15 Things To Do To Keep Warm in January

by Joe Stammer // in Life

January 8, 2020

As the winter chill sets in and January brings its icy grip, it can be tough to keep warm. But fear not! Here’s a list of 15 things you can do to stay cozy during the coldest month of the year that everyone already knows. From indulging in warming foods to getting a massage, these tips will help you beat the cold and stay comfortable all season long. So grab a cup of hot cocoa, snuggle up under a blanket, and let’s get started!

10 Tips For Keeping Warm in January

1. Sing Out Loud

Singing is a proven way to boost your mood and alleviate stress, but did you know it can also keep you warm? When you sing, your body naturally produces endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel good. These hormones can help increase blood flow and raise your body temperature, thus keeping you warmer.

Not sure what to sing? Anything goes! Belt out a favorite tune from your childhood or try learning the lyrics to a new song. If singing solo isn’t your thing, join a virtual choir or karaoke group online.

Don’t worry if you don’t have the best voice in the world – singing isn’t about perfection. It’s about having fun and enjoying yourself. So turn up the volume on your favorite songs and start belting them out at full volume! Your body (and soul) will thank you for it.

2. Eat warming foods

When the temperature drops, it’s natural to crave something warm and comforting. And what better way to satisfy that craving than with some delicious, warming foods?

Start your day off right with a bowl of oatmeal or a stack of pancakes topped with cinnamon and maple syrup. Both options are not only satisfying but also provide you with long-lasting energy throughout the day.

For lunch, opt for hearty soups like tomato or chicken noodle soup. These soups contain essential nutrients that can help boost your immune system and ward off any winter colds.

As for dinner, roasted vegetables like sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, and beets provide an excellent source of vitamins while keeping you feeling cozy on chilly nights.

And let’s not forget about beverages! Hot cocoa is always a favorite during colder months but try spicing things up by adding some cayenne pepper or cinnamon to give it an extra kick. Herbal teas like ginger or chamomile can also work wonders in keeping your body warm from the inside out.

By incorporating these warming foods into your diet this winter season, you’ll stay satisfied while nourishing your body at the same time!

3. Get a massage

Getting a massage is not only relaxing but also an effective way to keep warm during the chilly winter months. During a massage, your muscles are manipulated and kneaded, which can increase blood flow and circulation throughout your body.

Not only does this boost overall warmth, but it also helps to relieve any tension or soreness that may have been causing discomfort. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce stress levels as well, which can result in better sleep quality and an overall sense of wellbeing.

There are many different types of massages available, including deep tissue, Swedish, hot stone, and aromatherapy. Depending on your preferences and needs, you can choose the one that best suits you.

If you’re not comfortable visiting a spa or massage therapist during these times of social distancing due to COVID-19 pandemic, there are many instructional videos online that demonstrate self-massage techniques for various parts of the body.

Incorporating regular massages into your winter routine can provide numerous benefits for both physical health and mental wellness. So why not treat yourself with a soothing massage session today?

4. Use a humidifier

During the winter months, the air is often dry and lacking in moisture. This can lead to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, such as dry skin, chapped lips, and even respiratory issues. Fortunately, using a humidifier can help alleviate these symptoms and make your home more comfortable.

A humidifier works by adding moisture to the air in your home. This can be especially beneficial if you live in an area with low humidity or if you use heating systems that tend to dry out the air.

Using a humidifier is simple – just fill it with water and turn it on. You’ll notice an immediate difference in the quality of the air around you. Your skin will feel less dry, your nasal passages will be clearer, and breathing will be easier overall.

In addition to improving physical comfort levels, using a humidifier has been shown to have other benefits as well. For example, it may reduce snoring by keeping nasal passages open during sleep.

Using a humidifier is an easy way to improve indoor air quality during winter months while also promoting better health for yourself and those around you.

5. Take a hot bath

There’s nothing quite like taking a hot bath on a cold winter day. It soothes the body and helps to relieve stress and tension, making it one of the best ways to stay warm in January.

Firstly, make sure you have everything you need before getting into the tub. This includes towels, soap, and any other bath time essentials that you enjoy using.

Secondly, set the mood by creating a relaxing atmosphere with dim lighting or candles. You can also add essential oils or Epsom salts to your bath for an extra boost of relaxation.

Thirdly, adjust the temperature of your water accordingly – not too hot that it’s uncomfortable but warm enough to help raise your body temperature and keep you cozy.

Fourthly, while soaking in your bath take this time to unwind from the stresses of daily life such as work pressures or family obligations. Use this quiet moment for yourself without distractions from technology devices.

Once finished with your soak be sure to dry off thoroughly so that you don’t catch a chill after being nice and warm in the bathtub!

6. Exercise

Exercise is an excellent way to keep your body warm during the cold winter days. When you exercise, your body produces heat, which helps you stay warm even when it’s freezing outside. There are many types of exercises that you can do indoors or outdoors, depending on your preference.

Indoor exercises like yoga and Pilates are great for keeping the body active without having to brave the cold weather. You can also try cardio workouts such as jumping jacks or dancing to get your heart rate up and warm up your whole body.

If going outside for a run or walk is more your style, make sure to dress appropriately in layers so that you don’t get too cold. A combination of breathable fabrics and insulating layers will help regulate your temperature while still allowing sweat to evaporate from your skin.

Remember always to listen to how you feel; if at any point during exercising, you start feeling dizzy or lightheaded, stop immediately and take a break. It’s essential not only to keep yourself warm but also safe when working out in colder temperatures.

In summary, regular exercise can benefit not only our physical health but also our mental well-being by releasing endorphins that boost mood levels naturally. Keep moving this January with some fun indoor exercises or bundle up warmly when taking outdoor walks!

7. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is important year-round, but even more so during the winter months. It’s easy to forget to drink water when you’re not sweating as much, and hot beverages like coffee and tea can make you feel like you’re getting enough fluids. However, drinking plenty of water is crucial for keeping your body functioning properly in the colder weather.

Cold air can dry out your skin and cause dehydration faster than warmer temperatures. This is why it’s important to keep a water bottle with you at all times and sip throughout the day. If plain water isn’t your thing, herbal teas or fruit-infused waters are great alternatives to help keep things interesting.

When it comes to staying warm in January, drinking enough water can also aid in digestion and circulation which helps regulate body temperature. This means that drinking plenty of fluids can actually help keep you feeling warmer.

Not only does staying hydrated benefit your physical health, but it also has mental health benefits too! Dehydration has been linked to fatigue and mood swings – two things no one wants during the dark days of winter.

So next time you reach for that second cup of coffee or tea, consider swapping it out for a glass of refreshing H2O instead. Your body (and mind) will thank you!

8. Limit your alcohol intake

Limiting alcohol intake is a crucial step in keeping warm during January. While alcohol might make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it actually lowers your core body temperature, making you more susceptible to the cold. This is because alcohol widens blood vessels near the surface of the skin, causing heat loss.

Instead of reaching for that glass of wine or pint of beer, try swapping it out for a hot cup of tea or cocoa. Warm beverages not only provide comfort but also help keep your body temperature up.

If you do decide to indulge in alcoholic drinks, be sure to drink responsibly and limit yourself. Opt for drinks with lower alcohol content such as light beers or wine spritzers instead of high-proof liquors.

It’s important to note that excessive drinking can also impair judgment and lead to hypothermia if one becomes too intoxicated and loses their ability to recognize the signs of extreme cold weather conditions.

By limiting your alcohol intake during winter months like January, you’ll not only stay warmer but also remain safe while enjoying all that this season has to offer.

9. Don’t smoke

Smoking is a habit that has many negative effects on your health and wellbeing. Not only does it increase the risk of lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke, but it can also make you feel cold during winter months.

Nicotine in cigarettes narrows blood vessels, reducing blood flow to your extremities like hands and feet which makes them feel colder. Smoking can also hinder your body’s ability to keep warm by constricting small blood vessels near the skin surface.

To stay warm this January, consider quitting smoking or cutting back if you’re a current smoker. It may be hard at first but over time your body will thank you for it.

You don’t have to quit alone either; there are many resources available including support groups and nicotine replacement therapy products like gum or patches that can help ease withdrawal symptoms while breaking the habit.

By quitting smoking, not only will you improve your overall health but also reduce your chances of feeling cold this winter season. So take the first step towards a better life today!

10. Get a good night’s sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to staying warm during winter. When we’re asleep, our body temperature drops, which can make us feel cold if we don’t have enough blankets or heat in the room. Here are some tips for getting a good night’s sleep in January:

Create a cozy environment: Make sure your bedroom is warm and inviting by using thick curtains, rugs, and plenty of blankets on your bed. Use dim lighting and calming scents to help you relax before bedtime.

Stay active during the day: Exercise can help regulate your body temperature and promote better sleep at night. Try doing some light stretching or yoga before bed to unwind.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol: These substances can disrupt your sleep cycle and affect the quality of your rest. Stick to herbal teas or warm milk instead.

Invest in good bedding: High-quality sheets, comforters, and pillows can make all the difference when it comes to getting comfortable at night. Look for materials that will keep you warm without causing overheating.

Stick to a routine: Going to bed at the same time every night helps regulate your internal clock so that you get tired naturally when it’s time for lights out. Avoid screens for an hour before bedtime as this may stimulate brain activity making it hard for one fall asleep quickly.

By following these simple tips regularly throughout January month – You’ll be able to stay cozy all winter long!

11. Bundle Up

When the temperature drops, bundling up is one of the most effective ways to stay warm. But it’s not just about throwing on a bunch of layers and calling it a day. There are certain strategies you can use to maximize your warmth and comfort.

Firstly, invest in high-quality winter gear such as coats, gloves, hats and boots made from materials that provide insulation like wool or down. Layering is also important – try wearing multiple thinner layers instead of one thick layer so you can regulate your body temperature more easily.

Additionally, make sure to cover any exposed skin by wearing scarves or face masks. Your extremities tend to be the first parts of your body that feel cold so don’t forget to keep them covered with warm socks and insulated shoes.

Remember that being too hot can be uncomfortable too so adjust your clothing according to how active you plan on being throughout the day.

Before heading outdoors into the chilly weather take a moment indoors for some quick stretching exercises which will help increase circulation in your muscles and get blood flowing which will ultimately lead towards staying warm for longer periods outside!

12. Drink Hot Beverages

There’s nothing quite like a hot drink to warm you up on a cold January day. Whether it’s a classic cup of tea, a spicy chai latte, or a rich hot chocolate, the heat and flavor can instantly lift your spirits.

Hot beverages not only offer warmth but also provide health benefits. Herbal teas such as ginger and chamomile are known for their soothing properties that help reduce inflammation and support digestion. Green tea contains antioxidants that boost immunity levels while black coffee can improve cognitive function.

Moreover, making yourself a hot beverage is an excellent way to take some time for self-care during the busy winter months. The process of brewing and sipping your favorite drink can be calming and meditative, helping you relax and destress.

It’s easy to get creative with hot drinks too! Add some honey or cinnamon to your tea or try mixing in different flavors of syrups into your coffee for something new.

Don’t forget about the comforting ritual behind sitting down with a mug full of warmth – it really does make all the difference when trying to endure chilly weather.

13. Get a Fire Going

There’s something so comforting and cozy about sitting by a fire on a chilly winter day. Getting a fire going in your fireplace or wood stove is not only a great way to warm up, but it also creates an inviting atmosphere that’s perfect for relaxing with loved ones.

To get started, gather some dry kindling and newspaper to build the base of your fire. Once you have that set up, add larger pieces of wood on top and light the paper. As the fire begins to burn, add more logs as needed to keep it going.

Not only does having a fire provide warmth and ambiance, but it can also be practical in reducing heating costs if you rely on electric or gas heat. By using your fireplace or wood stove regularly during the colder months, you may be able to lower your reliance on other forms of heating.

Of course, safety should always come first when building fires indoors. Be sure to use proper tools like fireplace screens and never leave the fire unattended while burning. Also make sure your chimney is clean before lighting any fires to prevent potential hazards like chimney fires.

Getting a fire going can be both functional and enjoyable during January’s chilliest days. So grab some hot cocoa or tea and snuggle up next to those dancing flames!

14. Plan Indoor Activities

Staying indoors during the cold winter months can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be boring. Instead of hibernating and binge-watching shows on Netflix, plan some indoor activities to keep yourself entertained.

Firstly, try hosting a game night with friends or family. Break out the board games or card games that have been collecting dust in your closet and enjoy some friendly competition. You could even make it into a potluck dinner party where everyone brings their favorite comfort food.

Another great option is to start a new hobby such as knitting, painting or cooking. This not only keeps you busy but also gives you something productive to do during your downtime. Plus, learning a new skill can be fulfilling and rewarding.

If you’re looking for something more low-key, consider curling up with a good book or starting a movie marathon of classic films you’ve always wanted to watch.

Don’t forget about planning date nights! Whether it’s making dinner together at home or trying out a new restaurant in town – keeping things fun and exciting is important for any relationship.

The key is to find activities that are enjoyable and engaging for you personally while also being comfortable indoors during January’s chilly weather.

15. Dance

Dancing is a fun and effective way to keep warm during the cold winter months. It not only gets your body moving but also helps boost your mood. You can dance in the comfort of your own home or attend a dance class with friends.

There are many different types of dances you can try, from ballroom to hip hop to salsa. Each type has its unique style and benefits. So why not mix it up and try something new?

If you’re dancing at home, create a playlist with upbeat songs that make you want to move. Don’t be afraid to let loose and have fun – there’s no right or wrong way to dance!

Attending a dance class is another great option as it provides structure and guidance while still allowing for personal expression. Plus, it’s an opportunity to meet new people who share similar interests.

In addition to being an enjoyable activity, dancing has numerous health benefits such as improving cardiovascular health, increasing flexibility, and reducing stress levels.

So put on your favorite song and start dancing! Not only will you stay warm this winter, but you’ll also improve both physical and mental wellbeing in the process.


Staying warm in January can be a challenge, but with these 15 tips, it’s possible to beat the winter blues. From singing out loud to bundling up and drinking hot beverages, there are plenty of ways to stay cozy and comfortable during this chilly month.

Remember that it’s important to take care of yourself during the winter months. By following these suggestions and finding other ways to stay warm and happy, you’ll be able to enjoy all that January has to offer without feeling like you’re sacrificing your comfort or wellbeing.

So go ahead and try out some of these ideas! Whether you’re snuggled up by the fire or dancing around your living room, there are endless possibilities for staying warm and having fun this winter season.

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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