10 Reasons You Should Swim With Clothes On

by Joe Stammer // in Life

February 23, 2024

Are you tired of the same old swimwear routine? Do you want to try something new and exciting this summer? Well, why not take a dip in the pool or ocean with your clothes on! Yes, you read that right. Contrary to popular belief, swimming with clothes on has many benefits that you may have never considered before. From staying warm to protecting yourself from the sun, there are several reasons why you should give it a try. So grab your favorite outfit and let's dive into 10 reasons why swimming with clothes on is worth considering.

10 Reasons You Should Swim With a Clothes On

10 Reasons You Should Swim With a Clothes On

Did You Know?

  • Drowning Prevention: Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide, with an estimated 236,000 annual deaths (WHO). Swimming with clothes can be part of survival swimming training.
  • Survival Swimming Skills: Only 56% of Americans can perform all five basic swimming skills, which could include swimming in clothes for safety (Red Cross).
  • UV Protection: Typical summer clothing provides an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) of about 6.5, significantly reducing UV exposure while swimming (Skin Cancer Foundation).
  • Water Safety Training: Military and lifeguard training programs often include swimming in full uniform or gear, simulating real-life rescue conditions.
  • Swimwear Market Size: The global swimwear market was valued at approximately $18.9 billion in 2020, suggesting a wide range of available swim attire, including UV-protective clothing (Allied Market Research).

1. You'll Be More Comfortable

Let's face it, sometimes swimming in a swimsuit can be uncomfortable. The tightness of the fabric and the constant readjusting can take away from your overall experience. However, when you swim with clothes on, you'll immediately feel more comfortable. Clothes are designed to fit loosely and provide breathability which is perfect for swimming.

Not only that but wearing clothes also provides an added layer of protection against any potential chafing or irritation caused by contact with pool chemicals or saltwater. This means that you'll be able to enjoy your time in the water without worrying about any discomfort.

Another great thing is that you don't have to worry about exposing too much skin if you're not comfortable doing so. You can wear a t-shirt over your swimsuit or even choose to swim fully clothed if that makes you feel more at ease.

This allows for maximum comfort and flexibility while still enjoying all the benefits of taking a dip in the water.

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2. It's More Sanitary

Swimming is a great way to cool off and stay active during the summer months. However, not everyone may feel comfortable swimming without some sort of clothing on. Whether it's due to personal preference or cultural reasons, wearing clothes while swimming can actually have some benefits.

One of the main advantages is that it can be more sanitary than swimming in just a swimsuit. This is especially true for public pools or beaches where there are many people using them throughout the day. Clothing acts as an extra layer between your skin and any potential bacteria or germs in the water.

Additionally, when you wear clothes while swimming, they absorb sweat and body oils that would otherwise end up in the pool water. This helps keep the pool cleaner and safer for everyone who uses it.

Wearing clothes also provides a physical barrier between your private areas and other individuals around you which can reduce exposure risks from unwanted touching or accidental bumping.

Choosing to swim with clothes on may seem unconventional but It's definitely worth considering if you're concerned about staying clean & hygienic while enjoying time at public places.

Just make sure to choose appropriate attire for optimal comfort!

Life's a pool. Dive in, swim hard, float sometimes.

Life's a pool. Dive in, swim hard, float sometimes.

Keep swimming, even when the current gets tough.

Keep swimming, even when the current gets tough.

Did You Know?

  • Thermal Protection: Wearing clothes can help retain body heat in cold water, potentially preventing hypothermia. Water below 70°F (21°C) starts to lower body temperature (National Center for Cold Water Safety).
  • Drag Resistance: Clothes increase drag in water, which can enhance workout intensity and improve strength and endurance over time.
  • Skin Protection: Clothing can protect against abrasions or stings from marine life, with jellyfish stings accounting for up to 150 million incidents annually worldwide (National Science Foundation).
  • Cultural Practices: In certain cultures, modest swim attire is preferred or required, influencing swimwear choices for millions of people globally.
  • Emergency Preparedness: In emergency situations, such as shipwrecks or floods, being able to swim in clothes is a critical survival skill.

3. You Can Save Water

Swimming is a great way to cool down during hot weather, but did you know that it can also help save water? When people swim in their bathing suits, they are constantly losing water through evaporation. By swimming with clothes on, the amount of water lost decreases significantly.

Wearing clothes while swimming creates an additional layer between your skin and the surrounding environment. This barrier helps to retain moisture and prevent excessive loss of body fluids. Not only does this contribute to the preservation of natural resources, but it also reduces the need for constant refilling or draining of pools.

Moreover, when you wear clothes while swimming in public places like community pools or resorts, you may encourage others to adopt such practices too. In turn, this could raise awareness about saving precious resources like water and make more people environmentally conscious.

In addition to all these benefits, there's another reason why wearing clothes while swimming could be beneficial: it encourages creativity! You can experiment with different fabrics and styles - just be sure not to choose anything too heavy that might weigh you down.

So next time you go for a swim consider leaving your bathing suit behind and opt for some stylish yet practical clothing instead!


Who says you can't make a splash in fashion?

Who says you can't make a splash in fashion?

4. You'll Be More aerodynamic

Swimming is all about gliding through the water with as little resistance as possible. This is where being aerodynamic comes in handy. By wearing clothes while swimming, you can increase your streamline and reduce drag.

When you swim with clothes on, the fabric will hug your body more closely than a swimsuit would. This means that there are fewer loose edges to create friction against the water. As a result, you will be able to move faster and more efficiently through the water.

Another benefit of wearing clothes while swimming is that they can help maintain proper body position and alignment. Clothes provide extra buoyancy which helps keep your hips up high in the water, reducing drag caused by sinking legs and improving overall efficiency.

The type of clothing you wear also matters when it comes to being aerodynamic in the water. A tight-fitting shirt or leggings made from materials like spandex or Lycra will have less drag than baggy cotton t-shirts or shorts.

In summary, by opting to swim with clothes on instead of a traditional swimsuit, you'll be able to cut through the water faster thanks to increased streamline and reduced drag caused by loose fabric flapping around in the pool!

Did You Know?

  • Fabric Technology: Advances in fabric technology mean that certain clothes are designed to be lightweight and quick-drying, making them more suitable for swimming.
  • Swimming Lessons: Some swimming lessons for children include sessions wearing clothes to teach them how to react if they fall into water unexpectedly.
  • Buoyancy: Clothes, especially those made from buoyant materials, can aid in flotation to some extent, offering support for beginner swimmers.
  • Injury Prevention: Wearing protective clothing can prevent cuts and scrapes when swimming near rocks or coral reefs.
  • Search and Rescue Operations: SAR teams practice in full gear, which includes clothing, to prepare for real-life rescue operations in various water conditions.
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5. You'll Stay Warmer

Swimming in cold water can be a daunting task, and it's even worse if you're not used to the temperature. But did you know that swimming with clothes on can actually help keep you warmer? Here are some reasons why:

Firstly, wearing clothes creates an insulating layer of warm air between your skin and the fabric. This trapped air acts as an effective barrier against the cold water, helping to retain your body heat and keeping you feeling cosy.

Additionally, wet clothes tend to dry more slowly than bare skin because they trap moisture. As this moisture evaporates from the surface of your clothing, it cools down slightly which reduces heat loss from your body. This process helps keep you warmer for longer periods while reducing chills.

Furthermore, wearing tight-fitting garments such as wetsuits or dive suits not only provides additional insulation but also prevents water circulation that could cause further cooling effects.

It's important to note that staying warm is vital when swimming in cold water conditions because prolonged exposure can lead to hypothermia which is a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment.

By taking advantage of these benefits provided by wearing clothes while swimming; maintaining warmth during chilly swims becomes much easier without compromising on safety!


Guess I missed the dress code memo.

Guess I missed the dress code memo. Do I care? Not really.

6. You'll Be More Flotation

You'll be more buoyant. This is because the clothing acts as an extra layer of insulation, trapping air next to your skin and creating a barrier between you and the water.

But it's not just about staying afloat – increased flotation can also improve your swimming technique. With less effort required to keep yourself above water, you'll have more energy to focus on your strokes and movements.

In fact, some swimmers even wear specific clothing items or accessories designed for enhanced flotation during competitions or training sessions.

Additionally, wearing clothes while swimming can be especially beneficial for those who struggle with floating due to body composition or other factors. The added buoyancy from clothing could help these individuals stay comfortable and confident in the water.

Did You Know?

  • Swimming Pools and Chlorine Exposure: Swimming with a UV-protective shirt can reduce skin exposure to chlorine, potentially decreasing the risk of skin irritation or sensitivity.
  • Popularity of Open Water Swimming: Open water swimming has seen an increase in popularity, with clothing choices varying widely based on conditions, from wetsuits to more casual, protective gear.
  • Environmental Awareness: Some swimmers choose eco-friendly swimwear, including clothes made from recycled materials, to reduce their environmental impact.
  • Psychological Comfort: For some, wearing clothes while swimming provides a sense of security and confidence, encouraging more regular participation in water activities.
  • Global Swim Safety Initiatives: Organizations worldwide promote swimming education and safety, which includes the ability to swim under various conditions, including clothed, to enhance water competency.

7. You Can Protect Yourself From the Sun

Wearing clothing while swimming can help block out harmful UV rays and prevent sunburns. It's especially important if you have fair or sensitive skin that burns easily. Even if you're wearing sunscreen, adding an extra layer of protection can go a long way in keeping your skin healthy.

But what about getting tan? Don't worry – there are plenty of options for swimwear that still allow for tanning without exposing too much skin to the sun. Look for bathing suits with cutouts or mesh panels that show just enough skin while still protecting vulnerable areas like your shoulders and back.

Another benefit is that it can help keep you cooler in hot weather by blocking out direct sunlight. This means you'll be able to spend more time in the water without feeling overheated or uncomfortable.

Additionally, covering up while swimming can help prevent premature aging caused by excessive sun exposure. Sun damage can lead to wrinkles and age spots over time, so taking steps now to protect your skin will pay off in the long run.

Wearing clothes while swimming gives you another opportunity to express yourself through fashion. There are endless possibilities when it comes to swimwear – from bold patterns and bright colors to classic neutrals and vintage-inspired designs. So why not make a statement while staying safe in the sun?

Drown in doubt or swim in strength.

Drown in doubt or swim in strength.

Sink or swim, life demands choice.

Sink or swim, life demands choice.

8. You Can Avoid Sand and Other Debris

Swimming at the beach can be an enjoyable experience, but it can also be a hassle when sand and debris get into your swimsuit. Luckily, there is a simple solution: swim with clothes on! Not only will you avoid any unwanted sand or debris getting inside your clothes, but it will also prevent any irritation that might occur from abrasive materials.

You can also protect yourself from potential hazards in the water such as jellyfish or sharp rocks. The extra layer of clothing acts as a barrier between your skin and anything harmful lurking beneath the waves.

Moreover, wearing clothes while swimming can save you time and energy spent cleaning up after a day at the beach. Sand has a way of finding its way into every nook and cranny of your belongings - shoes, bags, towels - making for an unpleasant post-beach clean-up routine. By keeping your swimsuit covered with clothing during your dip in the ocean, you'll eliminate one less thing to worry about when packing up for the day.

While it may seem unconventional to swim fully clothed; doing so offers many benefits apart from saving time invested in removing sand particles that stick around irritatingly long after leaving the shore.

9. You May Look More Stylish

When we think of swimming attire, we normally picture swimsuits or trunks, but why limit ourselves to just that?

By wearing different pieces of clothing like a t-shirt, shorts or leggings while swimming, you can create unique and fashionable looks. You could even match your swimwear to your outfit for a coordinated look.

Not only will this help you stand out from the crowd at the beach or poolside, but it also allows you to express your personal style in a new way. It's an opportunity to experiment with different textures and colors that may not typically be associated with traditional swimwear.

Your clothes provides greater coverage than regular swimwear which some people find more comfortable. For those who prefer modesty over revealing bathing suits; choosing what they wear while taking a dip means feeling confident instead of self-conscious.

In addition to looking great and feeling comfortable in what you're wearing while swimming; mixing up your wardrobe can help protect against harmful UV rays as well as sand irritation if you’re at the beach.

Dare yourself by being creative when picking out what outfit would suit best for water activities -  just remember when selecting fabrics: choose materials that are breathable yet fast-drying so as not to weigh or drag down once wet; Think about styles that won't restrict movement too much such as loose-fitting shirts so there’s no compromise in comfortability nor mobility!

10. Swimming Can Be Easier

If you're hesitant about giving it a try, remember that swimming can actually be easier when you have clothing on. The added buoyancy and drag reduction can help improve your technique and make your strokes more efficient.

So next time you hit the pool or beach, consider leaving your swimsuit at home and jumping in fully clothed. You might just find that it's a new experience - one that's both enjoyable and beneficial for your health!

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About the author 

Joe Stammer

I'm an ex-narcotic with a stutter, dedicated to helping drug addicts on their path to recovery through writing. I offer empathy and guidance to those who are struggling, fostering hope and resilience in their pursuit of a substance-free life. My message to those struggling is simple - seek help, don't waste your life, and find true happiness.

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