50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

by Joe Stammer // in Life

May 4, 2023

"I don't love you anymore. In fact, I hate you. You're giving me creeps. Take your hands off me."

This is not something a decent person can say to their decent lover. Breaking up is never easy, but sometimes it's necessary to move on from a relationship that just isn't working. Whether you're dealing with an unfaithful partner, growing apart over time, or simply realizing that your love has run its course, finding the courage to leave can be a daunting task.

Here are 50 ways to leave your lover in style and grace. From the top ten most effective methods to the worst ten possible ways to end things, we'll guide you through every step of the process. So buckle up and get ready for some expert advice on how to say goodbye without losing your cool!

50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

The First 13 Ways To Leave Your Lover

  1. 1
    Be Honest: The most important thing when leaving your lover is to be honest about why you're doing it. It's crucial to explain how you feel and what led you to make this decision.
  2. 2
    Choose a Private Place: Don't break up with someone in public or over the phone, find an intimate setting where you can have some privacy and talk things through.
  3. 3
    Avoid Blame Games: Instead of blaming each other for everything that went wrong, try to take responsibility for your part in the relationship's failure.
  4. 4
    Listen To Their Perspective: Listening attentively is key during a breakup conversation – give them space and really hear what they have to say about the situation.
  5. 5
    Keep Calm & Composed: Emotions are high during a breakup, but try not to let them get the best of you; stay calm and composed throughout the conversation.
  6. 6
    Be Respectful: Even if things didn't end well, always show respect towards your ex-partner as a person – don't resort to name-calling or insults.
  7. 7
    Give Closure: A clean break can help both parties move on more quickly; offer closure by saying goodbye properly and wishing them well in their future endeavors.
  8. 8
    Avoid Contact (for a while): As tempting as it may be to try and stay friends after the break-up, it's best to take some time apart before attempting any sort of reconciliation.
  9. 9
    Seek Support: It's natural to feel sad and lonely after a breakup - don't be afraid to seek help from friends, family or professionals when needed.
  10. 10
    Look Forward: Don't dwell on the past – focus on the future and make positive changes that will help you move on from your former relationship.
  11. 11
    Stick To Your Decision: Sometimes after making up your mind there will be temptations from your partner asking for another chance but stick with it because getting back together seldomly ends well.
  12. 12
    Be Prepared For Reactions :Breakups aren't easy so expect strong reactions from your partner like crying, shouting etc.
  13. 13
    Seek Support From Friends And Family :Never go into isolation after a breakup instead seek support from people around who genuinely care about you and always put your mental health first.

The Next 9 Ways To Leave Your Lover

When it comes to breaking up with someone, there are many different approaches you can take. The next ten ways we'll discuss may not be for everyone, but they're worth considering if you want to end things in a unique or memorable way.

  1. 14
    Write a heartfelt letter: Sometimes the best way to express your feelings is through writing. Penning a thoughtful letter can help both you and your partner process the breakup.
  2. 15
    Take them on vacation: This might seem like an odd suggestion, but taking your soon-to-be-ex on one last trip together could provide closure and allow you both to move on more easily.
  3. 16
    Stage an intervention: If your partner has serious issues that have been affecting your relationship, gathering their loved ones together for an intervention could be the wake-up call they need to make changes.
  4. 17
    Ghosting (with explanation): While ghosting is typically frowned upon, sometimes it's necessary for safety reasons or because talking directly would only make matters worse. In these cases, leaving a detailed message explaining why communication won't continue can at least provide some closure.
  5. 18
    Use humor: Breaking up doesn't always have to be sad or dramatic – injecting some humor into the situation can lighten the mood and ease tension.
  6. 19
    Make a mixtape/playlist: If music has played an important role in your relationship, creating a playlist of songs that represent how you feel could be cathartic for both parties involved.
  7. 20
    Do it over dinner: It's never easy to break up face-to-face, but doing so over dinner at home could create a more comfortable atmosphere where emotions can be expressed openly and honestly.
  8. 21
    Hire professionals: While this might seem extreme (and expensive), hiring professional actors or mediators who specialize in facilitating breakups could ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible given the circumstances.
  9. 22
    Tell them straight out : Telling someone directly that you want to end things may seem harsh, but it's often the most respectful way to handle the situation.

The Worst 17 Ways To Leave Your Lover

There are definitely some ways to do it that are worse than others. 

The Worst Ways To Leave Your Lover
  1. 23
    Ghosting (with no explanation) - this is when you completely cut off all communication without any explanation or closure.
  2. 24
    Choose a Private Place: Don't break up with someone in public or over the phone, find an intimate setting where you can have some privacy and talk things through.
  3. 25
    Avoid Blame Games: Instead of blaming each other for everything that went wrong, try to take responsibility for your part in the relationship's failure.
  4. 26
    Cheating - not only does this hurt your partner emotionally, but it also destroys trust and can cause long-term damage.
  5. 27
    Breaking up over text - this is a cold and impersonal way to end a relationship, especially if it's been going on for a while.
  6. 28
    Disappearing without warning - similar to ghosting, disappearing suddenly without any explanation can be incredibly confusing and hurtful.
  7. 29
    Lying about why you're leaving - honesty may be uncomfortable in the moment, but lying will only make things worse in the long run.
  8. 30
    Blaming them for everything - even if your partner has their flaws, blaming them for everything that went wrong in the relationship isn't fair or productive.
  9. 31
    Public humiliation - breaking up with someone in front of other people or airing your dirty laundry publicly can be incredibly embarrassing and disrespectful.
  10. 32
    Using social media as a breakup tool- changing your status online before letting them know personally is a cowardly move that can leave your partner feeling disrespected.
  11. 33
    Making promises you won't keep - if you're ending the relationship, don't string them along with empty promises of getting back together.
  12. 34
    Not taking any responsibility - taking accountability for your own actions and explaining why the relationship isn't working is essential for a healthy breakup.
  13. 35
    Breaking Up via email - This might seem like an easy option because its less direct however its unfair and shows a lack of respect.
  14. 36
    Pretending nothing happened - this is a form of gaslighting, and it can be incredibly damaging to your partner's mental health.
  15. 37
    Telling everyone except your partner first-keeping secrets from your partner till u break the news makes it harder for him/her  to accept the news.
  16. 38
    Breaking up on TikTok while dancing.
  17. 39
    Breaking up during sex.

Act Creepy, So That Your Lover Will Leave You

  1. 40
    Claiming you're working late when you're really out with friends.
  2. 41
    Denying that you ever said something or did something that happened in the past.
  3. 42
    Pretending to be someone else online.
  4. 43
    Giving false information about your past relationship history.
  5. 44
    Exaggerating your accomplishments or lies of omission regarding them.
  6. 45
    Making up stories about yourself, like saying you’re a professional athlete when you’re not.
  7. 46
    Hiding things from them such as debts and bad decisions made in the present/past.
  8. 47
    Creating false evidence to support any lie told (i.e. forged documents or emails).
  9. 48
    Tell them that your parent is a *** (anything awful.)
  10. 49
    Tell your lover that you're dying, so they'd better marry you or leave you now.
  11. 50
    Tell them that you've joined a cult group, the group has told you that your lover is cursed, and there's nothing you can do about it.

How To Know When It's Time To Leave Your Lover

How To Know When It's Time To Leave Your Lover

Knowing when it's time to leave your lover is never an easy decision. It can be difficult to let go of someone you have invested your time and emotions into. However, there are certain signs that indicate it may be time to move on.One sign is if you no longer feel happy in the relationship. If you find yourself constantly feeling down or anxious around your partner, then it may be a sign that the relationship has run its course.

Another sign is if you cannot communicate effectively with each other anymore. Communication is a key aspect of any healthy relationship, and if either party feels unheard or misunderstood, it could lead to resentment and distance.If the trust between both partners has been broken repeatedly, then this could also signal that it's time to end things.

Trust issues can cause significant damage to a relationship and make it difficult for both parties to move forward together.In addition, if one partner continues to neglect the needs of the other even after multiple conversations about their feelings and wants, then this could mean that they are not invested in making things work anymore.

Ultimately, knowing when it's time to leave your lover requires honest self-reflection and communication with your partner. It's important not to ignore any warning signs or red flags as ignoring them will only prolong inevitable heartbreak.

Your Love Hates You Anyway

It's a hard truth to swallow, but sometimes our love for someone is not returned in the same way. In fact, it may be that your lover actually harbors resentment or even hatred towards you. It could be due to past mistakes, unfulfilled expectations, or simply differences in personality.

It's important to recognize when this is the case because staying in a toxic relationship will only harm you both emotionally and mentally. You deserve to be with someone who loves and respects you as much as you do them.

If you suspect that your love hates you anyway, take some time to reflect on their actions and words towards you. Do they constantly criticize or belittle you? Are they quick to anger or dismissive of your feelings? These are all signs that there may be underlying issues in your relationship.

Remember that it's not necessarily about blaming one person over another - relationships take effort from both parties. However, if your attempts at resolving conflicts have consistently failed and they continue to treat you poorly, it may be time to consider moving on.Ultimately, remember that loving yourself should always come first. Don't settle for anything less than what makes YOU happy and fulfilled.


In summary, leaving your lover can be a difficult decision to make. However, it's important to recognize when it's time to move on and find happiness elsewhere. The list of 50 ways to leave your lover provides a range of options for those who may be struggling with the idea of breaking up.

Whether you choose one of our top ten ways or decide on a unique approach, remember that communication is key in any relationship. Be honest about your feelings and give your partner the courtesy they deserve by being upfront about why you need to end things.

Ultimately, staying in an unhappy relationship only prolongs the pain for both parties involved. Don't be afraid to take control of your life and pursue what makes you happy. Remember, there are plenty of fish in the sea - don't settle for anything less than true love and happiness.

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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