
10 Ways to Make Yourself Mentally Strong

What exactly does it mean to be mentally strong? It goes beyond just having a positive mindset; it encompasses managing your emotions, setting boundaries, embracing failure, and so much more. So if you're ready to take charge of your mental well-being and build unshakable inner strength, read on! Here are10 powerful strategies that will help you become mentally invincible in any situation life throws your way.

10 Ways to Make Yourself Mentally Strong

Let's Find Out About Yourself


1. When facing a setback, you:

  • A. Feel overwhelmed and give up.
  • B. Take a break then try again.
  • C. Look for a lesson and move forward.

2. How do you handle criticism?

  • A. It discourages me.
  • B. I consider it but don't always act on it.
  • C. I use it constructively to improve.

3. What's your approach to challenging tasks?

  • A. Avoid them if possible.
  • B. Attempt them with hesitation.
  • C. Embrace them as growth opportunities.

4. Your belief about failure is:

  • A. It's a sign to stop trying.
  • B. It's unpleasant but sometimes inevitable.
  • C. It's a step towards success.

5. How do you view your mistakes?

  • A. As defeats.
  • B. As unfortunate but part of life.
  • C. As chances to learn and grow.

6. When feeling stressed, you:

  • A. Struggle to cope.
  • B. Try to relax but not always successfully.
  • C. Use stress management techniques effectively.

7. Regarding your goals, you:

  • A. Rarely set them.
  • B. Set them but often doubt achieving them.
  • C. Set, pursue, and often achieve them.

8. In terms of self-improvement, you:

  • A. Don't spend much time on it.
  • B. Occasionally work on it.
  • C. Regularly dedicate time to it.

9. How do you deal with uncomfortable emotions?

  • A. Suppress or avoid them.
  • B. Acknowledge them but struggle to manage.
  • C. Accept and work through them.

10. Your mindset towards change is:

  • A. Resistant and fearful.
  • B. Uncertain but open.
  • C. Welcoming and adaptive.


1. When facing a setback...?

  • A: Identify small, manageable steps to tackle after a setback to prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  • B: Rest is crucial, but ensure to set a specific time to revisit the challenge.
  • C: Continue this mindset, always seeking growth from every setback.

2. How do you handle criticism?

  • A: Work on separating constructive criticism from your self-worth.
  • B: Keep an open mind but trust your judgment to act on beneficial advice.
  • C: Your approach is ideal for personal and professional development.

3. What's your approach to challenging tasks?

  • A: Challenge yourself gradually to build confidence in facing difficult tasks.
  • B: Remind yourself of past successes to overcome hesitation.
  • C: Your enthusiasm for challenges will lead to significant growth.

4. Your belief about failure?

  • A: Shift your perspective to see failure as a learning opportunity, not a stopping point.
  • B: It's normal to feel this way; try to focus on what can be learned from each failure.
  • C: This positive outlook is a key component of mental strength.

5. How do you view your mistakes?

  • A: Reframe mistakes as opportunities rather than defeats to build resilience.
  • B: Accepting mistakes is healthy; strive to also learn from them.
  • C: Your perspective is constructive; keep learning from every mistake.

6. When feeling stressed...?

  • A: Explore stress management techniques such as mindfulness or exercise.
  • B: Consistency in stress-relief practices can improve their effectiveness.
  • C: Continue refining your stress management skills for even greater resilience.

7. Your goals

  • A: Start with setting small, achievable goals to build momentum.
  • B: Confidence grows with each small achievement; keep pushing forward.
  • C: Maintain your goal-oriented approach to achieve continued success.

8. Self-improvement

  • A: Dedicate a little time each day to personal growth; it's worth it.
  • B: Find activities that enrich you personally and professionally for more consistent effort.
  • C: Your commitment to self-improvement is commendable; continue exploring new growth areas.

9. How do you deal with uncomfortable emotions?

  • A: Learning to process emotions healthily is crucial; consider therapy or self-help books.
  • B: Practice mindfulness or journaling to better manage and understand your emotions.
  • C: Your emotional intelligence is a strength; keep nurturing it.

10. Your mindset towards change

  • A: Start with small changes to gradually become more comfortable with larger shifts.
  • B: Keep an open mind and take small steps towards embracing change.
  • C: Your adaptability is a significant asset in today's fast-paced world.

#1 The Power of Positive Thinking

Cultivating a positive mindset can feel challenging, especially during tough times. But with some subtle shifts in perspective and habits, you can nurture positivity without feeling like it's a forced endeavor.

  1. Focus on Gratitude: Begin your day by noting three things you're thankful for. These can be small, like a warm cup of coffee, or more significant, like the love of a family member. When we shift our attention to what we have, rather than what we lack, our perspective becomes naturally more positive.
  2. Limit Negative Inputs: Reduce your consumption of negative news or dramatic shows. When we expose ourselves to less negativity, we naturally allow more room for positive thoughts. It's not about ignorance but about choosing to fill your mind with content that uplifts.
  3. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Spend time with optimistic people or those who bring out the best in you. You'll feel uplifted just by making positive conversations with others, and such experiences will influence your own perspective.
  4. Mindfulness and Meditation: By practicing mindfulness, you can become more aware of your thoughts. Recognize negative ones without judgment, and then gently steer your mind towards a more positive thought. Meditation, even for a few minutes a day, can help clear mental clutter and promote a sense of peace.
  5. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that no one is positive all the time. It's natural to have ups and downs. By setting realistic expectations, you won't beat yourself up on the days you're feeling down.
  6. Cherish Small Happy Moments: Every time you accomplish something, no matter how minor, give yourself a pat on the back. Over time, recognizing these wins will amplify feelings of achievement and positivity.
  7. Nature's Therapy: Spending time in nature, be it a park or by the beach, can have a calming effect on the mind. The serenity and beauty of nature can often lead to introspection and a more optimistic outlook.

#2 Managing Your Emotions

Managing Your Emotions

Our emotions play a significant role in our mental well-being, and learning to manage them will contribute to our overall mental strength. It's natural to experience a wide range of emotions throughout our lives, but we shouldn't let them control us. Here's how to keep steady:

  1. Self-Awareness: First, recognize your emotions. Before addressing them, you must understand what you're feeling. Is it anger? Sadness? Joy? Like naming the stars in the sky, pinpointing what you feel can be grounding.
  2. Acceptance: Remember that it's okay to feel. We're human, after all! Every emotion has its place, and by accepting them, you can address them more genuinely.
  3. Deep Breathing: When emotions run high, our breathing often becomes shallow. Taking deep breaths can calm the nervous system. Imagine your breath as a gentle wave, washing over and soothing intense feelings.
  4. Journaling: Pouring your feelings onto paper can be therapeutic. It provides an outlet for your thoughts, offering clarity and a sense of release.
  5. Physical Activity: Emotions are energy. Taking a walk, dancing, or even stretching can help channel that energy and provide an emotional reset.
  6. Seek Perspective: Ask yourself, "Will this matter in five years?" Gaining perspective can diminish the intensity of what you're feeling in the moment.
  7. Limit Stimulants: Reduce the intake of caffeine and sugar. These can amplify anxiety and mood swings. Similarly, ensure you're getting enough sleep, as fatigue can skew emotional responses.
  8. Talk it Out: Share your feelings with someone you trust. Sometimes, just voicing your emotions can lighten the load. And who knows? They might offer a fresh perspective.
  9. Limit Exposure: If certain situations or people consistently trigger negative emotions, it might be worth limiting your exposure or finding ways to approach them differently.
  10. Professional Help: If managing emotions becomes overwhelming, it's okay to seek guidance from a counselor or therapist.

In a nutshell, emotions are like the weather; sometimes predictable, sometimes not. But with the right tools and strategies, you can sail through even the stormiest of emotional seas. Remember, it's not about suppressing feelings but navigating them with grace and understanding.

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#3 Setting Boundaries

Setting boundaries is akin to planting a garden; you decide what you want to grow and protect it from unwanted elements.

  1. Why Boundaries?: Just as a garden fence protects plants, personal boundaries safeguard our mental and emotional well-being. They ensure that we don't spread ourselves too thin or allow external factors to disrupt our peace.
  2. Clear Communication: It starts with expressing your needs and feelings. By letting people know what you're comfortable with, you're setting the groundwork. It's like telling visitors to your garden what plants not to touch.
  3. Self-Respect: Recognizing your worth is the cornerstone of setting boundaries. If you value your well-being, you'll naturally want to protect it. Think of it as watering and nurturing your plants.
  4. Learning to Say No: It might be tough initially, especially if you're someone who tends to say yes to avoid conflict. But remember, every time you say no to something that doesn't align with your well-being, you're saying yes to your peace and growth.
  5. Avoid Overcommitment: Know your limits. Just as overwatering can harm plants, overcommitting can strain your mental health. It's okay to take a step back when needed.
  6. Evaluate Your Relationships: Like checking for pests in a garden, take a look at your relationships. If someone constantly oversteps or doesn't respect your boundaries, it might be time to reevaluate that relationship.
  7. Seek Support: It's always helpful to have a friend or family member who understands and supports your boundary-setting journey. They can be your garden buddy, helping you tend to your boundaries.
  8. Regular Check-ins: As life changes, so might your boundaries. Regularly reflect on whether your current boundaries align with your well-being.

#4 Developing a Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

Imagine your mind is like a garden. With the right care and attitude, it can grow, evolve, and bloom. Enter the 'growth mindset' – the belief that abilities can be developed with effort and persistence. Let's chat about why this mindset is like a super fertilizer for your brain garden and how to nurture it.

  1. What's a Growth Mindset?: Coined by Carol Dweck, it’s the belief that talents aren't just inborn gifts, but can be developed through dedication and hard work. It's the love you pour into your garden that makes it flourish!
  2. Mistakes are Opportunities: Just as a gardener learns more from a wilted plant than a thriving one, mistakes become learning experiences. They're not failures, but stepping stones to understanding and improvement.
  3. Celebrate Effort, Not Just Success: Every time you water or prune your garden, it grows a bit more. Similarly, with a growth mindset, the process and effort become as valuable as the end result.
  4. Seek Challenges: Pushing outside of your comfort zone is where growth happens. It's like planting a new flower species and learning how to care for it.
  5. Feedback is Gold: Constructive criticism is like a friend telling you where to water your plants more. Instead of getting defensive, view feedback as an insight into areas of potential growth.
  6. Continuous Learning: With a growth mindset, the learning never stops. There's always a new gardening technique or plant to explore, and the same goes for skills and knowledge.
  7. Mind Your Language: The way you talk to yourself matters. Swap "I can't" with "I can't yet." It’s like saying, "This plant hasn’t bloomed yet" instead of "This plant will never bloom."

Developing a growth mindset is about believing in the potential to evolve, learn, and develop, just like a well-tended garden. When challenges sprout, they’re opportunities to grow. 

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#5 Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination is something that we all struggle with at times. It's that nagging voice in our heads telling us to put off the tasks we know we should be doing. But constantly delaying important tasks can have negative effects on our mental well-being and productivity. So, how can we overcome this tendency to procrastinate? Let's chat about how to gently and effectively pull out this weed and let your productivity bloom.

  1. Understanding Procrastination: It's not just laziness; it often stems from fear – fear of failure, perfectionism, or even success. Knowing why you're delaying can be the first step in addressing it. Think of it as diagnosing why a plant isn't thriving.
  2. Break It Down: Facing a big task can feel like trying to plant an entire garden in one go. Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Celebrate each step, just as you'd admire each new sprout.
  3. Prioritize: Identify what’s urgent and important. You wouldn’t water a weed before a prized flower. Tend to the tasks that will make the most significant impact first.
  4. Eliminate Distractions: Create a conducive environment. It’s like removing pests from a garden. If social media is your nemesis, consider apps that block them during work times.
  5. Start with Five Minutes: Tell yourself you’ll work on a task for just five minutes. Often, the hardest part is starting. Once you're in, it's easier to continue. It's like beginning with one pot and then getting the motivation to garden more.
  6. Visualize the End Result: Picture how you'll feel once the task is done. Just as envisioning a lush garden can inspire you to tend to it, visualizing your accomplishments can push you forward.
  7. Accountability Buddy: Share your goals with a friend. They can check in on your progress and cheer you on. It's like gardening alongside a buddy; the encouragement can make it fun!
  8. Forgive and Move Forward: If you slip back into procrastination, avoid being too hard on yourself. Gardens sometimes have off days. Learn from it and adjust your approach.

In essence, overcoming procrastination is about recognizing it, gently adjusting your habits, and keeping an eye on the flourishing garden of productivity you're cultivating.

#6 Taking Initiative

Taking Initiative

Taking initiative is a key trait of a mentally strong person. It involves stepping up, taking charge, and going after what you want without waiting for someone else to do it for you. When you take initiative, you are showing confidence in your abilities and a willingness to take risks.

  1. Why Initiative Matters: Think about a garden. If you wait for nature to do all the work, you might get a few blooms, but taking the initiative to plant, nurture, and care means you'll likely have a flourishing garden sooner. Similarly, in life, being proactive helps you achieve your goals more efficiently.
  2. Confidence Booster: When you take the lead, even in small matters, it reinforces a belief in your own capabilities. Each time you take initiative, it's like adding another achievement badge to your captain's jacket.
  3. Opportunity's Best Friend: Opportunities often favor those who are ready and willing. Just as the early bird catches the worm, those who take initiative are more likely to grab hold of new chances that come their way.
  4. Learning by Doing: When you step up, you're bound to face challenges. But guess what? These are fantastic learning experiences! It's like sailing into uncharted waters and discovering new islands.
  5. Setting an Example: Taking initiative can be infectious. When others see you stepping up, they're often inspired to do the same. Imagine if every sailor on your ship started navigating and exploring. The journey would be so much richer!
  6. Overcoming Fear: Taking risks might be daunting, but it's also exhilarating. It teaches you resilience and the art of bouncing back. Every seasoned captain has faced a storm, but it's navigating through it that builds character.
  7. Fulfillment: There's a unique satisfaction in seeing a project or task you took initiative on come to fruition. It's like watching the sunrise after a night's sail, knowing you steered your ship there.

It's all about believing in yourself, being proactive, and celebrating the journey. Life's vast ocean is filled with adventures waiting for captains ready to set their sails. So, hoist the anchor, and chart a course towards your dreams!

#7 Accepting Failure

Failure is often seen as a negative experience, something to be avoided at all costs. But what if I told you that accepting failure can actually make you mentally stronger? It may sound counterintuitive, but it's true.

  1. Nature of Failure: First, let's debunk a myth. Failure isn't the opposite of success; it's a part of it. Just as plants need both sunshine and rain to grow, our personal growth often requires a mix of achievements and setbacks.
  2. Learning Curve: Every time something doesn't go as planned, there's a hidden lesson. It's like missing a step in a recipe and then realizing what it was for. Next time, you'll know exactly why that ingredient matters.
  3. Resilience Building: Bouncing back from setbacks builds a certain strength and tenacity. It's the training you didn't know you needed. Like a tree standing tall after a storm, you too become more robust.
  4. Perspective Shift: Failure often gives us a new vantage point. It's the mountain valley you didn't expect on your hike, offering a completely different, yet stunning view.
  5. Humility: When things always go our way, it's easy to become complacent. But when they don't, we're reminded of our human nature, which grounds us. It's like a gentle reminder that even the best gardeners can't control every element of their garden.
  6. Opportunity to Start Fresh: Every setback offers a new beginning. It's an invitation to rethink, re-evaluate, and restart. Like pruning a plant, sometimes cutting back is what prompts the most vigorous new growth.

#8 Learning From Criticism

Learning From Criticism

Criticism, when thought of in a positive light, is like a friend who tells you there's spinach stuck between your teeth. It might be a bit awkward or uncomfortable at first, but you're better off knowing and addressing it. Let's unpack the value of constructive criticism and how we can use it for growth.

  1. Gift in Disguise: Even though it doesn't always feel pleasant, constructive criticism is a gift. It's an outside perspective that can shed light on blind spots you might not be aware of. Think of it as someone pointing out a patch in your garden that needs a bit more watering.
  2. Building Blocks: Every piece of feedback, when taken in the right spirit, can be a stepping stone to improvement. Just as a chef tweaks a recipe based on taste tests, you too can refine your skills and ideas based on feedback.
  3. Maturity & Growth: Responding graciously to criticism shows maturity. It's a sign you're willing to look beyond ego to the bigger picture. Like pruning a plant, sometimes it's the cuts that make it grow fuller.
  4. Open-Mindedness: Welcoming feedback encourages an open mindset. You become more adaptable and flexible in your approach. It's like adjusting your garden layout based on the sun's path to ensure every plant gets its share of light.
  5. Better Relationships: By appreciating and learning from criticism, you're signaling to others that you value their perspective. It fosters trust and understanding, much like gardeners sharing tips and advice.
  6. Filtering Feedback: Of course, not all criticism is useful. It's essential to discern between constructive feedback and mere negativity. Keep the insights that resonate and help you grow, and let go of the rest. It's like choosing the right fertilizer for your plants.

Learning from criticism is an art. When approached with an open heart and mind, it can be a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. So next time feedback comes your way, think of it as a friendly nudge guiding you toward a more flourishing version of yourself.

#9 Developing Self-Compassion

Developing Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is a vital aspect of mental strength that often gets overlooked. It involves treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness, just as you would treat a close friend in need. Many people mistakenly believe that being hard on themselves is the key to success, but research shows that self-compassion actually leads to greater motivation and resilience.

  1. What's Self-Compassion?: At its core, self-compassion is being your own cheerleader. It’s recognizing that, just like everyone, you'll have ups and downs. Instead of being your harshest critic, it's giving yourself a comforting pat on the back.
  2. Mistakes & Growth: Everyone makes mistakes; they're part of the learning journey. Think of them as spilt milk, not a ruined feast. By offering yourself understanding during slip-ups, you create a safe space to learn and grow.
  3. Mindful Awareness: It's about observing your feelings without judgment. Like watching clouds float by, you acknowledge your feelings, knowing they're temporary and don't define your worth.
  4. Battling Perfectionism: Aiming for progress, not perfection, is key. It’s like gardening: some days, plants thrive; other days, they might wilt a bit. It's all part of the cycle, and beating yourself up won’t help them bloom.
  5. Positive Self-talk: The way you chat with yourself matters. Replace that inner critic with a friendly voice. Instead of “I messed up,” try “I did my best, and I'll learn from this.”
  6. Common Humanity: Remember, you're not alone in your feelings or experiences. Just as every home has a behind-the-scenes, everyone faces challenges. Sharing and connecting can be healing.
  7. Daily Practices: Start with small acts. Write yourself a kind note, practice deep breathing, or visualize wrapping yourself in a warm hug. Over time, these small moments cultivate a compassionate inner sanctuary.

In essence, self-compassion is like giving yourself a cozy blanket on a chilly day. It's recognizing that you deserve love and understanding, especially from yourself. So, as you journey through life, remember to offer yourself the same warmth and kindness you'd share with a cherished friend.

#10 Building Mental Strength

Think of mental strength like the foundation of a house. The stronger and more stable it is, the better equipped it'll be to weather any storms. Building that foundation and enhancing your mental well-being is a delightful journey that's well worth the effort. Let's dive in!

  1. Little Daily Habits: It all begins with small, daily choices. Whether it's taking a few minutes for deep breathing, journaling your thoughts, or practicing gratitude, these micro-moments can make a macro difference. They're like the bricks in your foundation.
  2. Limiting Negativity: Just as you wouldn't want a leaky roof, try to shield yourself from excess negativity. Be mindful of the content you consume, and the company you keep. Fill your space with uplifting messages and positive vibes.
  3. Lifelong Learning: Keeping your mind active and engaged is crucial. Just like you'd renovate your house, occasionally dive into a new book, take up a course, or pick up a hobby. Keep that intellectual spark alive.
  4. Social Connections: Humans are inherently social beings. Foster meaningful relationships, spend time with loved ones, or even engage in community activities. Think of it as the lovely garden that surrounds your house, bringing joy and color.
  5. Physical Health = Mental Wealth: Your body and mind are intrinsically linked. Simple activities like a brisk walk, yoga, or even dancing can uplift your spirits. It's like ensuring the plumbing and wiring of your house are in top shape.
  6. Seek Support When Needed: If you notice a crack in your house, you'd probably call an expert, right? Similarly, if things get overwhelming, consider seeking guidance from professionals or trusted friends.
  7. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge your growth, however small. Each effort, every milestone is a testament to your commitment. It's like adding a fresh coat of paint or a new decor piece to your space.

Building mental strength and enhancing well-being is a continuous journey of love, care, and commitment to oneself. As you work on solidifying that foundation, remember, the beauty lies as much in the process as in the results. Cheers to a stronger, happier you!

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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