“Here’s to the future, because I’m done with the past.” [Inspirational Quotes – 6]

October 2, 2023

We all have moments from our past that we're not proud of. These incidents can haunt us, making us feel stuck. The first step towards moving forward is understanding what went wrong and learning from these experiences. Acknowledge the past mistakes, forgive yourself, and take the lesson forward.

Here's to the future, because I'm done with the past.

Here's to the future, because I'm done with the past.

Find peace with yourself by accepting not only what you are, but what you are never going to be.

Find peace with yourself by accepting not only what you are, but what you are never going to be.

Moving Your Thoughts Forward

We all sometimes think too much about things that have happened before. These old thoughts can make us forget about what can come next. So, how can we think more about the future?

Think About New Dreams

Think about what you want in the future. Maybe you want to learn to cook, paint, or dance. Or perhaps you dream of visiting a new place. When you have a new goal or dream, your mind starts thinking about how to make it happen.

I only say YES to thing that make my inner soul happy.

I only say YES to thing that make my inner soul happy.

I know where I'm going. And my life is already fabulous.

I know where I'm going. And my life is already fabulous.

Let Go of Shame

Shame is heavy. Holding onto it can weigh you down and stop you from living your best life. Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. So, instead of focusing on the shame, focus on what you can learn from it. Letting go of the past allows you to make space for new and better things.

Learn and Grow

Mistakes are not the end of the world. They are chances to learn and grow. By making mistakes, you learn what works and what doesn’t. This knowledge can help you make better decisions in the future. So, instead of beating yourself up about past mistakes, see them as lessons. This change in mindset can help you move forward.

Books, not guns. Culture, not violence.

Books, not guns. Culture, not violence.

If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.

If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.

Write It Down

Take a piece of paper or a notebook. Write down your new goals. When you see them in writing, they start to feel real. Every time you feel stuck in old memories, look at your list. It will remind you of all the good things you want to do.

Make a Simple Plan

Now that you have your goals written down, think of one or two small things you can do for each goal. For example, if you want to learn to cook, maybe you can buy a beginner's cookbook. If you want to dance, maybe you can find an online dance video to start with. Small steps help you move towards your bigger dreams.

Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life.

Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life.

I know I'm a weirdo. And I don't give a f about what others think.

I know I'm a weirdo. And I don't give a fk about what others think.

I know I'm a weirdo. And I don't give a damn about what others think.

Some people are just naturally different, and that’s okay. It’s actually more than okay—it’s great. Being unique is what makes you, well, you. When you own your quirks, you live a life true to yourself, not shadowed by what others think or say.

The Joy in Being Different

Being different brings a splash of color into a world that can often feel black and white. You see things from a fresh angle. You solve problems in ways that others might not think of. Your weirdness is not a burden; it's a badge of honor.

Ignoring the Noise

People talk. They judge. They whisper. But paying mind to the opinions of others only holds you back from being your authentic self. When you decide that their words don’t define you, a whole new world of self-acceptance and confidence opens up.

The Value of Self-Acceptance

Accepting yourself, with all your oddities and peculiar habits, is liberating. It’s like breaking free from a cage of expectations. Self-acceptance paves the way for self-love, which is a sturdy foundation for a satisfying life.

"Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no greater investment." (Stephen Covey)

"Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it's holy ground. There's no greater investment." (Stephen Covey)

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily. (Zig Ziglar)

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily. (Zig Ziglar)

I know I'm a weirdo. And I don't give a damn about what others think. #positivevibes #IDoWhatIThinkIsRight #GoMyOwnWay

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Finding Your Tribe

Even if you’re a square peg in a world of round holes, there are people out there who will appreciate and understand you. Finding your tribe, the people who accept and celebrate your uniqueness, is comforting. It's great to have a supportive group around who values you for being exactly who you are.

Growing Through What You Go Through

Every weird, awkward, or uncomfortable situation you find yourself in is an opportunity for growth. When you look at life through this lens, even the tough stuff becomes a little easier to handle. You become better, stronger, and even more uniquely you with each passing day.

Expressing Your Authentic Self

Expressing who you truly are without fear is a rebellious act in a world that often encourages conformity. Whether through art, words, or actions, showing the world your true colors is exhilarating. It’s about making your mark, weirdness and all.

Creating a Judgment-Free Zone

The less you judge others, the less you fear being judged. When you create a judgment-free zone around yourself, you invite others to be their authentic selves too. It’s a ripple effect of authenticity and acceptance.

Real confidence kicks in the moment you decide to discover yourself.

Real confidence kicks in the moment you decide to discover yourself.

You cannot blend in when you are meant to SHINE.

You cannot blend in when you are meant to SHINE.

Born to Stand Out

Some people are just wired to stand out from the crowd. They have a sparkle that sets them apart. Trying to hide that sparkle does no good. It’s like covering a light bulb with a thick cloth - the light will find its way out.

Acknowledge Your Sparkle

Admitting to yourself that you have something special is the first step. It’s not about boasting or feeling superior. It's about recognizing your own worth. This self-awareness is a force that can drive you to do remarkable things.

Fear of Shining

Sometimes, fear holds people back from letting their light shine. They worry about what others will say or think. Overcoming this fear is like removing a huge barrier that stands between you and your potential. Once the fear is gone, there’s so much more room to shine.

No, it's not okay not to be okay. Happiness is within you - find it! (Ray Alexander)

No, it's not okay not to be okay. Happiness is within you - find it! (Ray Alexander)

The difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.

The difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.

Shining Inspires Others

When you shine, you give others the courage to shine too. Your light can be a beacon for others searching for a way to let out their own light. It's a beautiful chain reaction - your sparkle ignites the sparkle in others.

The Discomfort of Standing Out

Standing out can feel uncomfortable at times. It might feel easier to blend in with the crowd. But blending in only muffles your shine. With time, the discomfort fades and standing out feels natural, as it should.

Nurturing Your Sparkle

Like a plant needs water and sunlight to grow, your sparkle needs nurturing too. This could come in the form of learning, practicing, or simply doing what you love. The more you nurture your sparkle, the brighter it shines.

Why do. you hate happy people? Happy people don't hate.

Why do. you hate happy people? Happy people don't hate.

Care about people's approval, and you will always be their prisoner. (Lao Tzu)

Care about people's approval, and you will always be their prisoner. (Lao Tzu)

Your Own Tune

There's a kind of magic in doing your own thing. When you dance to your own tune, you move freely, unbound by the expectations of others. It's like having your own life playlist, and every day is a chance to play a song that makes you happy.

The Art of Ignoring

Mastering the art of ignoring is a superpower. When others throw shade or try to rain on your parade, you have the power to turn the other way. By not giving attention to negativity, you keep your energy focused on what makes you happy.

Building Your Own Path

Creating your own path in life is about making choices that align with your heart. It's like being an artist painting a big, bright picture of your life, stroke by stroke, choice by choice. Your unique path is a statement of your individuality.

The Company of Positivity

Surrounding yourself with positive vibes is like having a garden full of blooming flowers even on cloudy days. Seek the company of positive people, books, and experiences. They act as your personal sunshine, keeping the light of happiness bright.

Vale moments over materials.

Vale moments over materials.

What makes you happy doesn't need to make sense to others.

What makes you happy doesn't need to make sense to others.

Small Steps, Big Happiness

Progress, no matter how small, fuels happiness. Every little step you take towards what makes your heart sing adds a note of joy to your life. It's about cherishing the process, enjoying each little progression towards your goals.

The Shield of Gratitude

Gratitude is a shield against the darts of negativity that life or people may throw at you. When you're grateful for what you have and where you are, it's easier to keep a happy heart. It's about focusing on the full half of the glass.

Staying True, Staying You

Being authentic is like having a map to happiness. When you stay true to yourself, you align your actions with your heart, and this alignment breeds happiness. It's about being the real you in a world that’s constantly changing.

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About the author 

Ray Flexión

Driven by dreams, grounded by reality, taking revenge on life's challenges. Whatever you say, I stand strong. I'm kind-hearted, though unapologetically true to myself. I stumble but I rise. I am who I am , no excuse.

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