be worth discussing with a healthcare provider, as it can sometimes be a sign of an underlying health issue.

So to summarize, increasing water intake, adjusting your diet, and regular exercise can all contribute to making your sweat less salty. How does that sound for a plan?

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About the author 

Max Lee

Max Lee is a fitness enthusiast who loves pushing his limits and challenging himself. Despite his dedication to physical fitness, he still retains a laid-back attitude that makes him approachable and easy to talk to. He is passionate about helping others take control of their mental health and reach positive states of mind.

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  1. The idea of licking sweat off someone is just… no thanks. I know people have their kinks, but that’s definitely not for me. To each their own, though!

    1. This whole topic is wild. Who’s out here measuring how much sweat you can lick off? I guess it’s interesting to think about, but definitely not something I’d try.

    2. I feel like licking sweat could get gross real fast, but for some people, it probably adds to the excitement. Different strokes for different folks……. I suppose.

  2. I guess if you’re into that, the amount doesn’t really matter, right? Seems like a personal preference thing.

  3. I think licking sweat is one of those things people either find incredibly hot or really gross. There shouldn't be middle ground. Personally, it’s not my thing at all but I respect the article. Thanks.

  4. It’s not for me, but I’ve definitely heard of people being into licking sweat. I guess it’s all about the raw, natural attraction to the person.

  5. Interesting post. Some people are into sweat because of the natural scent and taste. I guess licking it off could be part of that experience, but I’m not sure how far people go with it.

  6. People are into all kinds of things… I’m curious how much sweat someone would even consider too much….

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