Discover the Stories Behind 10 of the Most Famous Ghosts in History

by Max Lee // in Life

January 24, 2021

Do you believe in ghosts? Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, there’s no denying the allure of ghost stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. From headless horsemen to phantom monks, these tales are part of our cultural heritage and continue to fascinate us today. Here are 10 famous ghosts from around the world and explore the fascinating legends behind them. So sit back, turn off the lights, and get ready for some spine-tingling tales that will make your hair stand on end!

Discover the Stories Behind 10 of the Most Famous Ghosts in History

1. The White Lady of Worcester

The White Lady of Worcester is a ghost that has been haunting the city’s cathedral for centuries. According to legend, she was once a beautiful woman who fell in love with one of the priests at the cathedral. However, their love was forbidden, and when they were discovered, he was executed while she was bricked up alive in the walls of the church.

Since then, her spirit has wandered throughout the cathedral’s halls and stairways, dressed in a long white gown and carrying a candlestick. She is said to appear only to those who are near death or are about to experience an important event in their lives.

Many people have claimed to see her over the years, including some famous visitors like Queen Elizabeth I and Charles II. Her presence is said to bring both comfort and fear – comforting because it means that someone’s time on earth is coming to an end, but also frightening because it reminds us all of our own mortality.

Despite several attempts by exorcists over the centuries to rid Worcester Cathedral of its resident specter – even as recently as 2017 when paranormal investigators visited- The White Lady continues her eternal vigil within its hallowed walls.

2. The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow

The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow is a legend that has been passed down through generations. According to the story, the Headless Horseman was a Hessian soldier who lost his head in battle during the American Revolution. He now haunts Sleepy Hollow and rides on his horse at night.

Legend has it that if you hear the sound of hooves galloping in the night, you should run or hide because it could be the Headless Horseman coming for you. The only way to escape him is to cross over a bridge or reach safety before he catches up with you.

The story became popular after Washington Irving wrote “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” in 1820. Since then, it has become an iconic Halloween tale and has been adapted into movies and TV shows.

Many people visit Sleepy Hollow every year hoping to catch sight of the Headless Horseman. Some even participate in haunted hayrides where actors dressed as characters from the story jump out and scare them!

Whether or not you believe in ghosts, there’s no denying that legends like these add an element of excitement and mystery to our lives. Who knows what other stories are waiting to be discovered?

3. The Ghost of Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn is perhaps one of the most well-known ghosts from history. The second wife of King Henry VIII, Anne was accused of adultery, treason, and incest before being beheaded in 1536. Her ghost has been spotted in various locations across England.

One such location is the Tower of London, where Anne was imprisoned before her execution. It’s said that her ghost can be seen walking around the Tower’s Chapel Royal wearing a white dress. She reportedly carries her own head under her arm – a haunting reminder of how she died.

The Queen’s House in Greenwich is another place where Anne’s ghost has been sighted. Legend has it that she walks through the building with an air of melancholy about her. Some even claim to have heard her crying out for mercy or begging for forgiveness.

Despite being dead for over 400 years, Anne Boleyn continues to captivate our imaginations and haunt our thoughts. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there’s no denying the power that stories like hers hold over us – reminding us of our own mortality and the tragedies that can unfold when people are driven by fear and ambition rather than compassion and love.

4. The Ghost of Abraham Lincoln

The Ghost of Abraham Lincoln is a well-known and beloved figure in American history. His ghost has been reported to haunt the White House, where he lived during his presidency. Visitors and staff members have claimed to see him wandering through the halls of the historic building.

According to reports, Lincoln’s ghost is often seen near the fireplace in the Oval Office or standing at one of the windows overlooking the Potomac River. Some visitors have even claimed to hear his footsteps or feel a cold breeze when he is nearby.

There are also stories about Lincoln’s ghost visiting other locations around Washington D.C., such as Ford’s Theatre where he was assassinated in 1865. Many people believe that his spirit returns to these places because they hold significant meaning for him and for our nation.

Some skeptics may dismiss these sightings as mere folklore, but those who have experienced them firsthand swear by their authenticity. Regardless of whether you believe in ghosts or not, there is something undeniably powerful about imagining Abraham Lincoln still watching over us from beyond this world.

Perhaps it speaks to our enduring fascination with this remarkable man – a leader whose legacy continues to inspire us more than 150 years after his death. And if we are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of his spectral form, it serves as an eerie yet comforting reminder that some spirits never truly leave us behind.

5. The Bell Witch

The Bell Witch is one of the most famous ghosts in American folklore, known for her malicious and often violent behavior. The legend began in 1817 when John Bell Sr. and his family started experiencing strange occurrences on their farm in Tennessee.

The Bell Witch

According to the legend, the Bell Witch would torment members of the family with physical violence, throwing objects at them and pulling their hair. She also had a particular dislike for John Bell Jr., whom she reportedly poisoned before ultimately causing his death.

Despite attempts to rid themselves of her presence, including exorcisms performed by religious leaders, the family was never able to escape the wrath of the Bell Witch. It wasn’t until years later that her presence finally dissipated.

Today, visitors can explore the site where it all happened – now known as “Bell’s Witch Cave” – and try to catch a glimpse or even feel a touch from this infamous ghostly entity. Whether you believe in her existence or not, there’s no denying that The Bell Witch has earned her place among America’s most legendary ghosts.

6. The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall

The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall is one of the most famous ghost stories in England. The story goes that Lady Dorothy Walpole, the second wife of Charles Townshend, was locked up in her bedroom by her husband for having an affair. She died shortly after and has been haunting Raynham Hall ever since.

Many people have reported seeing a brown figure on the stairs or wandering through the hallways late at night. Some have even captured images of what they believe to be the Brown Lady on camera.

One particularly eerie sighting occurred when two photographers were taking pictures in the hall. They saw a misty figure floating down the staircase towards them and quickly snapped a photo before running away in terror.

Despite numerous attempts to debunk this story as a hoax, many still believe that the Brown Lady haunts Raynham Hall to this day. Whether you believe it or not, there’s no denying that this ghostly tale continues to capture our imaginations centuries later.

7. The Grey Lady of Hampton Court Palace

One of the most famous ghost stories in England is that of The Grey Lady of Hampton Court Palace. She is said to be the spirit of Dame Sybil Penn, a nursemaid to Prince Edward VI who died in 1562. It’s believed that she still haunts the palace to this day.

The first reported sighting was by two guards who saw her walking along a corridor towards them before disappearing through a wall. Since then, many people have claimed to have seen her ghostly figure wandering around the palace grounds and even inside some of its rooms.

Some visitors to Hampton Court Palace have also reported feeling an eerie presence or sudden drops in temperature when passing through areas where The Grey Lady has been sighted.

Despite attempts by historians and paranormal investigators alike to debunk these sightings as mere superstition, there are still those who believe in the existence of this mysterious apparition. Perhaps it’s simply because we all love a good spooky story?

Whether you believe or not, it’s hard not to feel at least a little bit creeped out when walking through the same halls and corridors where The Grey Lady has allegedly made her spectral appearances for centuries.

8. The Black Dog of Bungay

One of the most famous ghostly apparitions in England is the Black Dog of Bungay. This spectral creature has been spotted haunting various locations throughout Suffolk, including churches and graveyards.

According to legend, the Black Dog first appeared in 1577 during a thunderstorm that struck St. Mary’s Church in Bungay. The beast burst through the doors of the church and ran down the aisle, causing some parishioners to drop dead from fright.

The dog has since been seen at other locations around Suffolk over the centuries, always portending disaster or misfortune for those who encounter it. Some have even reported feeling its hot breath on their faces or seeing its eyes glowing red in the dark.

While skeptics may dismiss these sightings as mere superstition or hallucination, believers point to numerous accounts of strange occurrences accompanying sightings of this eerie hound – including storms, fires and crop failures.

Regardless of whether you believe in ghosts or not, there’s no denying that stories like those surrounding The Black Dog of Bungay continue to fascinate people around the world today.

9. The Phantom Monk of Glamis Castle

The Phantom Monk of Glamis Castle is one of the most popular ghosts in Scotland. It is said that he roams the castle’s halls and corridors, dressed in a black robe with a hood that conceals his face. Some believe he was part of an ancient order of monks who lived on the grounds before the castle was built.

Legend has it that when King James V visited Glamis Castle in 1526, he became curious about why one room had been bricked up. The owner revealed to him that it was because there was something hidden inside – supposedly the monk’s remains.

Despite attempts to remove them, however, they always returned to their original resting place behind the brick wall. Some have even claimed that if you knock three times on this particular wall at midnight during a full moon, you will hear eerie chanting from within.

Many visitors and staff members at Glamis Castle have reported seeing or feeling the presence of this ghostly figure over time. Whether or not these sightings are real occurrences or simply tricks played by shadow and light remains unknown, but they certainly add an air of mystery and intrigue to this already fascinating castle!

10. The Drummer of Tedworth

The Drummer of Tedworth is one of the most notorious ghost stories in England. Legend has it that a local farmer, John Mompesson, purchased a drum from a vagrant who claimed to be a soldier. Shortly after this purchase, strange and unexplainable events began to occur.

Mompesson’s home was plagued by loud banging noises every night, as if someone were playing the drum. The sounds became increasingly violent and disruptive over time until they became unbearable for the family.

Despite their efforts to catch whoever or whatever was causing these disturbances, nothing could be found. Eventually, Mompesson sought help from authorities who investigated but could find no explanation for what was happening.

Many believe that the drummer was actually a demon or supernatural entity sent to torment the family as punishment for acquiring something they shouldn’t have possessed. Some even speculate that it may have been caused by witchcraft or black magic.

Regardless of what truly happened at Tedworth House all those years ago, it remains an eerie reminder of how easily our world can intersect with forces beyond our understanding and control.


After delving into the stories of these ten ghosts, it’s hard not to believe in their existence. Whether you’re a believer or not, these tales have been passed down through generations and continue to captivate us.

Whether it’s the tragic White Lady of Worcester or the phantom Monk of Glamis Castle, each ghost has its own unique story that leaves an eerie impression on those who hear about them. These legends have even inspired countless books and movies over the years.

So next time you find yourself walking alone at night or visiting one of these haunted locations, keep your eyes peeled for any signs of paranormal activity. Who knows? You may just encounter one of these infamous specters for yourself!

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About the author 

Max Lee

Max Lee is a fitness enthusiast who loves pushing his limits and challenging himself. Despite his dedication to physical fitness, he still retains a laid-back attitude that makes him approachable and easy to talk to. He is passionate about helping others take control of their mental health and reach positive states of mind.

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