Dirty Cash, Money Talks

September 14, 2024

Money makes the world spin, right? Dirty cash - it's everywhere. You know it, I know it, and most people are chasing it, even if they won’t admit it out loud. But let’s be real for a second: I don’t just want it, I crave it. And I’ve got no shame in saying I’ll do what it takes to get it, even if it means using what I’ve got. You want honesty? Well, here it is.

Dirty Cash, Money Talks

No Excuses: I Want To Be Used

Let’s not sugarcoat things. I’ve got no elaborate story or grand excuse for why I want money. I just want it. Plain and simple. And yeah, I want you to use me. Take me for what I’m worth, and I’ll make it worth your while.

Why I don’t mind:

  • I know what I bring to the table. I’m upfront about what I’m willing to do for cash, and I’m not pretending otherwise.
  • I’ve got nothing holding me back - no taboos, no pride left in the way. I’ve already crossed that line, so there’s no going back. Pride? Yeah, had that once, but that was before I realized what people really want.
  • We both know the trade. You want what I’ve got, and I want what you’ve got. It’s a simple transaction, no hidden meanings, no games.

I mean, why complicate things? If money talks, I’m all ears. The quicker I get rich, the better. And I’m not embarrassed to say I’ll use my body to make it happen if that’s what gets me there. I want success, and I want everything that comes with it, no matter what it takes.

Success and Sex: One in the Same

Focus on Your Own Success

Let’s be real - sex sells. It’s everywhere, and if you’ve got the right look and attitude, it’s a fast track to what you want. Some people act like it’s a dirty secret, but I’m upfront about it: I’m willing to trade what I’ve got for that paper. No shame, no hesitation.

How I see it:

  • Money and sex are two sides of the same coin. If I can use sex to get what I want, why wouldn’t I? People are paying for it one way or another, whether they admit it or not.
  • I want the lifestyle. The fancy stuff, the attention, the success - why pretend I don’t? I’m going to use what works, and in this case, sex gets the job done faster than anything else.
  • I know how to play the game. And believe me, it’s a game. Some people act coy, but not me. If you want something from me, I’m making sure I get something in return.

I’ve made peace with it. I’ve got no illusions about how the world works. The sooner you accept that money rules everything, the easier it gets to go after it.

Dirty Cash: The Drug No One Rejects

Let’s talk about dirty cash. It’s addictive. People like to act like they’re better than that, but everyone wants it. I’m the dirty cash they crave - rich, poor, doesn’t matter. Everyone’s looking for more of it, and once you start, it’s hard to stop.

What I’ve noticed:

  • Money flows like a drug, and people are hooked. Once you get a taste, you want more. It doesn’t matter how much you have, there’s always a need for more. It keeps you coming back.
  • It’s in your blood, and it’s impossible to get rid of once it’s there. That rush of having cash in your hand, that high of getting what you want - it’s like a shot straight to your veins.
  • People will do anything for it. That’s why dirty cash is so powerful. It gets into your system, and suddenly, it’s the only thing you think about. It takes over everything.

It’s like a bad dream you can’t wake up from, but the crazy part is, no one wants to wake up. Everyone’s chasing the same thing, and no one’s willing to let go of the high.

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Money Talks: No One Is Immune

The thing about money is that it doesn’t care who you are. Whether you’re rolling in it or scraping by, you’re still part of the game. I’ve seen people with millions act just as desperate as someone without a dime. It’s the great equalizer - everyone wants more, no matter how much they have.

What I’ve seen:

  • The rich want to stay rich. They’re just as hungry for it as anyone else, even though they pretend like they’re above it. In reality, they’re scared of losing it, and they’ll do whatever it takes to keep that money flowing.
  • The poor? They’re chasing it even harder, always thinking that just a little more cash will solve their problems. It’s a never-ending loop, and they’re stuck in it, just like the rich.
  • No one’s immune. No matter how much you have, once you start chasing money, it’s hard to stop. It’s always in the back of your mind, like a nagging thought that won’t leave you alone.

At the end of the day, we’re all in the same race. Some people are running faster, but everyone’s running toward the same finish line - more cash. And the truth is, no one’s turning it down when it’s offered, no matter where it comes from.


The Trade-Off: Cash for Control

Money doesn’t just talk - it controls. And the trade-off for chasing it is that you end up controlled by it. That’s something I’ve realized along the way. I started out thinking I was in control, but the more I went after the cash, the more it started to pull the strings.

How it plays out:

  • The need for more starts dictating your decisions. Suddenly, everything revolves around how to get more cash. You stop thinking about anything else, and it becomes the driving force behind everything you do.
  • Relationships change. People look at you differently, and you start looking at them differently, too. It’s not about the connection anymore - it’s about what they can offer you, and what you can offer them in return.
  • It’s all-consuming. You think you’re in charge, but before you know it, the money is controlling you. Every move you make is influenced by the thought of cash, and it’s hard to break free from that.

The crazy part is, I’m okay with that. I’ve made my choice, and I’m all in. I’d rather be consumed by chasing dirty cash than live without it. It’s the trade I’ve decided to make, and I’m not looking back.

So yeah, dirty cash is what I’m after. I want it, I crave it, and I’ve got no shame in admitting that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get it. Whether it’s using my sex or making deals that others might hesitate over, I’m in this game for the long haul.

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About the author 

Beyonce Knockers

Beyoncẽ (pronounced bee-yon-Cher) is a proud cheerleader and gay wedding speech writer. But his real ambition is to become a successful psychic for muscle Marys across the Atlantic.

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