10 Tips to Building a Fabulously Everlasting, Gay-tastic Relationship

September 17, 2023

Love, darlings, is a tantalizing dance of passion, understanding, and growth. But, let’s not pretend it's all roses and moonlit serenades. Whether you're floating on cloud nine or navigating through stormy weather, every couple could use some pizzazz to keep things vivacious.

From enduring bonds to fiery flirtations, this guide is your glittering roadmap to maintaining a love that's as fabulous as you are. Let's not dilly-dally - to love!

10 Tips to Building a Fabulously Everlasting, Gay-tastic Relationship

1. Honesty is Always in Fashion

Look, lying about whether you secretly ate that last slice of cheesecake might seem trivial, but trust is the foundation! So, tell your beau about your secret stash of chocolate, and next time, share that slice!

Honey, lies are like knock-off Gucci bags – noticeable and, quite frankly, a fashion disaster. Always keeping it real? That’s your ticket to being the Beyoncé of relationships.

Imagine sneaking around and hiding that you've been spending a little too much on shoes or, worse, secretly gorging on that sinful triple-layer chocolate mousse cake. When your beau finds the receipts or the empty cake box, the scene isn't going to be pretty. Oh, the horror!

My Queenly Advice

Next time you’re tempted to fib about your latest splurge or snack attack, come clean. Honesty is a fabulous accessory that goes with everything. And trust me, darling, confessions can be fun when done right.

Over dinner, coyly mention, "Darling, I may have accidentally treated myself to the tiniest bit of retail therapy today." They'll appreciate the candor, and who knows? They might just join you on the next shopping spree!

2. Ditch the Drama (Outside the Bedroom)

Ditch the Drama

Yes, drama is fabulous on stage, but in a relationship? No, honey. Save the drama for your mama or your next theater role. Relationships need stability, not daily soap opera reruns. A little sass here and there? Fabulous. Turning every little hiccup into a Broadway-worthy performance? Not so chic. Save the theatrics for karaoke night and keep the serenity in your love nest.

Think of it this way: If you were watching a movie and every scene was an over-the-top dramatic moment, wouldn’t you get a little... exhausted? Your relationship isn’t a telenovela, darling. Keep it light, breezy, and reserve the drama for truly monumental moments (like finding out your favorite brand discontinued that self-tanning lotion that gives you a PERFECT orange skin.

My Marily Advice

When your man forgets to do the dishes or accidentally shrinks your favorite sweater in the dryer, instead of morphing into a drama llama, take a deep, fabulous breath. Then, let him know your feelings without the side of sass.

Try something cheeky but sweet: "Well, now that's one way to make sure I change up my style. Sweater shopping date tomorrow?" By keeping things playful, you're keeping the mood light and lovey-dovey.

3. Get Your Own Life, Darling

Being inseparable is cute, but guess what? You're not conjoined twins. It's fabulous to have your own interests, hobbies, and friends. Independence is sexy, honey.

Newsflash, loves: While you and your beau might be the most exquisite duo since Sonny and Cher, there’s a universe out there filled with wonders just waiting for YOU to explore solo. Becoming a "we" doesn't mean you dissolve the "me." Think of yourself as a sequined star in the vast relationship galaxy – shine on your own terms!

You see, hunty, there's a thin line between being a cute couple and being that couple. The one that, gasp, shares a Facebook account and finishes each other's... sandwiches. Predictable? Yes. Yawn-worthy? Absolutely!

My Queerly Advice

Do yourself a favor and keep the mystery alive. Start that gourmet cooking class, join a book club, or simply indulge in a solo spa day without your partner in tow.

When you come home, not only will you have fresh tales to share, but the joy of recounting a hilarious misadventure or the drama from the book club keeps things fresh. You can bat those lashes and say, "Oh honey, you won’t believe the shade at today's pottery class!"

4. Flirt Like You're Still Dating

Flirt Like You're Still Dating

Who said flirting ends once you're a couple? Wrong! Keep the fires burning. Wink across the room, send naughty texts, or strut your stuff like the queen you are.

Yes, you've snagged your prince charming, but does that mean you hang up your flirty heels? Never! Complacency is the enemy of passion. Always being in "comfy mode" is cute, but every now and then, trade those comfy pajamas for something that makes your partner's jaw drop.

Relationships should come with a warning: "Objects in the mirror are hotter than they appear." So, my dearest divas, never let that flame dull. Keep them guessing, keep them chasing, and most importantly, keep them drooling!

Bitchy Yet Practical Advice

Did you think that sultry glance was only for the dating phase? Wrong, darling! Throw those eyes from across a crowded room, send a spicy text in the middle of the day, or leave surprise love notes in the most unexpected places – like their lunchbox or inside their favorite book. And for a fun game, play hard-to-get once in a while.

When they ask, “Why are you so dressed up today?” with a gleam in their eyes, toss your hair back and reply, "Oh, no reason, just felt like reminding the world who they’re dealing with!"

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5. Listening: Not Just for Therapy

Darlings, we’ve all been there. While your partner’s going on about his day, your mind is wandering to what you'll wear for the next fabulous brunch or pondering the latest shade of nail polish. But, sweethearts, lend me those diamond-encrusted ears for a second: there’s an art to truly hearing your partner, and it's hotter than the latest fashion trend.

You see, every time you listen (and I mean truly listen), you’re saying, “You, my fabulous one, are the star of this show, and I’m here for it.” Isn’t that just the cat’s meow?

My Hoe-ly Advice

The next time your significant other is opening up about that annoying coworker or their latest project, resist the urge to plan your next hairdo. Dive deep into their narrative. React. Sympathize. Ask questions!

Then, weeks later, casually bring up something they mentioned. "Honey, did Janet from HR ever stop hogging the office espresso machine?" Watch their eyes light up with the realization that you're their biggest fan.

6. Compromise, But Don't Become a Doormat

Darlings, we’ve all been there. While your partner’s going on about his day, your mind is wandering to what you'll wear for the next fabulous brunch or pondering the latest shade of nail polish. But, sweethearts, lend me those diamond-encrusted ears for a second: there’s an art to truly hearing your partner, and it's hotter than the latest fashion trend.

You see, every time you listen (and I mean truly listen), you’re saying, “You, my fabulous one, are the star of this show, and I’m here for it.” Isn’t that just the cat’s meow?

Bitchy Yet Loving Advice

he next time your significant other is opening up about that annoying coworker or their latest project, resist the urge to plan your next hairdo. Dive deep into their narrative. React. Sympathize. Ask questions!

Then, weeks later, casually bring up something they mentioned. "Honey, did Janet from HR ever stop hogging the office espresso machine?" Watch their eyes light up with the realization that you're their biggest fan.

7. Self-Care Isn't Selfish, It's Essential

Sugarplums, we all adore the all-consuming whirlwind romance – nights out dancing till dawn, lazy mornings wrapped in Egyptian cotton, brunches that stretch into evenings. Divine, right? But, darling, if you're constantly pouring the champagne of your energy into the relationship goblet without refilling, you'll be left with a dry and rather un-sparkly glass.

Think of self-care as that sequined clutch you bring out for special occasions. Necessary? Absolutely. Glamorous? Beyond measure. Rejuvenating? You bet!

Drama Queen Proclamation

If your partner sulks every time you apply a face mask, exclaim, "Darling, I must keep up my radiant glow for both our sakes!" Ensure you have your solo moments – whether it's a luxurious bath, a meditative moment listening to your diva playlist, or a simple evening reading a salacious romance novel. When you return to your love cocoon, you'll be glowing brighter than a disco ball at Studio 54.

8. Saying "I Love You" at Just the Right Time

Now, my gorgeous peacocks, let's discuss the three words heavier than your grandma's fruitcake: "I Love You." While you may feel the urge to scream it from the rooftops after a magical date, timing is everything. Rushing might lead to a symphony of crickets, while waiting too long could see your love wilt like last week's roses.

Finding that perfect moment, when the stars align and the mood is more electric than your hair on a humid day, that’s where the magic is.

My Sizable Advice

If your partner blurts out their feelings during a commercial break while you're both engrossed in the latest reality TV drama, it’s okay to be taken aback. Take a sip of your wine, clear your throat and say, “Well, that was more unexpected than last week’s elimination!” Then, when the time feels right for you, respond with your heart's true feelings.

And here's a sprinkle of practicality: Create moments that are intimate and special. Little pockets of time where you both can be vulnerable. Perhaps a cozy picnic under the stars or a walk along the beach at sunset. Places where the heart feels at ease to express its depth.

9. Unexpected Surprises: The Pizzazz We All Need

Darling deities of love, let's be brutally honest. As much as we love routine (Hello, Tuesday Taco Night!), a surprise can snap us out of a relationship slump faster than a drag queen can find her light. And I'm not just talking about the clichéd bouquet of roses or that sparkly thing from that overpriced store. No, I'm beckoning you to think outside the heart-shaped box.

Why? Because nothing says, "You're my forever muse," quite like a whimsically unexpected jolt of joy.

My Pufterly Advice

Your partner opens their wardrobe, and a balloon floats out with a sassy note attached: "Just because it's Wednesday!" Or, suddenly, in the midst of a mundane grocery run, you whisk them away for an impromptu dance in the parking lot. Make it rain with creativity, honey!

Bitchin’ Tip: You want to be unpredictable, not unsettling. So maybe, just maybe, hold off on that 4 AM serenade beneath their window. There's a thin line between delightful surprise and an unexpected wake-up call that leaves everyone grumpy.

Jealousy: Let's Not Let Him Steal the Show

10. Jealousy: Let's Not Let Him Steal the Show

Roll out the red carpet, because jealousy often struts in unannounced, wearing the highest of heels and the darkest of shades. He's a diva, demanding all the attention, and, honestly, being a tad too dramatic even for our tastes. While a smidge of jealousy can add a zesty twist, letting it dominate your love story? Total party pooper.

Relationships thrive on trust, and constantly side-eyeing your partner's every move is about as enjoyable as wearing stilettos on a beach.

My Divaly Advice

If you find yourself green with envy because your partner laughed a bit too heartily at someone's joke, take a deep breath. Perhaps journal about your feelings or talk to a friend. And then, when you're ready, communicate. Not in a "Who was THAT and why did they make you laugh?" sort of way. More like, "Babe, I felt a bit off about that interaction, mind if we chat?"

If your partner is the one caught in the clutches of jealousy, lend them an ear but also set boundaries. You shouldn't have to tiptoe around or ditch friends to appease the green-eyed monster.

My Extra Advice: Laugh, Laugh, and Laugh Some More

Find joy in every nook and cranny. Be the couple that laughs at the silliest things, because those moments? Priceless! Start a silly tradition. Maybe a pillow fight every Sunday? Or impersonating your favorite divas every weekend?

And there you have it, darling! Ten Plus One fabulous tips to keep your love life spicier than a telenovela! Now go on, flaunt that relationship and make every moment count. Mwah!

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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