Good Things Are Happening Today

January 24, 2024

"A lot of good things are happening to me today, in fact every day." 

"Me too!"

"Yep, same here, life is full of good stuff."

That's the conversation that naturally popped up during the lunch break I had with two of my friends yesterday. We've known each other for years, and none of us are religious or particularly spiritual. We never even do "positive talk," but we never moan, argue, or criticize each other.

Good Things Are Happening Today

We always seek out fun things to do, support each other's opinions, and spin things in a positive light. And you know what, we've never decided to keep our friendship this way - we've always been happy together since the day we first met.

If you think you're going through a difficult time, you know you can turn it around. If you think life is generally hard, it really is not. If you don't believe me, the least you can do is repeat this phrase over and over again to yourself and see if you change over time.

"Good things are happening to me today, and every day."

Did You Know?

  • Global Happiness: The World Happiness Report 2021 ranks Finland as the happiest country in the world.
  • Wealth and Happiness: A study suggests happiness increases with wealth up to an annual income of around $75,000.
  • Age and Happiness: People generally become happier after age 50, according to a Gallup poll.
  • Social Connections: About 70% of a person's happiness comes from their relationships, per a Harvard study.
  • Physical Health Link: Physical health is a significant factor in happiness, with 80% of healthy people reporting being happy.

What's the Point of Feeling Despair About the World We Live In?

Sometimes, when you look around at the state of the world, it's easy to slip into feelings of despair. But let's talk about that for a sec. What do we really get from feeling down about the world?

There are millions of things in the world worth fighting for: discrimination, bullying & harassment, fraud, disrespect... On a bigger scale, what's happening globally - natural disasters, political issues, social injustices - I mean, it can get to you, right?

But here's the thing; dwelling in these feelings doesn't do us much good. It's like sitting in a dark room and refusing to open the curtains. The sunlight is right there, but we're choosing to stay in the dark.

Despair drains our energy and clouds our ability to see the good things that are still around us.

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Old Days Were 'Always' Better Than Nowadays

People always say that things were better back in the day and that now everything is getting worse - more dangerous, more costly, and just overall tougher. But you know, if every generation thought things were going downhill, wouldn't we be in a really bad spot by now?

The truth is, it's easy to look back and think the grass was greener. But we're still here because, despite the hard times, we humans have a knack for adapting and overcoming. Right?

We find new solutions, help each other out, and keep on going. The world isn't perfect, and it never will be. But if history has shown us anything, it's that we're pretty resilient. We've faced tough stuff before and come out the other side. So, maybe things aren't as bleak as they sometimes seem.

Old Days Were 'Always' Better Than Nowadays

Did You Know?

  • Work Satisfaction: Job satisfaction plays a critical role, with 85% of happy individuals feeling satisfied with their work.
  • Community and Happiness: 90% of people believe that a strong community is key to happiness.
  • Impact of Nature: Spending 20 minutes in nature can significantly boost happiness levels, research shows.
  • Exercise and Mood: Regular exercise contributes to happiness, with 75% of active people reporting higher happiness levels.
  • Pets and Happiness: Pet owners are, on average, 12% happier than non-pet owners.

Finding Light in the Darkness

So, what can we do instead of surrendering to despair? It's about finding small moments of positivity. I'm not saying ignore the bad stuff – that's part of the world too. But it's about not letting it be the only thing you see.

Take a moment to notice the good stuff. Maybe it's a friend's laugh, a good book, or even a nice cup of coffee. These little things matter. They're like tiny sparks of light in the dark. And guess what? They can make a huge difference in how we feel.

Action Speaks Louder

Here's another cool thing: taking action. Instead of feeling helpless, think about what you can do, even in small ways. Maybe it's volunteering, helping a neighbor, or educating yourself on issues. When we take action, we're not just sitting back. We're part of the change, and that feels good.

And you know what else? Taking action connects us with others. It's a way of saying, "Hey, I care about this too." That connection is powerful. It reminds us that we're not alone in wanting a better world.

Prioritize Your Happiness

Hope. Hope is to believe that things can get better. Hope keeps us moving forward, trying new things, and making a difference, right? Holding onto hope doesn't mean ignoring the problems. It means believing in our ability to face them. It's about looking at the world and saying, "Yes, there are issues, but we can work on them."

So here's what we can do, and what we do do to make sure we're feeling good;

1. Career Choices That Make You Smile

  • If drawing or painting is your thing, think about a job in the arts or graphic design.
  • For those who love being outdoors, careers in nature like park rangers or tour guides are great.
  • If telling stories is your jam, look into being a writer, a blogger, or a documentary maker.

2. Healthy Relationships

  • If some friendships leave you drained, it might be time to find friends who lift you up.
  • Family time can be tough. It's okay to choose smaller, happier family meet-ups.
  • Go for deep, meaningful friendships instead of having lots of acquaintances.
Life is a reflection of your inner world.

Life is a reflection of your inner world.

3. It's Okay to Say "I'm Not In The Mood"

  • Don't take on extra work if it eats into your chill time.
  • Skip social events that don't interest you, even if others expect you to be there.
  • Politely decline favors that will leave you stressed or stretched thin.

4. Hobbies That Bring Joy

  • Set aside regular time for things you love, like gardening, cooking, or playing music.
  • Join groups that share your interests, such as a local book club or a sports team.
  • Take up classes in fun areas like photography, dancing, or cooking.

5. Keeping a Good Work and Play Balance

  • Make sure you clock out at a reasonable time and keep work from spilling into your home life.
  • Take short breaks during work to relax and clear your head.
  • Use your days off for real downtime, doing things that help you unwind.

Did You Know?

  • Sleep and Happiness: Getting enough sleep is associated with happiness, with 90% of people who sleep well reporting feeling happy.
  • Generosity Effect: Acts of generosity increase happiness, with 95% of participants in a study feeling happier after helping others.
  • Vacation Impact: Going on vacation boosts happiness, with 70% of travelers feeling more content after a holiday.
  • Digital Detox: 80% of people report feeling happier after taking a break from social media.
  • Learning New Skills: 60% of people feel happier when they are learning a new skill.

6. Travel and New Experiences:

  • Plan that trip to a place you've always wanted to see.
  • Try new things close to home, like going to different shows or exhibits.
  • Experiment with foods from around the world, either at restaurants or in your kitchen.

7. Living a Healthy and Happy Life:

  • Mix in exercises you enjoy, like yoga, swimming, or cycling.
  • Eat foods you love that are also good for you.
  • Get enough sleep to feel rested each morning.

8. Taking Time to Chill:

  • Make space for relaxing stuff like reading, listening to music, or soaking in the tub.
  • Have days where you do nothing but watch your favorite shows or movies.
  • Practice calming techniques like deep breathing or quiet time.

9. Looking After Your Mind

  • If things get too much, talk to someone who never criticizes what you do.
  • Writing down your thoughts can be a great way to deal with them.
  • Keep in touch with pals who get you and offer support.

You have a choice. You can stay in the dark, or you can look for the light. You can feel stuck, or you can take action. You can choose despair, or you can hold onto hope. How you feel about the world affects how you live in it. So choose hope. It might not change everything overnight, but it's a start. And a start is all we need.

Don't let the rules rule you! Prioritize your happiness - make sure that you feel good first.

"I'm so happy with everything around me just as it is. All I have to do is keep this feeling for as long as I can."

Is this an escapism? Call it whatever you want. Just keep telling yourself there are so many good things happening around you today, and every day because...

Because life is a reflection of your inner world.

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About the author 

Ray Flexión

Driven by dreams, grounded by reality, taking revenge on life's challenges. Whatever you say, I stand strong. I'm kind-hearted, though unapologetically true to myself. I stumble but I rise. I am who I am , no excuse.

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  1. That is my mantra. I keep telling myself I am happy and always only good things happen to me, my family and work. I hardly have any negative thoughts. When I hear bad gossips bad news I ignore or nod and never give my opinions. It definitely works for me. I’m not a spiritual person either so if it works for me It works for everybody. Thank you Ray for such an inspiring post. Best Wishes Arnold.

    1. Hi Arnold, thanks for your comment. It’s all about the law of attraction, isn’t it. If you keep worrying things or imagining the worst case scenarios, they will realise as a probability which you want to avoid. Don’t try to “avoid” thinking about bad stuff – just keep thinking about good stuff at all times and you’ll get on the good vibe. Thanks Arnold for your visit. Best wishes to you too.

  2. Thank you Ray, for such a motivational and inspirational post. I’ll start repeating to myself how happy I am and how lucky to be alive in this day. Life is a reflection of your inner world…good quote!

  3. Good, positive post. Too many people suffer mental illness. This blog has been helpful for managing my mental health. Medication can work on many people, but everyone's different. I try to be thankful and find good things every day. Well done to you.

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